Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11486: Five-star strike

The Celestial Clan uses the pill in this way.

Created hundreds of sages.

These are hundreds of venerables, so many venerables, how powerful their attack power will be. Even in summer, you can’t just pick up their attacks casually, especially when there are other celestial races around. The masters coped from the side, and they still had various treasures of the Celestial Clan in their hands.

One who is not careful will be attacked.

By the time.

Maybe something will happen.

"The strongest defense!!" Summer released all of his defenses.

Even him.

In the face of so many masters, you can't be sloppy.

"Summer, I won't attack casually, but don't ignore my existence!!" Haotian did not rush forward this time, but gave Xia Tian a warning.

In fact, a master like Haotian.

The deterrence of his non-shot is far greater than the deterrence of the shot.

When he was standing aside.

Xia Xia must always be on guard against him, if he suddenly attacked when he exhausted all his strength in the summer, that would be a devastating blow for Xia Xia.

"What a troublesome guy, he is here, I will never dare to do it casually, he threatens me too much!!" Xia Xia frowned, although he was not afraid of Haotian when he was singled out. Yes, even if it is a head-on fight, he is fearless, but once Haotian is beside him, he is ready to take action.

Then he must be distracted, leave some means behind, and dare not to raid casually. If Haotian sees it, then Haotian may make a sneak attack in advance, and the threat he will face will be even greater then. NS.

"Don't worry about him, first think about how the other people here deal with it, do you need the five of us to go out?" Wuyin asked.

"The five of you were very destructive before, because they were caught off guard by a surprise attack, but now it is different. Now they appear, and they will all prepare. When the time comes, you will be divided one by one, and other people will continue to besiege me, so I must It will go wrong." Summer shook his head.

He knew better than anyone how difficult it was for the Celestial Clan to deal with it.

Although overall it seems that there are not many strong opponents.

But maybe sometime, someone from the team rushed out to attack him with some special weapons.

The power is not small.

Hundreds of masters at the venerable level surrounded Summer in this way.

"My dear, there are hundreds of sages, and they are all that kind of fierce and not afraid of death, such a luxurious attack lineup, Haotian dare not confront it!!!"

"The strength Xia Xia showed is already strong enough. If he can deal with hundreds of venerables and so many masters around him, then it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in China."

"Yes, he really did a lot of things that even Haotian couldn't do. Although he is definitely worse than Haotian in realm, his overall strength and Haotian are at least four or six, plus Using his other methods, calling him the first person in China is nothing wrong with it."

The people around who were watching the theater were also very excited at this time. It was not easy for them to watch the theater and see themselves so excited.

They all understand.

This level of battle should only be seen once in a lifetime.

I dare not miss any details.

"As long as you don't get a limit attack, even though the five of us can't go out to help you fight, we can also mobilize the power of the five clones to help you resist different attacks at different times. If the five of us control it, It's better than you being distracted to calculate the limit!!" Turing reminded.

"Yes, as long as it's not a limit attack, my body can block it. With my body's toughness, I can quickly absorb and refine this power and flow into the whole world!!!" Earth Spirit suggested.

The five avatars helped Xia defuse his extreme attacks, so that Xia could rely on his own physical defenses to resist other people's attacks.

And used the Realm King Jue to refine these powers.


The hundreds of sages in front of him directly killed them.

Take the initiative!

Xia Xia did not stand in place and waited, but directly killed it. As soon as the Heavenly Cold Sword in his hand came out, the cold light appeared everywhere. When a random attack went out, the Law of the Sun would instantly block the opponent's body, and the Heavenly Cold Sword would kill. The other party, at the same time, the other party's spirit is collected into the Senluo Vientiane.

This is summer.

One sword destroys the Venerable.

In Shenzhou, the Venerables are the objects of worship by everyone, they are the most powerful pronoun, but at this time, in front of Xia, killing them no longer likes to waste any strength.

This is summer.

Years ago.

When he saw the Venerable in Shenzhou, he could only do nothing, but now, those Venerables don't even have the ability to face him face-to-face.

"Kill, let's go together, don't give him a chance." Hundreds of venerables attacked the summer head-on.

Their offensive power is very terrifying.

As if wanting to kill the summer here for the first time.


Hundreds of powerful figures rushed towards the summer.

The surrounding air currents were all suppressed together. Under such an impact, it was very terrifying. Hundreds of people belonged to the entire space to kill. They stood very densely without leaving any gaps in the middle. This was to prevent Summer's sneak attack.

Warrior of the Celestial Clan.

The combat experience is very rich.

If they are at the same level, the Celestial Warriors must be stronger. Coupled with their abilities and various treasures, at the same level, if they deal with three of them, they can win, and even if it’s a tug of war, one There is no problem with dealing with five.


What they encountered this time was summer, and all their past experience was of no use to summer, and any of their methods were also vulnerable to summer.

Although they were forcibly elevated to the realm of the venerable, they had all learned what fighting at the venerable level was like before, and they had also watched many battles between the venerables.

But after all, it is the first one to use.

Even if they fight, they can't bring out the strength of the true sage.

So it seems that the enemy has hundreds of venerables, but in fact, their combined power is not normal and the pressure of fifty venerables working together to put Xia Xia together.

"Such a intensive attack is really looking for death, summer, try a five-star attack!!" Yang reminded.


Summer also hit five stars in an instant.

Five stars at close range.

Turned into the purest power of the five realms.

Gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

For the first time, the five powers appeared in everyone's eyes. The five superstars shattered, and the powerful lethality rushed into the dense crowd.

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