Almighty sign in

Chapter 561 Fan Jinzhong ... Award

The time of the new film of the Pixin Studio at night, during the day, Pixi TV station first attracted a wave of attention.

For the elderly, I have been paying attention to Xu Yun, I have waited for too long. On this day, thousands of old rice guards in front of the TV, just to see if they were lucky.

Turn on TV and transfer to the channel of Pixie TV, and the old rice provides the ratings for the UN TV station.

Since it is expected that this lottery live broadcast will usher in the peak of ratings, people who are responsible for operating TV stations have long sold the advertising and time of the soldier.

I still have to wait for the Xu'an winning prize, I don't know, the lottery has not started, Xu Qian did not earn a bonus back without spending a penny, but also a small.

This is a typical buying not sold.

You think you account for a cheap, in fact you in the first floor, the seller is in the fifth floor.

What is the situation of the TV show?

The speech of the audience of Huaxia said: "Serious protest in the advertisement in advertising TV programs."

The world's crows is generally black, and the situation here is also the same.

As long as it is a high feature, it will look forward to the prolonged program, so that more advertisements are sold, earn more money.

Of course, because of the experience of experience, the old rice is deeper, and they will extend the programs while trying to ensure the appeal of the audience, rather than the TV stations like Huaxia, let the audience complain.

The old rice audience before the TV saw Xu Yun's figure in the TV, but Xu Yung did not directly draw, but waiting for the staff to return to the goods that shipped the item.

In order not to let the atmosphere cold field, in order to let the audience know what they are doing, the host of the Pixi TV station fulfilled their own job, and the introduction of it.

Through her introduction, the numbers know that Zhu Zhong has bought a new machine to assemble a new machine in order to ensure the fairness of the lucky draw.

"You can see that our machine has not opened it, they all run in the form of parts. Please take a closer look, there are manufacturers' seals, packaging is not moving ..."

So sincerity, I won the good feelings of my numbers in an instant.

When a lens swept himself, Xu Zhong always smiles.

I can brush it in the old rice, let Xu Yen find the feeling of playing the game brush, he is interested in this.

Assembling the machine is not short, but the old rice is very patient. Although they also think about it, I don't want to have a fair environment?

Once this kind of bio-interest is involved, people who have an emergency temper will become patient.

The staff did not panic, the host was selling, and Xu Qian looked at the drums of Luoli, and finally waited for him to officially debut.

In order to make money, I am also engraved enough.

Xu Zhong shouted her own.

In order to make money, not cold.

I spent two hours alone, how much time does the thousands of spectators add up?

If you account for this account, Xu Qian is profitable.

Before walking to the machine that has been debugged, Xu Qian knows that herself in this moment, and countless rice people look at themselves through the TV.

At this time, Xu Qian didn't worry. He only said that he didn't panic: "I believe that everyone has seen, after two hours of hardships and debugging, a new lottery machine is born. I I believe that the fairness and impartiality of this lottery have sufficient guarantees because the entire process is presented in front of everyone through the camera. "

"Okay, there is not much nonsense. I have to wait until the TV set, I want to know which lucky one will be smoked today. This may be to change someone in you, even a family fate. One day. "

Then, Xu Qian did not drag the water, and took it directly on the button.

The sound drawer was started, and the lottery in the lottery pool began no rules, and the countless old rice heart in the TV was held in front of the TV. Dancing with the beats of the small rounds.

The old rice is holding the note in his hand, and the number of movie tickets they purchased is written. The eyes are not blusing, staring at the TV screen, praying in the heart, tough: "Zhong, middle, in……"

As far as they appear, there is no different performance when the lottery of Huaxia is waiting for the lottery.

I only bought a movie ticket, I just need to pay attention to a goal, but those who bought a lot of movie tickets, only to give myself a pair of eyes, but I couldn't see it.

I hope, I hope, spring is coming ... well, it is the first round ball, which indicates that the first number of lottery today is announced.

At this moment, this round of little cute focused on countless rice people's eyes.

Many people don't consciously join the TV, as if I can see it faster.

The blending seems to know the urgent mood of the audience, and it is very decisive to show an advertisement, provoked countless mom.

It is also spelling this in order to earn money.

Xu Qian secretly poked this good staff: the same taste, the same formulation, the same ... Improper people.

Good advertisements are very short, when the screen is returned to the lottery site, the audience will continue to get close to the camera's adjustment, and finally give the ball a big close-up.

Through the camera, the number on the round ball is clearly presented on the TV screen.

"Haha, the first number is the same as me, I have a chance."

Some people are happy.

"Oh, NO!"

Some people.

The first number of the movie ticket number is not right, this group of people are out. They or hold their heads, or they are chattering.

There are also hopeful people to play spirit and continue to pay attention to the lottery number.

The machine is different from people, and the ruthless draw machine will not stop because people need to see the numbers. Following the first round, there is a second, third, fourth ... or even more balls roll out.

The number of winning numbers was filled with a one, the answer was announced in a number of numbers, and the elimination of the proceeds was also increased. At the same time, there are people who have a winning hope of winning and faster, and the whole person is getting more and more nervous.

Finally, the last sphere rolled out.


The answer was announced at this moment.

When Xu Qian said the number on the last round, some people had a punch and broke the TV screen, and some people had a glass of their own glass.

A number of difference, the last number is the last number.

"Ah, damn!"

Someone laughed at the end.

"Hahaha ... I am in, I am there!"

A stock agent of the New Handling Office After reading the tweet information sent by the mobile phone, suddenly slammed the phone on the ground, smashed a powder. It's a horrified person around the people who shocked, this moment he fans into the attachment.

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