Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11501: go away

Ha ha ha ha!

"People from Shenzhou, you are dead this time. My boss is very strong. You can handle **** like you. My boss can handle it with just one finger. No, my boss can crush you with momentum." Hei Angrily said with a laugh, his face was full of excitement, but he beat him very miserably just in the summer.

Now that he sees his boss taking action, he naturally wants to see that the opponent is killed by his boss.

His boss is the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

Even in the world where they are, they are already the top masters.

This time he was able to enter here with the boss, but also paid a lot of price.

But now.

Not only did he not obtain any treasures, but he was seriously injured by the Chinese people who suddenly appeared, which made him so willing to look down on the Chinese people.

"Momentum?" Xia Xiao smiled slightly.

The imperial spirit appeared instantly.

When the imperial aura appeared, the opponent's aura instantly collapsed and was directly crushed by the summer's imperial aura.

"What?" The Red Rock Devil Emperor's face was full of incomprehension. He couldn't think that this sudden appearance of Shenzhou was actually so strong.

To know.

Even in their space, his aura is very strong, and when a normal person encounters him, he will be defeated by his aura.

And the Shenzhou people.

That is what they usually look down on the most, the weakest, and it can even be said that they bully just as they want.

Now they are actually crushing them in aura.

"You are a Chinese, how can you have such a strong momentum!!"

"It seems that you have a big misunderstanding of the people of China!!" In the summer, I still met a lot of masters in China, but those masters may not like to come to places like Buzhoushan, so they can come across. There will be fewer Chinese masters.

Even ordinary Venerables will not come here.

Even if some venerables enter here occasionally.

They are also the most ordinary ones.

Because those truly powerful venerables are not practicing within the major forces, or on the ancient battlefield.

That's why they give these people an illusion that Chinese people are very bullied.

"Don't think you can change anything by colliding with me in your aura. I will soon let you know how big the gap is between you and me!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor still looked down on Xia in his heart, he thought I can easily defeat the summer.

"People from Shenzhou, if you are acquainted, just kneel down and beg for mercy now. Maybe my boss is in a good mood and can let you go. If it's too late, your life will be gone." Heiqi exclaimed.

"Then I will give you a chance now. If you kneel down and beg me now, then I can let you go, how about it?" Xia Tian asked rhetorically.

"court death!!"

The Red Rock Devil believes that this is Xia Xia who is provoking him, and there can only be one person who provoked him.


He wants to completely kill Xia Xia so that Xia Xia understands what is going to provoke him.


The fist of the Red Rock Devil Emperor turned into endless magma, directly smashing into the summer.

For an instant.

The air is ignited.

A huge explosion occurred in the entire space, and everything in front of him became a purgatory.

"Their attack is really different from that of Shenzhou!!" Hongfeng analyzed.

"Shenzhou’s attacks are generally to cultivate into the world, use the power of the world to attack, or cultivate the power of immortals, etc., to attack with the power of pure immortals; but their attack is space, and they use the power of a space to fight. The space in front of you is killed together with people. In this case, it is easy to cause the space to disappear. If you attack this way, this space will be destroyed." Xia Tian believes that this style of play can simply kill a piece of heaven and earth a little bit. That's it.

"You have to understand that a master like him will lose a lot of his world, not a lot. Even for him, a single attack will destroy this space, so it won't be much." Yang reminded. .


"That's what you said!!" Xia Xia nodded slightly, and he also felt that what Yang said made sense.


Extinguish the cents.

Xia Yi pointed out.

It has been on the opponent's fist.


Hongyan Devil Emperor's arm began to crack little by little, and finally shattered.

that's it.

In the end, his entire arm was destroyed like this.

"What?" The group of black energy just said that his boss can kill Xia Xia with one finger, but now Xia Xia used a finger to smash his boss's arm. What kind of horrible existence is this.

This is completely different from the Chinese people he had heard of before.

He had heard a lot of legends about people from Shenzhou before.

They all talk about how weak the Shenzhou people are, but they cultivate themselves into a nutritious state, so seeing the Shenzhou people, directly grabbing them and swallowing them can improve their strength.

But now.

When I saw the Shenzhouren with my own eyes, it was completely different from what he had heard before: "How can you be so strong, why are you so strong?"

The face of the Red Rock Devil Emperor was also full of incredible expressions: "Impossible, I have also met Shenzhou people before. Shenzhou people should be very weak!!!"

"The frog at the bottom of the well!!!" Xia Xia came to the front of the Emperor Hongyan and grabbed the body of the Emperor Hongyan.

The strength of this Red Rock Devil Emperor is probably the eighty-star strength of the Venerable.

Even if you are in China, you can be considered a top expert. If you meet other China experts, there is really no way to deal with him. Especially when you see his endless methods, it is even more impossible to be his opponent, maybe He was beaten and dizzy.


He came across summer.

In summer, he didn't have so much luck.

"Let go of my boss!!!" the group of black anger hurriedly shouted.

"Why?" Summer asked.

Heiqi also hurriedly knelt down: "I beg you, let my boss go."

"Let's do this, I think you are not bad, you go away by yourself, I don't embarrass you!!" Xia Xia said, looking at the black air in front of him.

"No, I can't go, I use my own life to replace my boss's life, you kill me, let my boss go!!" Heiqi knelt on the ground and kept kowtow.

"You have a loyal subordinate!!" Xia Xia glanced at the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

"Go away, don't be embarrassed here, how can you kneel down for a Shenzhou native, and you will not be mixed up in the future?" Hongyan Devil Emperor scolded.

See the two people.

Xia let go of the Red Rock Devil Emperor: "Let's go!!"

He really couldn't deal with such kind and righteous people, and there was no big contradiction between them. Although they had thought about killing themselves before, he still planned to give them a chance.

"Are you going to let us go?" Hongyan Devil Emperor looked at Xia Tian puzzled.

"Why, you don't want to go?" Xia Xia asked.

"Are you really from Shenzhou?" Hongyan Devil Emperor looked at Xia Wei strangely.

"Genuine at a fair price!!" Xia Xia smiled.

"How is it possible, shouldn't the people of Shenzhou be all villains with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks?" Hongyan Devil Emperor asked puzzledly.

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