"Oh! This belongs to you?" I tell in a tone like someone who has found a missing piece of a puzzle.

"Yes. Do you like it?" He seems interested to know my answer.

"It's beautiful. The scenery is awesome." I smile and he smiles back. I can forget all about his suspicious behavior and indulge in him. His smile is breathtaking.

We were in his cabin. It is the same one which I stumbled upon when Adrian, my wolf, lead me here. I didn't know then that it belonged to this Adrian.

"Pick a movie. I'll just change and come." He told and walked down a hall which I think lead to his room. I picked a completely girlie movie just to unnerve him, and made myself at home in the couch opposite to the TV. I wanted to provoke him for some reason. I had seen the movie only once and hadn't wanted to watch such drama again.

He came back holding two glasses. He offered me one and sat next to me. I wanted to say thank you but my mouth had dried up. He was so gorgeous. He had changed into comfortable shorts. His legs were muscular from all the running. I thirstily drank the juice which he had offered. He was smirking at me.

"Woh ! Didn't realize you were this thirsty. I'll get you some more." He promptly refilled my glass and came back to sit next to me on the sofa.He took my hand and simply held in his. The feeling of his fingers on my palm was indescribable. His presence next to me was creating havoc on my senses and I had to remind myself of the main reason for agreeing to come here.

He didn't complain about the movie but he was not following it either. We sat silently, the movie playing in background and each immersed in their own thoughts. It was as though he was having conversations in his head. Once in a while he used to look at me intensely. What was running in his mind?

"It's getting late. I think I should head back. It's not safe at night." I didn't want to leave yet. The movie was half over. I didn't want to leave because his presence was calming despite my doubts about his character.

"What are you talking about? It is very safe in this town. And also I'm dropping you. So you have nothing to worry about." Just the answer I was expecting him to give and the opening I wanted.

"Is it? Then how come that girl was murdered. They still have not caught the murderer. Forget catching, they don't even have any clues regarding the case." His expression altered. There was guilt? I was not sure.

"Did you know her?" I ask him. He doesn't answer immediately. His answer could change a lot of things.

"I didn't know her per se but knew about her existence." He told with a blank face. Liar. You more than knew about her existence.


"Okay. Come, let's go." He abruptly stood and walked out. My hand felt cold after he dropped it. The conversation was effectively over. His phone started ringing.The ringtone was unique. It was on the table. I looked at the screen to see who was calling. It said Alexa. Was it the same Alexa who wore the red ring? I was curious and answered.

"We need to talk." She sounded scared.

The phone was snatched from my hand. What did they have to talk about? Was my own insecurity leading me to doubt Adrian?

"Later", he said that single word and cut the call. He had a faraway look again. He broke out of it and was staring at me.

"What was that about?"

"Nothing. Shall we go?" He had dismissed me. I was angry. Who was she to him? I didn't want to not trust him.

I went out to see him already sitting inside the car and waiting for me. He took hold of my hand again and we drove in silence. He could sense my anger. He gave me worried glances.

"Bye. See you later I suppose." I slammed the door and walked towards my home. He too came out and pulled me to him. I turned around and we were practically hugging each other.

He slammed his lips to mine. It was sweet. It was magical. He lingered for a bit and released me. That was totally unexpected. He kissed my forehead. He was looking at me.

"Even I have been wanting to do that." He smiled at some secret joke.

"Bye good night." He kissed my forehead, gave one last look at me and left.

I went to sleep that night with confused thoughts. Adrian didn't seem to be the cheating kind. Although he definitely was hiding something.

The next morning I went for my usual run. Adrian was waiting for me in usual spot. I drew my eyebrows together and gave him an angry look. He just licked my face.

"Haha. You sure know how to cheer me up. Where have you been all these days?" I hugged him.

"I missed you." I told him and he nuzzled his face in my neck.

We ran together for sometime and sat down at a clearing.

"Adrian kissed me yesterday." I could not stop thinking about the kiss. It was short and sweet.

"Though the kiss was nice and all, that man has some secrets." Adrian was looking at me sharply. He barked once which might be his way of commenting on the matter.

"Anyway, leave that. How have you been? Where have you been?" He barked again.

"I'm not understanding what you are trying to tell. Not that I understood before." I rubbed his fur and got up.

"Let's go. I'm getting late for work."

It was a normal day at work. At lunch time, I was waiting for Nina when she texted saying she had some issue with her system and was waiting for Paul, the IT guy. I went to her desk. Paul came in at the same time. He looked more like a boxer than a regular IT guy. He solved the issue in five minutes.

"We are going to the house for lunch. Why don't you join us?" Nina invited him.

He looked like he was about to deny when Nina added, "You know your someone will be there?" Nina even winked.

"I have to have lunch anyway. So why not here." He agreed and three of us walked together. We entered and both Nina and Paul were having goofy expressions. I followed their gazes to Sam and Alexa. Ah! So he was with Alexa. My gaze was pulled to another person who was talking to Alexa. He sensed my presence and turned to me with a loving smile.

Adrian and Alexa came to us. All of us greeted each other and sat at the table. Adrian and me, Alexa and Paul, Nina and Sam. Adrian had seated himself next to me. The others were giving us speculative gazes but none of them commented.

Ronan joined. He took one look at the table and groaned. "Is this a couple's day out or something?" He confirmed what others were dying to ask.

"Nothing of that sort. We just met the others here." I answered. Ronan gave me a look which said 'you can't lie to me'. Though I was sitting next to Adrian, I didn't do anything of the sort which confirmed to the others that we were indeed a couple. In fact I completely ignored him, which was a difficult thing to do with him holding my hand below the table. I wanted to know if it was the same Alexa who had called yesterday night. Alexa was so into Paul and hardly glanced at Adrian. Even when she spoke to Adrian her head was bowed.

Everybody at the table were teasing each other and having a good time.I didn't want to spoil the mood by bringing up Alexa calling Adrian yesterday night. I observed that no one apart from Ronan tried to tease Adrian or me. Were they scared of Adrian? Eric came then and reminded that it was still a work day and we had to get back. I squeezed his hand and got up. He didn't protest or hold me back for which I was grateful.

"Thank God it's Friday." Nina told in general before we left.

Nina, Alexa and I walked out towards the office. Alexa didn't work there and I was dying to ask why she was coming with us. I thought it would be rude to do so and kept my silence.

"I need to go shopping and Paul is busy." She said in a sad voice like the world was about to end. "We can go after your office hours, if you guys are free that is." She added.

"Sure. No problem." Nina told. "Alex, you will be joining us right?" She asked and I nodded.

Shopping with those two was relaxing. I initially had no intention of buying anything but found a cute top which reminded me of Adrian's eyes. I bought it without thinking twice. Alexa had got her car and she was driving us around. We had dinner at a small cafe and Alexa was to drop us back home. Throughout the evening I felt that someone was following us.

"Bye. I had a great time. Thanks for inviting." I told them when my house came. They dropped me first. I was so tired. I went straight to my room and slept. My parents were out.

I got up and it was very dark. Something woke me. I saw my phone to see that it was 2:39 am. I went to the kitchen to drink water when I heard the noises. It was coming from outside. Curiosity got the better of me and I ventured out following the noise. Once outside there was various noises, noises of the night - animals, birds etc, which made it difficult to concentrate on the noise which made me come out. I closed my eyes in concentration and pin pointed the direction from which it was coming. Though it was very dark I could make out the way in the woods.

The noise was that of a struggle which changed to a cry for help. I was almost near to the source of the noise. I could sense it. I saw a familiar car stopped at a distance. The occupants of the car couldn't see me because the trees and bushes covered me. I just had to take a few more steps when I blacked out.

I got up to see sunlight streaming in to my room. My room? I was lying in my room and nothing was amiss. The only thing which was out of place was my hair. I remember tying it into a ponytail before going to bed. It must have come off in my sleep.I got up and went to do my morning routine when yesterday night came back in a flash. Was it all a dream? How did I get back here?

I went to the kitchen. My parents were having breakfast.

"Good morning sweetheart." Mom greeted. Dad just smiled. Everything was normal. I was confused. I remember fainting. I remember the sounds. Everything felt so real. What really happened?

"I'm going out for a walk." I told them and took the path which I went on in my dream/reality. I needed to confirm. I walked till the spot where I remember fainting but there was no car. Was it really a dream? Great Alex. You have such realistic dreams.

I was about to turn and walk away when a familiar looking red ring caught my sight. I was about to pick it up when I heard a bark. I turned to see Adrian wagging his tail. I went to him and hugged.

"Good morning doggy." He growled.

"Haha okay don't get all wolfy on me now. I had a very realistic dream yesterday night." I didn't go into the details of my dream.

"Did you have breakfast? I'm feeling very hungry."

He lead me back to my house and I was feeling that I forgot about something. As usual we departed and I went inside. The morning news was on and the news reporter was informing about another crime in Snow Falls. It was a report of a missing girl.

"Oh my God." I exclaimed in shock. Everything about my so called dream became clearer. The car in my dream was the one which Alexa drove us around yesterday. The red ring which I was about to pick a few minutes ago belonged to Alexa. And the missing girl reported on TV was Alexa.

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