Almighty Student

Chapter 10651: Celestial people are coming


They just sold so many good things in the summer, which has surprised everyone. On the one hand, they are guessing what kind of existence the world king is, whether it is a force or a person; on the other hand, they are also very concerned about this The immortal crystal, which is worth 500 billion yuan, became interested.

just now.

They brought out so many legendary ancient fairy grasses in the summer.

This made them very shocked.


The price is not high.


Although many people gathered this time, no one bought it.

"The immortal grass is not that easy to sell, because there are almost no strong alchemists and refiners in other places except the Celestial Clan, so they can't use them if they buy them, and if they want to resell them, they don't. It’s so easy. The Celestials are very hegemonic. Although the value of these ancient immortal grasses is very high, the Celestials will suppress the price. What the Celestials means is that if I don’t buy them, your immortal grasses are waste. If you don't go, you have to lower the price." Ying reminded.

He is very familiar with the working style of the Tianzu people.

All these years.

Celestial people have always done this.

They have a monopoly on all top existences. As long as you need the top things, you must have entered the Celestial Clan, so the people below dare not say anything about how the Celestial Clan sets prices.

Over the years, many people have also obtained some resources outside. The prices of these resources are very high, but in the end they can’t sell them, they can only sell to the Celestial people, although the Celestial people only monopolize 90% to 90%. Ninety-five top resources.

But even those who were left didn't dare to **** things from the Celestial Clan people.

and so.

The final price will not be very high.

Even if someone here wants to be an intermediary to make a difference, it is impossible.

"It seems that the ancient fairy grass is not easy to sell." Xia sighed.

"Well, don’t worry, these are all good things. Although the people here are afraid to buy them, there are so many top alchemists in the Celestial Clan, and the most lacking is this top-level fairy grass, so in the end, even if no one else does it, The Celestial Clan people will definitely take action." Ying still knows these things very well.

There are so many unspoken rules of Shenzhou, and he has suffered some losses.

So with these experiences.

"Heavenly people, interesting!" A faint smile appeared on Xia's face.

Although he has also seen the Celestial Clan people, but the Celestial Clan people did not feel very good to him, and he also killed one or two people, a garbage Celestial Clan, a second-class Celestial Clan, this time, he can also have a good experience. What is the Celestial Clan people here in the Tianxian Temple?

Is it as strong here and outside?

"You really have an obsession with the Celestial Clan. I now believe more and more that you are going to attack the Celestial Clan when the Celestial Catastrophe appears." Ying has been getting along too much with Summer in the recent period.

Although summer did not say directly.

But he has seen it.

After four years.

In the summer, the Celestial people will definitely take action.

Summer did not explain anything.

Instead, go back inside and lie down.

There are also more and more people watching the excitement outside. Although some people have left, they are all talking about the realm king. Even some people who specialize in intelligence have begun to publish tasks to investigate what this realm king is like. Exists.

I slept there all day in summer.

He didn't know.

I am already on fire.

In places like Tianxian Temple, everything in normal times is followed by steps. Everyone must respect the rules here, so people here generally don't have any special circumstances.

There is no excitement to watch.

But in summer, there were so many top elixir pill, and there were these immortal grasses, the most important thing was, what exactly the five hundred billion realm king pill was, made them all very confused.

No one knows what this is, nor does anyone know what the realm king Dan has.

They are just guessing.

The prices of things here are not high in summer, so the value of this world king pill should also exceed this price.

But they can't afford to gamble.


A group of people came over.

Xia was also called up.

at this time.

A Celestial Clan person who led the team came over, and behind the Celestial Clan people, followed the neat Celestial Clan guards, although in the Celestial Palace, no one dared to act casually, especially against the Celestial Clan.

But the heavenly people came out.

Still have to have the card face.

Those people around also gave up a passage for the Celestial people.

"We want these immortal grasses." The second-class Celestial Clan who took the lead said directly.

Second-class heavenly people.

The position among the heavenly clan is also very high.

"Oh, just give me the fairy crystal." Summer said very flatly.

They are trading here.

The other party gave him the fairy crystal, and he gave the other party things, it was that simple.

"Although I want something, it's not at your price," said the Celestial Clan.

Obviously it was not the first time they did this kind of thing, he was ready to say something later.


The other party will definitely ask how much he wants to give.

Then he squeezed the opponent.

"If there is a fairy crystal, buy it, and leave if you can't afford it." After the summer was over, he went back.



Everyone at the scene was stunned.

No one has ever dared to talk to the Celestial Clan people so much, so that they don't give face to the Celestial Clan people. In the eyes of these people, the Celestial Clan people are the kind of beings that are above all, full of supreme glory.

Every Celestial person cannot offend.

But now.

The other party actually said this.

Not in front of the heavenly people.


The face of the Celestial Clan was also completely cold. He was just ready to say something later, but now the other party is not playing cards according to the routine. Not only does he not give him a chance to speak, but he actually dares to speak to him like this.

How many years have passed.

No one dares to provoke the majesty of the Celestial people.

He rang the booth again.

Summer also came out again: "What are you doing?"

"Do you know who I am?" The second-class Celestial Clan man looked at Xia Tian angrily.

"The Celestial Clan people are so famous, with a team of hundreds of people when they go out, so as to pull the wind, as long as you are not a fool, you know it!!" Summer said very casually.

"Since you know who I am, you still dare to talk to me like that." The second-class Celestial Clan stared at Xia steadily.

If this is not Tianxian Temple.

At this point he had already let his men do it.

"Why? Are there any rules for not letting you speak here? Or, most of your heavenly clan people's great deeds are blown out? You can't take out 140 billion immortal crystals?" Xia Wei looked at the two in front of him like this Wait for the heavenly people.

The momentum is not letting go.

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