Almighty Student

Chapter 10691: Denon's trump card


The ground is shaking!


One after another huge fairy beasts crawled out of the ground.


When I saw this scene, everyone around me was taken aback.

at this time.

Tianlong actually summoned so many fairy beasts.


These fairy beasts are not weak.

"What's going on?" Tian Chao's expression also changed. He didn't expect that Tianlong actually had such a method. It can be said that the ability used by Tianlong at this time can only be described as horror. Up.

They are all knowledgeable people.

But they never thought about it.

Such things will happen.

"Don't mess up, let your people be careful. These summoned fairy beasts have their own independent thoughts. If I'm not wrong, they should be in the same state as the heavenly enmity, half their own thoughts, and half the heavenly dragon's thoughts. If they do, they can also exert greater abilities when fighting." Summer reminded.

No matter what time it came, how terrible the enemy showed.

Don't mess up.

No mess, you still have a chance.

Messed up.

You will lose.

It was like the battle at the Golden Sword Gate.

The strength displayed by the shadow behind can no longer be described as tough.

At that time, those sages were all in a mess.

Because in the past, they always believed that they were already invincible after practicing to the sage. Although they also knew that the guards were stronger, they did not expect that there was such a big gap between themselves and the guards.

that moment.

They gave up in their hearts.

If there is no summer.

They will even be killed one by one by the shadows.

But because of summer.

They stabilized.

Look for weaknesses and break the opponent.

"I've never heard of what this ability is, and I don't know there is such a method of warfare." Shadow is also a little confused now, in his perception, there is no call.

And it's a call of the whole body.

Divine Soul is not called to be controlled.

"Neither did I." Di Ling said.

He is already a master of the older generation. In their era, masters came out in large numbers, and there were countless people with various methods, but even so, no one in their era could master this ability.

"Damn it." Tian Chao also ordered it for the first time.

But actually.

He is already weak in his heart now.

I even wondered if I had to run away first.

After all, the ability displayed by Tianlong was too strong, and Tianlong also controlled a first-class Celestial Clan person, and beheaded a second-class Celestial Clan person.

He doesn't want to die.

Don't want to be controlled by Tianlong.

"He's actually scared of this fool." Xia Xia scolded in his heart.

If Tian Chao still has the heart of being a strong man, then Xia Xia can really figure out how to use him to fight his father.

But now.

Even Tian Chao is afraid of himself, how should he fight that summer.

"Don't be messy, although he controls more and more fairy beasts, his energy alone is limited, so much distraction, his body is a neutral position, let your subordinates partly resist the fairy beasts and partly attack him. The body." Xia reminded.


The chaos was really messed up at this time. Hearing Xia's words, it was like grabbing a straw.

The scene was temporarily restored.

But the chaos has been distracted.

On the one hand to deal with the enemies in front of him, on the other hand, he always wanted to observe the situation on the side of Tianlong.

"You can't be distracted, otherwise, Tianqi will not give you a chance here." Xia Tian said.

"He has summoned so many fairy beasts. Who knows if he can still summon the fairy beasts? If we continue to fight like this, we are probably the one who will be consumed first. If we consume very badly, then we may also be consumed. The other party calculates."

What Tian Chao is most afraid of now is that he will be suddenly attacked by Tianlong, and then become a person like Tianqi.

"Do you mean you don't fight anymore?" Summer asked.

"You have to fight, but you have to see hope before you fight. At the beginning, we crushed each other and it was okay to fight, but now that we are evenly matched, there is no need to fight. You help me first Think of a way to retreat, and then we will leave here first, and then I will continue to mobilize more experts to come over. In this case, it is much easier to kill the Tianlong." Tianchao means that he underestimates Tianlong now. Up.

and so.

He intends to leave here first.

Then regroup and fight Tianlong again.


Fighting requires courage.

The brave wins when meet on a narrow road.

Once you evade for the first time.

Even if you bring more people next time, as long as you lose a little bit, you will retreat again.


Your courage is gone.

"Okay!" Xia Tian understood that his father had won this game between him and his father.


Xia Xia thought of a retreat plan for him, that is, he would fight and retreat first, and then let his people raid the Tianlong two waves, when Tianlong thought they would fight back.

Full retreat.


The mighty Celestial team.

Just retreat.


"Heavenly chaos, don't you want to catch me back? Why are you now running away with your tail clipped?" Tianlong said with a big smile.


The sky snorted heavily.

He is a first-class Celestial Clan.

Now it's so deserted.

It's really embarrassing.

But he also understood.

If you don't leave now, I'm afraid there will be real danger.

and so.

In order to save his life, he had to retreat first.


"My lord, it's okay, the messenger talisman can't fly out. We are sealed by the formation and space." A subordinate reminded.

"What's the matter? He's alone, always here, what's the formation?" Tian Chao frowned.

"I don't know, he should have a helper!!"

As soon as I heard that there was a helper.

The chaos became even more panic.

At this time, he recalled what Tianlong had said, and suddenly felt that they had been hooked, and he might have jumped into Tianlong's trap.

"Go, leave ten people, fight to the death, protect me and leave first." Tian Chao began to abandon the car to protect the handsome.

This time.

He chose himself.


The guards of the heavenly race are very loyal one by one.

They can all die for the heavenly people.

"Idiot, at this time, one person is obviously less combat effective. He actually threw down ten brothers in order to be able to escape smoothly." Summer cursed inwardly.

In his opinion.

The more this time.

The less you can abandon any brother.

Although the Celestial guards are very loyal.

But this kind of loyal looking down, working hard with everyone to survive, is different.


As they dashed forward, two figures suddenly appeared in front of them.

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