Almighty sign in

Chapter 599 is also very good.

How can things become this?

Old Yang is completely awkward. Why didn't he think that the painting wind becomes like this.

Obviously, he did not mention the money, and he did not think about it. It can be the current situation is that Xu Qian thought that his thoughts and money, and it has had a contradiction with Yang Xiaomi.

My old Yang is angry, two sleeves, how can it be a kind of person.

Old Yang wants to explain, but when he saw Xu Ya Na, "You don't say, I understand", he lost his interest in talking.

Some things explain is to cover up, and concealing is there.

Obviously, if it is obsessed with explanation, things will only be more and more black.

So, old Yang Si is not explained.

He did not pay attention to him when he was born, Yang Xiaomi and Xu Sheng quietly exchanged a eye.

Yang Xiaomi: Old Yang was rushed by us, and the attention was transferred, and would we continue to work harder?

Xu Sheng: That will definitely make persistent efforts, don't smash your dad, what should I do if he wakes up?

Not a Yan Double Eagle, don't go to the gun of others.

No wait for Old Yang, Yang Xiaomi said: "Old Yang is just right, Xu Yang is doing more attention to you. You will call you even if you haven't come, I will call you."

Said, Yang Xiaomi is a good time: "Your business is still you talk to the old Yang. You can rest assured, my old Yang is a good comrades, do things are very responsible."

Xu Sheng said: "Of course, I believe that Yang police officer, and believe in Yang police official."

I am a sentence, I can't insert the mouth, and his whole person is confused. Until, Xu Qian took him to the end of the House of Jianyuan, let him see a wooden box that has just been unpacked.

"If I have not guess, Yang police officers you receive the people who responded to them."

When the wooden box moves from the truck to the truck to the yard, it can be seen.

Lao Yang nodded: "Yes, the situation I received here is that there is a mass reaction, saying that there is a family who hired a lot of trucks, and a lot of wooden boxes who don't know what to install into your Sihe. I am worried about the situation, let me take a look. "

In fact, Xu Qian knows that there is a few points of thin names, and it has been affirmed by himself, and things may not be calm now. Let the old Yang Lai, that is, inquirism, know about the situation, so that someone is dishred behind them.

If you change the regular people, it's so big, you will not only one Old Yang.

"The box is open, you take it out of the things in the box." Lao Yang turned a circle, and he was full of empty boxes and cotton foam and other filled things. Knowing that light is to see these will not receive He asked Xu Qian, "What is in the box, will not say it."

When a police officer asked you, your box can not be said, no matter what you answer, can you still say, the result is the same - let him know what the box is in the box.

"I didn't want to be Zhang Yang, but who made you a millet, I can get out of the predicament, and I have lost your home for you."

Xu Zhong hesitated for a moment, doing a measure of threesome, so easy to decide.

"The box is moving in the three small wooden buildings in these three small wooden buildings. I can take you in and see, but you have to ensure that I have kept confidential to me."

Open a small door of a small wooden building, Xu Lun took the old Yang to go in.

", so many porcelain!"

Just went in, Old Yang was surprised to call.

A row of racks in the small wooden building, the top of the whole is all porcelain. The light is standing at the door, I am afraid that there are hundreds of hundreds.

This is just just to see, they only take a small part in the small wooden floor, more still inner miles.

It's also the old Beiping. Old Yang didn't eat pork, I haven't seen pigs yet?

That piece of rough looks also feel that other beautiful porcelain makes old Yang Xinzhong guess: These will not be antiques!

There are a lot of people who have been in contact with the old Yang Yang. He knows that there is a variety of hobbies of rich people. For example, like words, like jade, there is also love-free walnut ... Waiting, not In the event of a porcelain, it is not surprising.

"Old Yang, you can be careful, this small building porcelain is my little and small, all the price of the price of the real price."

Lao Yang heirlwered, he saw Yang Xiaomi and another girl who came toward him.

There is also a girl!

Lao Yang did not look at it. He found this girl's face, but also remembered that it was a play with his own daughter. The name is called Zhao Xiaoshi.

Zhao Xiaoshi's appearance made the old Yang clanted.

If you are in a lonely, you will have something to do, with the possibility of the third person's accident is too much.

It is always impossible for three people to mix together and not.

The hearts of the heart have an unique situation, and Lao Yang puts the minds in a business, he asked Xu Zen: "So, you have run a lot of porcelain. Song Porcelain, I know some good money, you are so much here, the quantity is too Big, where is it? I hope you can explain it. After all, they are all cultural relics, no regular and legal sources can not. "

It is not that Old Yang deliberately find it, it is really his responsibility.

The number of Song Porcelain in this small wooden building in Xu Yun is enough to open a museum, let alone two buildings.

So big, Old Yang, don't think Xu Qian is spending money to buy a beautiful porcelain in so many Song Dynasties.

But if you don't spend money, where did these porcelain come from?

I thought about thinking, Lao Yang was a little scared.

It would not be a big case that misunderstood missed.

If this is true, what is my family Xiaomi, it seems that she is also involved.

Xu Qian didn't know how rich the old play of Old Yang, or he will definitely understand why Yang Xiaomi will choose to do actors.

No way, people have born inherited, do not play talent advantages?

"Old Yang, don't want to be , my boss is so rich, how can I do a self-destructive future? His name has a golden cruise ship number luxury cruise, and the porcelain here is the ancient shipwreck found in the high seas. Fishing out. You said that such a source is not legal, is there a violation? "

"What is this?"

Old Yang is speaking.

This, this, this ... luck is also very good, let people be right.

"Of course, I have a lot of witnesses." Xu Yun told Old Yang, "The captain of the gold cruise number and crew is the parties, is the shipwreck they discovery, and you can find them, if you don't believe I can find them On the spot, right. Oh, yes, they are all people. "

"Is it a man?"

That's fine.

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