Almighty Student

Chapter 10690: Summer VS Denon

"Okay, I believe you." Tian Chao responded.


Tian Chao directly killed it.

Xia Xia is also the first time to inform Tian Chao where to attack, his eyes can see through everything, even if the opponent is a Tianqi, a first-class Celestial Clan.

He is the same.


Two rounds down.

Tian Chao really has a slight advantage.

But the opposite.

There is also the idea of ​​Tianlong.

and so.


It reversed the situation.

Comparable with the chaos again.

"Damn it, the most troublesome thing is this Tianlong." Tian Chao shouted angrily.


He already had the advantage. If it weren't for Tianlong's thoughts, Qiu would never be able to fight back that day. It was a matter of time for him to defeat Tianqiu.

But now.

Tian Qiu actually fought back.

This made all his previous efforts wasted.

"It’s okay, don’t worry, the longer the fight, the better it is for us. Tianlong is distracted. He can’t fight with all his strength. The longer the time, the more his body will be consumed and the ideological control will go wrong. But we Different, I don't need to be distracted, and I can't make mistakes. Over time, we will win on both sides of the battlefield." Xia reminded.

This is a battle between him and his father.

Father and son.

Take a look.

Who is the protagonist.

This battle.

If the summer wins.

In the battle four years later, his father was not qualified to stop him, but if he lost, it would prove that his father's decision over the years was correct.

He wants to prove himself.

You must defeat your father.

Beat a person.

It's not just to go head-on and desperately.

Like now.

They controlled a first-class Celestial Clan to fight.

It is also a means to decide the outcome.


The speed of the two is very fast.


Several collisions came down.

"Damn it, when did Tianqiu have so many weird thoughts, I blame the Tianlong." It's not the first time that Tianchao has fought Tianqiu. Now Tianqiu is really different from before.

Now the enemy.

There are more methods than before.

The attack method is also different from before.

"It's okay. I don't believe that there are people who can't make mistakes in this world. As long as he makes mistakes, I can catch them immediately." Xia Tian said very confidently.

at this time.

The chaos is also very surprised.


Tianlong has rich experience and strong methods.

He can still understand it. After all, Tianlong has always been a legend of the heavenly clan, and normal people can't imagine his toughness.

But now this ghost.

Actually also has the ability not weaker than Tianlong.

Could it be that.

Has the Celestial Clan really been left too much outside over the years?

Or is the strength of this ghost even more terrifying?

"He started to doubt you." Ying reminded.

That's right.

Xia Xia's performance was so dazzling, it was impossible for Tian Chao to doubt him.

"I'm too anxious, but it doesn't matter. In this battle, whether he wins or loses, I don't plan to let him leave here alive." Summer's biggest skill is sneak attacks.

And now Tian Chao trusts him very much.

As long as Tianchao gives him a chance, he will throw Tianchao into the sun and all the phenomena.

That belongs to the summer world.

Summer is inside.

Is the omnipotent god.

Even if Tian Chao is already a first-class Celestial Clan.


Still can't be the opponent of summer.


Ying Ye feels that Senluo Vientiane is still quite against the sky. After spending so long in Senluo Vientiane, he feels that the world is constantly getting stronger.


The two sides also began to fight quickly.

The situation on the Tianlong side is basically stable. Although a few people were still beheaded by the Tianlong, their human attacks have taken shape, and they are now suppressing Tianlong and Tianlong's kite-flying style.

I can't play it for the time being.

"We seem to have hope of winning." The chaos is also a joy.

When he met Tianlong before, he thought he could win 100%. When he saw Tianlong killing the sky, he was a little scared. When he saw Tianlong empty box and the sky was chaotic, he even wondered if he could do it. Take down Denon.

And now.

What he thought was that it should be possible to win.

There are many changes in my heart.


The changes on the battlefield are also very terrifying.

"Don't be careless, as long as the battle is not over, you may be overturned by the opponent at any time." Seeing Tian Chao in the summer, he started to fantasize about the good days after defeating Tianlong.

This is the characteristic of the Celestial Clan.

All these years.

They are too comfortable.

The fruits of their victory came too soon.

and so.

Many times, as long as they have a slight advantage, they will start to look forward to their bright future.

As if already won.

They like the feeling of having everything in their hands.

Like victory.

If they usually encounter other opponents, those people will actually see the Celestial Clan people, and they will already be afraid to fight, especially their world suppresses all the cultivators outside.

and so.

As long as they have a chance, they will win.

But now it's different.

His opponent is also the first-class heavenly enemies.

Moreover, Tianlong's thoughts are in control.

"En!" Tian Chao also reacted.

The two sides fought together again.

boom! boom!


In less than a day.

Tianlong no longer has the kind of intensity it just started.

He is distracted and tired.

Especially the pressure on his side has become much greater.

"It seems that your father is reaching the limit." Hongfeng reminded.

"I wait for him to reach the limit. If he does not reach the limit, then he will not show his true ability, especially since he has already discovered my existence. Then I definitely don’t want to expose his ability in front of me, but I am To force him out, I want to see how far I am from him!!" Xia Da said firmly.

He helped the purpose of this chaos.

Just to see his father's real means.

Let Tian Luan and his men force his father's true ability out.

just now.

Mistakes have gradually appeared on his father's side.

Then he must show his true ability.

"It seems that we are set to win." Tian Chao's faces are now all smiles.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as what summer said.

Tianlong will start to make mistakes gradually.

And here in summer.

There is no sign of error.

"You really have grown up." Tianlong said lightly.

His eyes seemed to be looking at the heavenly people around him.

But in fact.

his words.

Said to summer.

His good son really caused him a lot of trouble.

"Tianlong, I said, this is your tomb." Tianran shouted loudly.

"There is no such person, you are nothing, but even with him, the result is actually the same. From the moment you follow me, you are doomed to fail."

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