Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11502: prophet

"Who did you listen to, we have all kinds of people from China." Xia Xia's face was black. It seems that people like them really have a lot of misunderstandings about China.

"We once had a Chinese man, and everyone called him the Puppet Manchurian emperor. He trained a group of Chinese monks, each of whom was extremely vicious, and was later sealed by our masters to destroy the forces he created. After that, we hate the people of Shenzhou even more!!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor said.

"That's your problem. You can't look at the face with a point, and you can't look down on a piece of the world just because you are alone!!" Xia shook his head, and then continued to walk.

"My lord, are you looking for something?" Hongyan Devil Emperor asked.

"Nothing, just just stroll around and see what the so-called Buzhou Mountain is like!!!" The purpose of coming here in summer is very simple, that is, to see what is so special about this legendary place. .

"This is simple. Buzhou Mountain was actually a tower built by the ancient immortal clan back then, but two ancient gods fought and knocked down Buzhou Mountain. That's why it became like this. The power in Buzhou Mountain has gone through so many years. It has been completely disintegrated, and because of the battle between two big men, this place became dilapidated and destroyed very seriously, but because this is the node of several heavens and earths, there are several heavens and earths that have been continuously inputting power here. , So that this place can be restored, but it is also because of this that several pieces of heaven and earth creatures can enter here, turning this place into what it is now." Hongyan Devil Emperor explained.

Xia Xia's strength has been recognized by him, and because Xia Xia released him, he has also gained his respect.

"In other words, you can't find anything here, right!!" Summer said.

"After the two big men fought, everything here was destroyed. Even if there was something here before, it would definitely not exist in that battle. As for now, everything here is the battle. It only existed afterwards. If there is anything to say here, it should be the ancient projection!!" said the Red Rock Demon Emperor.

"Ancient projection?" Xia Xia looked at Hongyan Demon Emperor puzzledly.

He really didn't know what it meant.

It was the first time he heard of this kind of thing.

"There is a strange phenomenon in this space, that is, a projection will appear every once in a while. This projection does not belong to this era, but because the light propagation speed here is different from other places, it causes a kind of folding phenomenon. , Some images from ancient times will arrive here for hundreds of millions of years, hundreds of millions of years, or even billions of years because of the distance." Hongyan Demon Emperor explained.


"I understand this, similar to a mirage, and some optical transmission phenomena!!" Xia Xiao nodded slightly.

"What do you mean by mirage?" Hongyan Devil Emperor asked puzzledly.

"It is a natural phenomenon formed by the refraction and total reflection of light. It is a virtual image formed by the atmospheric refraction of the light reflected by an object. Its essence is an optical phenomenon." Xia Tian explained.

"That's what it means. The most important thing is that we can not only see many images of masters from ancient times, but also images of their battles, images of treasures in their hands, etc., and even the seductive fairy of the legend!! "Hongyan Devil Emperor said.

"Fairy?" Summer was taken aback.

Isn't the place where they are now the immortal world?

Then the women here are all fairies.

"My lord is indeed a fellow man." The Red Rock Devil saw that Xia Xia was interested in fairies, so he thought Xia Xia must be a womanizer.

Summer did not explain anything.

Just understand this kind of thing by yourself.

"This kind of fairies are different from what we usually see. They are all fairies from ancient times. After someone saw the fairies on the ancient projections here, no matter what kind of women they look at when they go back, they feel dull and tasteless!! "Hongyan Demon Emperor explained.

"Really?" Xia Xiao smiled.

"We came in this time to get news that the ancient projection is about to appear, so we plan to come in and take a look!!" said the Red Rock Devil Emperor.

"Can this thing be known in advance?" Xia Tian asked puzzledly.

The mirages on the earth all appear suddenly.


But the ancient projections here can be known in advance.

"This is because there is a prophet living here, and many people know it from the prophet!!" said the Red Rock Demon Emperor.

"Prophet?" Summer was curious.

What kind of person can he have this kind of ability?

"Yes, the prophet is a person who is known to have lived for a long time. According to our historical records, many of our predecessors have seen this prophet. After seeing the prophet, the prophet will tell them many things. This time I came in because a brother was lucky and met the prophet. The prophet told him that there would be ancient images here soon, so we came in to see what was going on. If we were lucky, the prophet would raise a few words, Then maybe the strength can grow rapidly!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor did not conceal the slightest.

he thinks.

Xia Xia spared his life, so there is no problem with sharing these secrets.

"Where is the Prophet?" Summer asked.

"It’s in this overlapping space, but I don’t know where it is, and no one knows. It’s said that only lucky people can meet the prophet, but no matter who it is, as long as you can meet the prophet, then There will be gains and will not go home empty-handed!!" Hongyan Devil Emperor explained.


"It seems that I am wandering around here, so I might as well go out and try to see if I can find the prophet!!" Summer now has a lot of interest in this prophet.

"There is no chance to take the initiative to find it. There have been many experts who brought people in to find it before, but no matter how they searched, they couldn't find the prophet. Even if it was a carpet search, they couldn't find it. It can only rely on luck!! "Hongyan Devil Emperor said.

"When you say that, I'm even more interested." Summer wanted to see what kind of person the so-called restriction was.

Being able to mention a few words from others will greatly increase their strength.

Can also know when the ancient projection will arrive.

If you can find such a person, you can know a lot of things.

"Hongfeng, search for me!!" Xiaxia ordered.

"Didn't he say that he can't actively search for it?" Hong Feng asked puzzledly.

"What others can't do, doesn't mean I can't do it in the summer."

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