"Yes, the winner is me, a stock agent of the New Holding Office, Harris."

"Yes, I am the lucky one in your mouth."

In the TV screen, it is a beautiful face, a white man is proud of his banking SMS, and the number of turns to transfer to countless people, can't get it.

It is not a white, and that the white man does not converge, he faces the lens interviewed by Pixin Television reporters. He is still boasting: "Don't think that I only rely on luck, in fact, I rely on my mind. "

Refers to his head, the white man is chattering against the camera: "When I know the promise of the audience, I use my smart brain and immediately, even if I have a lot of money, it is better than buying lottery tickets. The big prize is higher, so when Pixi pre-sells the movie ticket of their next movie, I am the first batch of buyers. "

"Unlike other purchases, I bought a movie ticket. You have to know that only one hundred of the movie ticket winning is not more than one hundred. This is the same as stock, you have to be willing. Investing, don't make a fortune? When you are happy to buy a pre-sale movie ticket, the smart Harris has used his smart brain to improve the prize chance. Method, and use his excellent execution to put it into action. "

Harris is boasting yourself, taking the tips of others telling yourself a successful way, that is very forgotten, really wants to give him a shuttle.

"This old rice is not inexpensive. After winning, it is not worried about it."

Xu Zhong turned off the TV and walked outside the door.

It is said that if you want to ask Xu Qian 's attitude, he is naturally a hands-on Harris's behavior.

Harris's high-profile becomes a boost, and his face is more under the flat, the more people can see, the more people want to play his face. At the same time, there will be more people want to be him.

Can be on TV, can install a chance in front of thousands of audiences, which old rice does not want?

And I want to turn into the second Harris, the order is quite stupid, the probability of winning is really too small.

Xu Qian believes that Harris is such a successful example in front, 'smart', will send people unfolded enthusiasm. One person is more vote, repeatedly purchased the behavior, will let the Pixi studio benefit from the box office, which can help the stock price of the blind box company.

When I went to the door, I saw that the sky was not bright, but many people were waiting.

Today is the day of the blind box, there are many people playing early.

They have people from China to Xiaoxiao Media, although there is no adjustment of even the time, these people are flying, excited faces are not seen on the face.

Xu Qian raised his hand to hello to him: "Teacher Ge, Ming Uncle, there is Jun Qi, Zi Yi ... you are all earlier than me."

Whether it is famous, still not famous, whether it is a big star or a small artist, as long as it is a Xiao Xiao's media, Xu Yun is called.

It turns out that people who are in high position will be quite happy when they are willing to lose their identity.

As the boss, Xu Yung did not fall to any employee, did not ignore you because you have different positions in the company, which makes everyone feels respect. In particular, Zhao Junqi, the newcomers like them, but also add a few points in the company.

Zheng Jiajia and the Flower Sister collected the company's public artists.

"It's not the boss, you can't sleep, you can't sleep, get too early. Boss, you see it, this day is not bright."

It refers to the sky that has not yet been bright, Zheng Jiajia said.

Xu Yun Yuji: "The place in the country is different from China. The security here is very difficult to say that the artists who warn the company are very concerned."

In China, you can sit in the roadside and rest assured in the morning, you can take a look at the night, see a good man who can encounter a few wave.

Many people in the country are too small to understand the rice. They always think that the old rice is more developed, everything is better than domestic, waiting to have a loss to regret.

Xu Qian can have the same experience as the employees of their own artists and the company.

Hua Sister explained: "The boss is relieved, here is the rich area, the law is not bad. And I and Zheng always constrain people in the hotel, will not let them go out."

"That is the best."

With Zheng Jiajia and Flower, they said that they have explained the precautions, waiting until the two left, Xu Qian has already standing three beautiful women.

Tang Wei took Xu Yun's arm, Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaotou left one right, the three women almost the space next to Xu Qianzhong.

Many female artists who have ideas for Xu Qian have seen this trend, hate tooth itch.

"These three women have actually teamed up, , don't face, fox."

"The boss is the boss of everyone, how can they like this!"

Over-good listening is sometimes inconvenient, such as now, many leisurely broken words Xu You can not hear it.

For those faces, I can't see any malicious, but I whispering in the corner, I still have a woman who sweeping it from time to time, Xu Yuanfei, but can't reveal them, but also to hold if there is anything, I can put him. It's hard to get it.

I am just a director. It is also a director skill. It is not an actor. How did I speak?

"I should be in the room, shouldn't be here."

Xu Yun said.

Although his voice is small, Tang Wei is very clear.

Tang Wei did not have traces, and he was ignorant on his waist.

Yang Xiaomi is a smile and laughing in Xu Qian ear: "My boss is old, today, you are happy."

This is as if it is right, carefully pondering but ambiguous.

This goblin!

Paying attention to Xu Yun's heart, Yang Xiaomi, this goblin, I heard that she sticked the boss, today I have met.

The female star of the entertainment circle is confident, especially aspects of their personal conditions.

Someone asks you know that you can do things in Yang Xiaomi, they can do it.

In the eyes of these women, Xu Qian is like Tang Yan, who is going to Westerly, is called a fragrance. The female goblin, the female bodhisattva wants to pounce, even if I take the initiative to send, I will do it again.

Xu Qian glanced at Yang Xiaomi, warning this little goblin not to play with fire, otherwise she can't afford it.

Then he saw a quiet Zhao Xiao.

Since I saw Xu Yung, although the eyebrows were very excited, they didn't have much. Her quiet allowed her to be casual when Tang Wei and Xu Zen, and it is different from Yang Xiaomi's enthusiasm for Xu Qian, so that Xu Zhong will never ignore her.

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