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Chapter 598 This is not filial piety

Q: What should I do if I have been blocked by a female parents after I have finished eating? Online is waiting, urgent, urgent!

Attachment: The other party is a police officer and a gun, I am not cool?

Xu Qi felt that he was very dangerous.

Do you want to have no bullets in his gun?

Lao Yang didn't come late, how can I come at this time? It's really a Qiao her mother to open the door - smart.

It is good to have Yang Xiaomi's air leakage small cotton jacket, otherwise Xu Qian is really difficult.

Introducing Old Yang to walk, Yang Xiaomi is in his words: "Comrade Old Yang, how did you come here?"

Lao Yang Hu is a face, and the hard border is back: "You are so big, and the truck team is a restaurant, can there be no mass reaction?"

Just listen to the first sentence, Yang Xiaomi was scared, this Nizi is still in the heart: movement and quiet? No, we are clearly important.

Later, I know that it is such a thing.

"Let's move some items, please make a dining, who is it?"

Yang Xiaomi is unhappy.

How do you have so many good things in the world? We have no relationship with them from a moving, and they are fell, they are not to find things.

"What do you know!" Lao Yang training her daughter did not give a feeling, "Maintaining the responsibility of the security of the security, the masses have enough consciousness is a good thing, why do you not be happy?"

"Get, talk about the truth, I have a set, I said you, you have the ability to talk to my mother, and I shake in front of me."

Lao Yang was almost not coming.

This is not filial!

He did not pay attention to his attention was taken by Yang Xiaomi, so that Yang Xiaomi is here.

Originally, Yang Yao is rushing, Yang Xiaomi and Xu Zhong have no time to serve, it is true that Old Yang asked, Yang Xiaomi said with a great possibility that Yang Xiaomi said, it is certainly in the experience of many years of experience. It is not right, and the small cotton jacket in Nai's family is too understanding to him, and the birthplace comrades.

Being this, there is a lot of time.

When Lao Yang has to mention the previous question, and why Yang Xiaomi is lying on his home, and it is clear that he has received his business in the field, he has been received in the courtyard.

At this time, Xu Yun's voice came from a house: "Xiaomi, who is knocking?"

As soon as I heard Xu Yun's voice, Lao Yang's vigilance rose straight, he looked at his daughter, and I was worried that her own cabbage was given.

Yang Xiaomi replied: "It is Old Yang, he is responsible for the public security of this area."

"Yang police official?"

Lao Yang saw a lot of room in a house, Xu Yun saw in the door, the eyes of the two met.

"It's really Yang police officer." Xu Yun was very appropriate to surprise a surprised, he asked Yang Xiaomi, "Is you informing Yang police official?"

"I haven't come yet, it is he received by the people. Your ship's team is too flat, and people look straight. I told you that our North is in this tide area. , Nothing else, the enthusiastic grandma is not old. "

Who else can the big name of the chaamo?


Xu Qian smiled and shook his head. It took the reason why Lao Yang will come, but also serve the blessings of the neighbors of the neighborhood.

Sure enough, mixing with others in a alley is not so convenient, no wonder the rich people like the circle.

It seems that the place of the county Wangfu is right.

Xu Qian said to Yang Xiaomi: "You will help me greeten Yang police officer, I changed the wet clothes again."

Some words say that you will appear in the mortuary, will not make people have a bad association.

Just like it now, he said that he changed his clothes, and the old Yang, which detected the skills, did not think about things. When Lao Yang wants to come, if there is a matter between Xu Qian and Yang Xiaomi, they will not say this.

In addition, Lao Yang also secretly observed Yang Xiaomi, did not find a panic, and she was very natural when she was talking to Xu Zen.

After the heart has judged, the old population hangs.

However, he ignored an extremely important thing, and that is a profession of Xu Qian and Yang Xiaomi.

Yang Xiaomi is an actor. Although her acting is not very good, she is a professional actor. This era can be famous actor's actress is on the level, not the lanes, after the extension of the scene, it can replace it. Batch industrial products. Xu Yun Billiona's identity is easy to let people forget the identity of his director, not to say his screenwird ability.

Two young people have cheated, come to sneak a four or five elderly people, don't talk about Wu De, the end is the world, morality, people are in ancient times.

Although the doubts in the heart, the old Yang is in cautious or have to figure out things. He asked Yang Xiaomi: "What is going on, it is honest."

"What can I still have to go, silly, I have dropped it, your daughter I want to pull him, I didn't pull it, and I was also in the pool."

Yang Xiaomi said that it seems that it is wrong. She turned her head to look at old Yang, "Comrade Old Yang, what do you mean, what you want to be ."

Old Yang is not a good bullying. He grabs another point of gun: "You still want to pull him? How high? How high? How high? Do you have a book? I can teach you to you with your mother. Have you listened to a few points? "

"Okay, you will save people, is it mirror? I heard you, I really doubt that you are a police officer."

"I am not just a police officer, I am still you. Dad teaches daughter, how do you have opinions? Don't think that you grow up, you can make money, you will be hard, I will tell you, you are always your Laozi. "

"Every time I said, I will use this trick, I ..."

Seeing that these two father women have to argue, Xu Qian is like a table, just out of the house. When he took a dry towel, he wiped the water beads on your hair. He asked: "Where are you singing?"

Then, he asked himself to answer: "Yes, I know, because of my business. Yang police officer, don't worry, my name is Xiaomi to help, her business is temporarily changed by the company Processing, you don't have to worry about breach of contract. "

Yang Xiaomi said in a gloomy glory: "You don't say this, our old Yang is not a fortune, two sleeves, the breeze, is not like our copper smell."

"What kind of copper odor is not copper, I didn't tell you about the money."

"The line is row, it is not a matter of money."

Xu Yuan stood up and played in the field. He rushed in the explanation of Old Yang: "You are also the public servant of the people, and the police officers are serving the people. You can't talk to you, you can't speak this. , The name of the oil and vinegar, Yang police officials still have to be. Yang police officer is conscientious for half a lifetime, can't be destroyed because you have a few words. You, you, you are potholes. "

Old Yang: "What is you with, not what you think."

Xu Qianlian looked: "I understand, don't be excited, I understand. Uncle, we have seen a few faces, I probably know that you are people, I will tell you, what you said,"

Old Yang: "..."

You know a fart, you know, you don't understand it.

Look at your expression, you absolutely think, my old Yang didn't talk about money!

Old Yang was quickly closed.

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