Almighty Student

Chapter 10650: World king


The price of the summer is made by the shadow. Although the Pozun Dan is precious, if the price is too high, it cannot be sold. Moreover, the meaning of the shadow is very simple, that is, to use the Pozun Dan to raise the status of the Realm King Dan.

Others come over and take a look.

The price of 50 billion Pozun Dan is very cost-effective. At this time, they will see the Realm King Dan on the side.

When they discover the price of this world king pill, they will be interested.

By the time.

They will also be interested in this world king Dan.

King of the world!

These two words appeared on the shops in summer.


He began to lie in to rest.

He is now.

It's really a lot of ease. Some time ago, it was really killing and struggling every day.

Now he can finally be quiet.

"Are you here so soon?" Xia's brows frowned. When someone stayed outside for a long time, or someone wanted to buy it, the store would remind him, and he just got up: "What do you want to buy?"

"Brother, what is this realm king Dan?" The first sentence of that person was to ask the summer realm king Dan.

"Good stuff!" Summer smiled slightly.

"The price of 500 billion is a bit high," the man said, looking at Xiaxia.

"Yes, it's not high, not high!!" Summer said.

"Don't explain the purpose of this medicine. Who dares to buy it? After all, it is 500 billion immortal crystals. There are not many people who can afford this price." The person reminded.

That's right.

Five hundred billion cents.

It is very difficult even for a venerable one to take it out.

Unless it is accumulated all the year round by big forces.


Xia Tian didn't plan to sell it originally: "Wishers take the bait!!"

"Okay, I want the Pozun Pill." That person is also very happy, 50 billion immortal crystals are still very cost-effective to buy the Pozun Pill, although it is impossible for him to directly break through to the Venerable. But it greatly increased his probability of breakthrough.

and so.

Pozun Dan is still very attractive to those who are about to break through to the noble ones.

50 billion immortal crystals are in hand.

"This money is really good." Summer said with emotion.

"It's so profitable. You have sold a loss. Pozun Pill is outside. It is not sold. Normally, even if someone sells 100 billion immortal crystals, you can't buy it." Ying reminded.

He wanted to use Pozun Dan to elevate the Realm King Dan.

and so.

If you sell it, you lose.

"No, it's earned, because I got these things in the treasure, the same as the ones I picked up for nothing." Xia's words were not bragging. He leaned on his eyes to cut open the time and space golden treasure chests.

Then get these things.

It's almost the same as picking.

"What you said is really easy. You must know which treasure is not a fight between life and death. Only one person can enter among hundreds of millions of people." Ying felt that Xia Tian said the treasure was too easy.

"Fortunately, it doesn't feel that big." Xia Xia smiled.

Then he took out the second pill.

Life protection pill.

"This is priced at 80 billion immortal crystals. This thing can save a person's life. Even if it is used by the Venerable, it is also very useful. Although the Venerable is almost useless, once they use it the day, it will be One more life." Ying reminded.

The Venerables have almost no natural enemies in Shenzhou, so it is impossible for them to die.

just now.

There will be no such danger.

But there are still some venerables who like to leave some life-saving cards for themselves, especially since so many things have happened in China recently.

Then this pill is different from Pozun Pill, which only attracts people below the Venerable.

And the life protection pill is attracted to even those above the venerable.

A Pozun Pill has just been sold here.

And it's still 50 billion immortal crystals.

The news spread quickly. Soon, a lot of people appeared at the stall in the summer, and even the owner of the stall next to it came to watch the excitement.

When they saw the life protection pill.

All of them started to boil.

Free trading field here.

Although there are occasionally some top-notch things, such as Pozun Pill and Life Protection Pill, this kind of thing will only appear in the territory of the heavens, because only the heavens have such top alchemists.

Only the top alchemists of the Celestial Clan can refine these top pill.

"I want it!!" A man shot quickly.

Bought Hu Ming Dan directly.

"It's selling really fast!" Xia sighed.

"Of course, these things are sold at a loss, and they will definitely sell soon." Ying reminded.


I'm not polite this time in summer.

Directly took out the remaining two Pozun Pills, one Life Protection Pill, and Guard God Pill, and placed them there.

"Pozun Pill 50 billion immortal crystals; Life Protection Pill 80 billion immortal crystals; Guardian Pill 100 billion immortal crystals." Summer put things there.

All at a loss!


Those people around saw with their own eyes that Xia Xia visited these pills, which caused quite a sensation. Xia Xia suddenly produced so many top-notch pills.

For an instant.

Everyone became interested in the word "Jiewang".

They are also very curious.

What kind of power is this world king?

Why are there so many good things.

More than two hundred people gathered directly around, and there were more than twenty Venerables.

The pills placed in the summer were also bought out, but the Realm King Pill was still untouched.

At last.

Three Pozun Pills earned 150 billion immortal crystals in the summer; two Life Protection Pills earned 160 billion immortal crystals in the summer, and one Guardian Pill earned 100 billion immortal crystals in summer. There are 410 billion immortal crystals.

Make a fortune!

"Here, earning fairy crystals is still very fast." A smile appeared on Xia's face.

So many fairy crystals!

It also made him very excited.

"These are all good things. It is natural to be able to sell so many immortal crystals. If it weren't for the sake of increasing the existence of the Realm King Dan, the total value would be much higher than it is now, but now the people here have already treated the Realm King Dan. They started to be interested, and they would also spread out about the Realm King Dan. Now Realm King Dan is too expensive and no one dares to make a move. But if this continues, even if the Real King Dan does not sell, many people will fix his value. At the position of 500 billion, even many people think that 500 billion cannot be bought elsewhere. "The method of shadow is very simple.

It is to treat the world king Dan as a hard price, and price this thing here.

"Two plants of Bashencao, one plant of 30 billion fairy crystals; four plants of Shen Lingzhi, one plant of 10 billion fairy crystals; four plants of God insect flower, one plant of 10 billion fairy crystals." Summer also puts himself on hand. Take out all the things.

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