Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11487: Destroy a hundred venerables with one move

Such a close-range attack, let alone an ordinary Venerable, is difficult even for Venerable Seventy or Eighty Star masters. Although the carapace on these people is still very defensive, this carapace is also very powerful. It's just that the defense is very strong compared to the ordinary venerable, but for the real strong, it is not enough.

Summer is the real strong.

Five stars become thousands of small stars.

Detonated in the crowd.

boom! boom!

"What? A series of explosions?" Summer was stunned. At the beginning, he also knew that the five-star was powerful, but he did not expect that the power of the five-star would be so powerful.

"The biggest feature of a five-star combined attack is ignition. If the opponent's crowd is very dense, when the five-star attacks one person, it will instantly detonate the force, and if the exploding force touches the second person, it will continue. Detonation, every time a meeting is detonated, it explodes in all directions, that is, the space in front will now detonate continuously, even if someone can hold the first detonation, they can’t hold the second or third time. , The fourth time, the 100th detonation attack!!" Yang reminded.

His ability.

In group battles, everything can be killed in seconds.

Originally, if the unit of attack power was one, and there were 10,000 people in front of him, the power unit that exploded at last would be tens of thousands or even more.

This is the most terrible thing.

At this time in the summer, I quietly looked at the nearly 100 masters in front of him. With so many masters, they had a direct impact, and their power was very terrifying, and their lethality was also very terrifying, even if they just kept releasing a broken star , It's not something you can contend casually in summer.

But after the five-star combo hits it out.

He doesn't need to do anything.

Just watch it here.

The space in front of him turned into purgatory.

"How could this be?" Tianjin was completely dumbfounded. He didn't know how to describe his mood. This was one of the biggest cards of the Celestial Clan, but now, hundreds of masters at the venerable level can only be passive. Attack, and no one dared to approach.

They can't help if they want to go up there.

Looking at the shattered body one by one.

He has guessed what these people will become next.


All he would see next was death. Everyone would die. This was already a destined result. Even Haotian would not dare to step into the area in front, because the explosion there had completely taken shape.

"What kind of attack is this? This is too terrifying!!!" The group of people watching around was also stunned by the scene in front of them.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that all this was true.

A person.

After fighting against the Celestial Clan for so long, fighting against Haotian for so long, and breaking the seal, one person dealt with hundreds of sages, and in the end he was able to kill these hundreds of sacreds.

Is this still a person?

"Worthy of him!!" A faint smile appeared on Demon Ji's face.

From beginning to end, she never worried about summer, because she knew that summer is definitely possible, but now that she sees it with her own eyes, she still thinks it is very powerful. No matter when, summer will always bring her something different. surprise.

It's like a bottomless pit.

No matter how she explores, she can't find all of summer.

Haotian's gaze was staring at the five stars in front of him.

As if thinking about summer's attack method.

This is what makes Haotian different from others. Others are shocking Xia Tian and beheading hundreds of master-level masters. Some people are even scared, but what he thinks is how Xia Tian did it. He used What kind of means should be used to crack it.

Being able to become the first master in China is definitely not a matter of hard work.

"Kill all!!" Hong Feng's eyes lit up. Although he also knew that Five Stars were powerful, he didn't expect that Five Stars could kill so many masters at once, which is amazing.

"I understand!!" Wuyin's eyes lit up: "The five-star attack is the mutual attraction and repulsion of the five elements, so when the five-star strikes, as long as there is the next target, the power of the five elements will continue to agree with each other. The attraction and repulsion caused the second attack."

"Yes, it seems that you really have the potential to become a spirit. Look at the half-spirit outside. Although he also sees the problem, he can't figure it out. This is between the half-spirit and the spirit. That insurmountable ditch!!" Xian Xuanwu explained.

Why are many half-spirits unable to break through to the spirit until they die.

that's because.

No matter what they think, they can't think of the five elements.


Xia Xia took a step forward and pointed the long sword in his hand at the four great priests of the heavenly clan in front of him: "Who will be next?"

The four great priests of the heavenly race were like a lamb to be slaughtered before him.

"Summer, don't be too rampant!!" Tianjin shouted angrily.

"What can you do if I'm crazy? From the beginning of the war until now, no one except Haotian let me leave any drop of blood. It can be said that if Haotian were not here, your group of trash would be at least half dead now. ." Xia Xia had to admit that Haotian was here, indeed the one who threatened him the most.

Haotian will divide most of his manager and combat power.

So when fighting.

It is difficult for him to get away from Haotian and sneak attack on other people. Any of his sneak attacks will almost always be seen through by Haotian.

"Okay, then I will let you see how powerful our Celestial Clan is." Tianjin looked at Qi Zun, and Qi Zun also nodded slightly.


A team of thousands of people came out from behind.

After they walked up, a dark armor appeared on their bodies, and spikes grew on the armor. At the same time, the weapons in their hands were also incomparably dark, like a mace, and each spike contained very powerful power. .

"That's not right, I felt wrong from the moment the one hundred venerables appeared just now!!" Wuyin said suddenly.

"Anything to find?" Summer asked.

"Zerg, the armors on those venerables just now are very similar to the armors of the Zergs, and the weapons and equipment of these people in front of them are almost similar to those of the Zergs, and they seem to be very **** the surface, but very thick. , There must be a decompression layer in the middle, which is very similar to the body of the Zerg!!" Silent explained.

"In other words, the Celestial Clan is making use of the characteristics of the Zerg clan to refine alchemy and refining equipment!!" Xia Tao understood.


Thousands of people rushed up wearing armor newly refined by the Celestial Clan.

"Give them another five-star impact, they don't seem to have a long memory!!" Yang reminded.

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