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Chapter 546, rich people will really play

Xu Zun said, Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain have their hearts.

, .

"Xu boss, you are a fight against the country ... oh!"

The big pillar is fast, saying his heart. But I don't want his voice to just fall, Zhang Agia took a slap in his head.

"Mixing things, don't say eight. What is the identity of the people? If you can't understand, you can't understand it. Boss, can you call the fight, you have to ask for treasure. I don't understand, Zhang Qi's mouth is talking. "

Zhang Aga seems to be fierce, in fact, Xu Qianming, he is in protecting the big column.

In the society, I touched it, I have seen a lot of bad faces in the next level. Zhang A is not a small young man like a big column. He is more understanding that it is a disaster.

One didn't pay attention to the wrong sentence, it is likely to provoke a big disaster.

Xu Yun said that Zhang A is not so nervous: "Nothing is old, it is a self-owned person, no need to see. You think, if I don't take you as my own, how can this matter?"

In the case of it, Zhang Aga thinks so.

Such as Xu Yu's big boss, Zhang Agong does not think he will lack the people who can call, but some things are not a lot of people, but do not trust.

It seems that I am still having some components here.

Zhang Ah is not existing in the heart.

He patted his chest to ensure: "The boss, you can rest assured, don't worry, but from the ground, find something is the craft of the ancestors, you are assured to give me."

Bai Mountain listened to it, looked at it, silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to brush, it is really that he didn't understand Xu Qian called him for something.

To say that A big, you can help people who determine accurate positions, then he is asking him?

Many years of experience told Bai Mountain. When you don't understand one thing, it is a correct choice to talk.

The big column did not dare to scream, and the dog weddishly smiled. I don't know if he smiles in the eyes of the big pillar, it is not a taste of the latter, and I always feel that the dog is taunting him.

Young people are full of fire, and sometimes, even if they will know, they can't help but speak.

"Dog, you are laughing at me?"

The dog is busy shaking his head: "I didn't laugh at you, I think I have an old watch in the international vision of the old table when I work in Shenzhen. Master brother, do you say that this is the international perspective?"

"You said this, it's true."

Zhang Alde thoughtfully heard his head. He wanted to shoot Xu Yun's horsel, and he would like to boast from his own boss, and Mondai didn't like to engage in these fallen brain.

Xu Qian said to Zhang A Da: "I got the picture and the places now the topographic pictures are here, the old Zhang You have rich experience, help me find it. Waiting for us to go to the rice, go see."

Said, he also looked at Baishan: "The mountain, this time does not have to trouble the old Zhang, but you have to make you feel free."

Bai Mountain hurriedly said: "Do things you talk."

"The country is a place for others, although I have already bought it, belonging to my private territory, anyone can take reasonable measures without my allowance. But more things are not as small as a little, I need You help look at the point, those thieves don't touch, or you can tell me, can you identify me? "

It turned out that I was for this.

Bai Mountain listened to Xu Yun's meaning, isn't it to let his mixer discriminate his own class?

This is simple.

Don't say what he is a domestic mixer, the rice is a foreign mixer, the foreign mixer is not a mixer?

As long as it is a mixer, the characteristics are all connected, and their disguise has been eloquent, but they are not hovering.

Xu Yun told Bai Mountain: "I am buying the manor. I need to hire a lot of workers. The law in the place of the Detroit is not good. There are many guys in the mix. I don't want someone to add chaos in the early construction."

What pre-construction is not that you let Zhang Agre find the underground baby for you.

The Bai Mountain is translucent, and Xu Qian's words are euphemistic, and it is also the matter.

But he will not refuse and quite excitement.

"Digging underground in China, there is a sneak, because it breaks the law. In the country to dig the underground, it will be light and big, so that the capitalism is not all the sonistic people. Boss, you will be good, I must not let the foreign mixers have broken your business. "

The words are beautiful, but the Bai Mountain is a bit worried.

It is said that the folks of the rice are not can't help but meet the spray, can it be?

Fortunately, Xu Yun has long been considering this. He pointed to He Xing: "This He Xing, he will arrange enough staff to listen to you. I am in the country industry, in order to ensure the safety of these industries, in a family Pushing the company's participation. You don't have to worry about those mixers, after all, the company's preservation companies will make their employees to hold a gun certificate. "

Open your own laptop, Xu Yun opens a folder, point out the picture inside. He asked Bai Mountain and Zhang Anda: "Old rice is not banned, I just interested in these men's toys, I deliberately collect some. If you have any interest, if there is, I will bring it, you can quietly play for fun."

Looking at the picture, Zhang A Dale looked at the hand, this thing he didn't dare to touch, the white hill larynge hair, the vest is cool.

That shelf, a gun, a variety of models, and a pistol, the attack, the machine guns, and more destiny, there is also an iron steamed.

Say it is a collection, you will have a password of the arsenal.

Bai Mountain can only be worshiped - rich people will really play.

Looking at the performance of the two in the eyes, Xu Qian knows that the purpose of shocking them has reached.

The wealth is moving.

People are a very strange thing, some things know that they can't do it, but when the huge wealth suddenly appears in front of the front, if there is not enough shock, who knows that Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain will not be smoked.

Xu Qian can happen if there is an unpleasant thing.

I yawned, leaving a few people who were still surprised, Xu Yuan went to the lounge.

After all, it is too loving during the day, even if Xu Qiangqiang also needs to add sleep.

Zhang A, who left, did not dare to delay, he called the big pillar and started to paint in the area of ​​the information to Xu.

As soon as the Bai Mountain and the dog, there is no matter if you wait while waiting for chatting.

Bai Mountain asked the dog baby: "Dog, the old Zhang tells you, you are the buddies in our shop."

"My uncle said to me, he said that the bag was eaten, and I also gave me four hundred wages."

The dog is laughing very simple.

Bai Mountain still motivates him: "Not only, you will give you a bonus at the end of the year, which can be much stronger than you are outside."

Speaking of the work, the dog's mouth is depressed: "I heard that the people of Guangdong Province is called a prostitute when I am in my hometown, no one calls me when I went to the Guangdong Province. The old table does not call me. Although I am called Yu Mao. Dashi, you tell me, is I lied? "

Bai Mountain couldn't help but laugh: "You are trying to call you a thousand miles to go to the Guangdong province. As a result, it encountered a group of old tables, and the old woman was running back to the hometown. Pavilion work? Hahahaha ... "

This is not only a laughing in Bai Mountain, and he is also laughing.

Although he is very professional training, it will not laugh, but this is not to help it.

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