Almighty Student

Chapter 10653: Shintoya

A second-class Celestial Clan was actually described as rubbish, how could he bear this kind of thing?

"I want to kill you!!" the second-class Celestial Clan shouted loudly.


The guards of the heavenly people behind him all began to rush to the summer booth quickly.


The guards on the side all killed, and directly stopped the Celestial Clan and his guards there.


The second-class Celestial Clan person didn't do anything again, but he also snorted very uncomfortably.

"According to the rules of the Heavenly Immortal Hall, anyone who does anything in the Heavenly Immortal Hall will be punished. You are a member of the Celestial Clan. We have no right to punish you, but everyone behind you has taken action. You should know the rules, right?" One of the guards Said very bluntly.

"My people didn't hurt him again!!" The second-class Celestial Clan said very upset.

This is the Tianxian Temple, if it is outside, no one would dare to talk to him like this.

"It's because we didn't hurt him, so we are here to discuss with you. We have given you enough face. Next, you should come by yourself!!" The guards said.

The second-class Celestial Clan person didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at Xia Jia with a fierce look in his eyes: "I remember this matter."

Summer ignored him.


The guards behind the Celestial Clan all cut off one of their own arms, and then said: "From now on, I will not enter the Heavenly Immortal Palace within five years, and my men will not be allowed to enter the Heavenly Immortal Palace within five hundred years."


This is his punishment for his own people.

He also understands.

This is the opportunity given by the other party.

If he was not a Celestial Clan, then all his subordinates would be killed now.


He will also be punished.


The guards didn't say anything. Although the punishment was lighter than normal, the Celestial Clan people had given them an explanation, so naturally they couldn't say anything.

"So severe." Xia sighed.

He had heard that the rules here were very strict, but he did not expect that a second-class Celestial Clan would also be punished so much.

"This is because he did not injure you, let alone kill you. If he kills you, even if he is a Celestial Clan, he will at least be beheaded here. The most serious thing is that he will be hunted down after he is resurrected. Years." Ying said.


When I heard this.

Summer also feels very scary.

He didn't expect that the rules here were so strict.

"A place like the Tianxian Temple is the only pure land in China. It is not controlled by the heavenly people. Although the heavenly people also have some privileges here, their privileges are also limited. Just now if he is not a heavenly person, the guards will If the guards are able to take action, the Celestial Guards will die a lot, and those people may not be able to enter the Celestial Palace for 100,000 years, and he himself will not be allowed to enter the Celestial Palace for at least thousands of years, but after all It's a Celestial Clan." Ying explained.

That's right.

Although the Celestial people will be punished here.

But there are still some preferential treatments.

And the guards here are not willing to provoke the Celestial people.

"In that case, then I can scold whoever I want to scold here, right?" Xia Tian still likes this feeling very much. He doesn't dare to do anything to him because of him.

"No, if you are making trouble on purpose, then people here will judge that you are breaking the rules, and then they will definitely kill you." Ying said.


Summer nodded slightly.


very strict.

But he actually prefers such rules.

"He took the initiative to make trouble just now, so I scolded him, people here don't care about it!!" Xia Tian said.

"Yes, everyone here can see that it is the Celestial people deliberately doing things, so you will be scolded, so the guards will definitely not embarrass you, but you still have to be careful, although you are not allowed to do things here, but The Celestial Clan still has some dead men. If they use those dead men, it will be troublesome. Those dead men don't care about their own death. If they suddenly attack you and kill you, they will be the most. I'll stay with you forever." Ying reminded.

"One life for another life, I won't lose!" Xia Xia said.

"Under normal circumstances, it is not a life for a life, but if you make trouble here, then your forces outside will also suffer a devastating blow, but the dead have no relatives, no family, no Any fetters, and they won't let you find out who sent them, so even if it's the rules here, they can't help it." Ying wanted to tell Xia Tian.

Although the rules here can protect summer.

But there will still be accidents.

You must be careful in summer.

"I understand." Summer nodded slightly, and he was lying there too.

There is no fairy grass outside now.

But Jie Wang Dan was still there.

Ying asked him to continue to let Jie Wang Dan sublimate here, so he couldn't remove the stall for the time being, but after a maximum of one or two days, he could remove the stall.

that time.

The people here have already fully remembered the name of this world king Dan.

Another day or two is a good thing for summer.

He also happened to take a look at the rules of the Tianxian Temple. When he closed the booth, he could just go out and see what good things were out there. If he encountered good things, he would take action.

There are still many people outside.

And everyone was talking about the second-class Celestial Clan.

This kind of excitement can't be seen once in Tianxian Palace in ten thousand years.

Especially the Celestial people were scolded.

They are all seeing such a scene for the first time.

At this time, the people here also regard Xia Tian as a god.

But they didn't know it was summer, they only knew that it was the king of the world.

As for whether the realm king is a person or a force, they still don't know for the time being.

They can only wait.

"There are so many rules here, but here it says that you can't buy or sell." Xia Xia remembered the attitude of the Celestial people before.

"I said, there are many rules here, but there are still some ways to deal with it. For example, the Celestial people just made strong buying and selling. Although everyone knows they are buying and selling, in fact, the decision is yours. Here, you can sell it or not, but you can't sell it to anyone except the Celestial Clan, so this is still in the rules." Ying explained.


at this time.

Someone rang the booth again.

"A Celestial Clan again?" Xia Xia frowned. He saw that a first-class Celestial Clan came outside this time. The logo on his clothes was very obvious, but this time, the Celestial Clan brought only one person.

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