Almighty Student

Chapter 10652: Trample on the dignity of the heavenly people

In a place like the Tianxian Temple, even the Celestial people can’t do anything casually. In this kind of place, Xia Xia will not care whether the opponent is a Celestial or not. In his opinion, even if the opponent is the Celestial King, as long as he is upset , Then he won't go to bird the other side.

"You dare to talk to me like this!" the second-class Celestial Clan scolded.

If his eyes could kill, he would have killed Xia Tian now.

"Did I make a mistake? If you can't afford it, you can't afford it. Why don't you pretend to be here?" Xia Xia's words are not at all polite. Now he is facing a second-class Celestial Clan.

Above the momentum.

It also doesn't evade at all.

in this aspect.

His strength is also unimaginable.

can not afford!

These three words can be said to be very cruel.

To ordinary people, it may not be a big deal, but the people of the Celestial Clan are very good-looking. In their eyes, the entire Shenzhou belongs to their Celestial Clan. Now some people dare to say that they can't afford it.

This kind of thing really makes them extremely angry.

"Are you looking for death?" The second-class Celestial Clan must not hide his murderous aura.

In places like the Tianxian Temple, those who dare to say that they want to kill others casually are the Celestial Clan.

Although they dare not do it.

But if they are really murderous, they will retaliate against each other.

This is why people here like to wear masks.

Because of this, even if the other party wants revenge, it is impossible to know who he is.

"What then? Kill me? Kill people if you can't afford anything? You Celestial people are really capable." Xia Xia looked at the second-class Celestial people in disdain.

His eyes were filled with contempt.

He also did not hide his intention to look down on each other.

Celestial people are looked down upon.

The people around were stunned. They had been guessing what this realm king was before, and now when they saw that this realm king didn't even give the Celestial people the face.

They are even more surprised.


It is no longer a question of giving or not giving face, but the heavenly people actually look down on it.

This kind of thing is really beyond their imagination.

They all think.

This world king is really crazy.

"Okay, very good. I'll take this down. I will let you know what misfortune is out of the mouth, and I will also let you know that everyone is responsible for what they have said." Also put down the cruel words directly.

His threat is the same unconcealed.

Everyone could hear that he meant to kill this realm king.

"I'm in charge of Nima next door." Xia Xia directly cursed.

Now he is a person wearing a mask, what he is afraid of, what he says, the other party does not know who he is.


Everyone at the scene also fell silent for a moment.

Was scolded.

Celestial people were actually scolded.

In Shenzhou.

Someone dared to scold the Tianzu people in China.

They all think.

This world king is crazy.

They dare to do such a crazy thing, this kind of thing, they simply can't imagine it.


Even the second-class Celestial Clan was stunned.

He couldn't believe his ears.

Someone dared to scold him.

But he quickly reacted. He understood that all of this was not a dream, it was real, and someone was really scolding him.

"You dare to scold me." The second-class Celestial Clan's expression turned hideous.

Eyes are flushed.

A strong breath erupted from the whole person.

The guards behind him wanted to do it in an instant.

just now.

As long as this Celestial Clan gives an order, they will do it instantly, and they won't care about rules.

"Why can't I scold you? What kind of thing are you? I can't afford to buy anything. The people who ran to me to bargain still installed Nima's garlic in my place." Summer also scolded thoroughly.

Not at all polite.

Even if the opponent is a Celestial Clan.

He didn't mean to be used to each other.

"I can't afford it?" The Celestial Clan directly took out the storage equipment: "I want it all."

"Don't sell you!!" Xia directly said.


The brow of the Celestial Clan person frowned.

"I can sell to anyone, but if you don't sell you, what can you do to me?" Summer is also fearless now, he has just seen it, the movement here attracted the guards here.

Now the guard has arrived.

So even if the Celestial Clan makes a sudden move, the guards will make the first move.

Then there will be a good show.


"If I don't buy it, no one will dare to buy it, and no one will buy it!!" The second-class Celestial Clan said very rudely.

That's right.

Something like fairy grass.

People here really dare not buy it casually.

Especially now things have reached this point.

No one dared to buy it.

I bought it now, isn't this just to provoke the heavenly people.

And can't get rid of it.

They are not alchemists, and they can't use such good materials.

Xia Xia picked up the fairy grass, then fell directly to the ground and stomped it with his foot.


This time.

These people at the scene were all dumbfounded.

That is the ancient immortal grass worth more than 100 billion immortal crystals. It is a good thing that you can't see at all. If these things are handed over to the alchemist, those alchemists will be crazy about it.

But now.

These fairy grasses were crushed by the summer.

at this time.

They all understand.

It is not only fairy grass that is crushed in summer.

There is also the dignity of the heavenly people.

Although the price is high.

But his kick.

It can be said that it severely trampled the face of the Celestial Clan people.

at this time.

The second-class Celestial Clan clenched his fist, his nails fell into his own flesh and blood, and his body was trembling. He really wanted to go up and kill Xia Xia. For so many years, who would dare to scold them Celestial Clan.

Who dares to trample on the dignity of their heavenly people.

"There are more than 100 billion immortal crystals. You need to bargain and go to the pit from your Celestial Clan people. But in my eyes, this is rubbish. I would rather trample on it and feed it to the dog than sell it to you." Summer once again rubbed the dignity of the heavenly people on the ground.

Kill the heart.

It's just that.

He is provoking the dignity of the Celestial Clan people again and again.

Those around him thought that this realm king must have a brain problem. Although he was wearing a mask, the entire Shenzhou was under the envelope of the Celestial Clan, and his identity would be investigated sooner or later.

Celestial people will definitely retaliate.


Summer walked straight back: "My eyes need to rest, and seeing too much **** makes my eyes very uncomfortable."

Rubbish! !

The garbage he was talking about was the second-class Celestial Clan.

This time.

The second-class Celestial Clan is also uncontrollable anger.

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