I ran back to what I considered as the crime scene. Some instinct told me that this was where Alexa was kidnapped. The news report said she didn't come back home Friday night. The reporter made a joke saying she could have been drunk and fallen unconscious somewhere as it was Friday night. According to the police she was not officially missing. Apparently they had a time limit, only after exceeding which would the person be officially considered missing.I had a feeling that if I could decipher my dream/reality then I could try and find out what really happened with Alexa.

There was no car. I went to the spot where the car was parked and checked for the tyre marks. It was not there. I remembered the red ring which I was about to pick up some time back. It was right here. Where did it go? I searched around for a bit but didn't find it. The ring was missing. There was no proof to connect Alexa to this place. No one would believe that I saw her car in this spot at the middle of the night. Even I had trouble believing that I was here in the middle of the night.

I found a stone and sat without knowing what to do.

"Argh. This is so frustrating." I sighed loudly. Is my mind playing tricks with me? I was sure that I was here. I decided to retrace Alexa's steps. I saw her last when she dropped me home. I needed to find out what happened after that? I called Nina.

"Nina, hi, good morning. I heard about Alexa in the news. I wanted to know what happened? I mean after you guys dropped me." I told her straight to the point without beating around the bush.

"Hi Alex. After we dropped you, she got a call from the al.. from Adrian. She dropped and last I know she went to meet him." She sounded like a person who didn't get much sleep.

"She went to meet Adrian? Where did they agree to meet and for what?" I asked tryingnot to sound jealous.

"Never mind. They didn't meet. Adrian says he didn't see her. There is no trace of her."She reports.

"And, where does she stay?" I ask her for Alexa's address and Nina said she would send the location to my phone.

"Okay. Let me know if something comes up." I tell and end the call. My phone pinged with a message. It was from Nina with Alexa's house location. I opened the location on maps and followed the direction to her house.

I came upon a cute looking wooden house in between trees. The house was surrounded by bushes and trees. One good thing about this town was that the neighbors couldn't peep into each other's business. Each and every house that I had seen till now were surrounded by trees and bushes and offered privacy to the people staying in it.

I went to the door and knocked. I obviously knew that Alexa was not there but I didn't know if she stayed alone or not. There was no answer. I banged more loudly now and there was still no answer. I tried the main door knob and to my surprise it opened.

I hesitantly walked inside. It was a small and cozy place. The kitchen and the living room had open plans and blended into each other. I went to the kitchen as it was closer and looked around. I found two coffee mugs which were put upside down after washing.

"Hmm. So she doesn't stay alone. Wonder who the other person is?" I mused to myself and walked to the living room.I did not have to wonder for long. There were pictures of Alexa and Paul hung on the walls. There was a single picture of Alexa in a graduation dress and there was another one clicked in a beach. She had a very photogenic face. It looked the beach and graduation picture was before Paul came into her life. She looked different in those pictures. She had a different hair cut.

There was a study table at one corner. A phone was connected to a laptop. The laptop was open and some program was running. I walked to the table. Paul being the IT guy was probably in middle of something when he must have learnt that Alexa went missing. The mobile connected was of the same brand as that of Alexa's. It was not locked and so I opened.It was Alexa's phone without the back cover. The home screen had a cute picture of Alexa and Paul. I went to the call log. Surely there were many calls between Paul and Alexa. What was interesting was that there were also many calls between Alexa and Adrian as well. Now what did these two have in common to talk about?

"What are you doing here?" I heard a shout behind me. I jerked and clumsily dropped the phone. I turned around to see Paul. He clearly was annoyed. I think anybody would be if you went around snooping in other's houses. He also looked dejected.

"I just wanted to help." I told him and he seemed to be surprised by my answer.

"Well there is nothing much which can be done at this point. There is no damn trace of her."

"I'm sure she hasn't come to any harm. She is ali..I'm sure she is alright."

"Of course she is alive. I would have felt it if it was otherwise." He tells me like that it was obvious and I had to know.

"I was thinking maybe if we could retrace her steps then probably we could get some clue about her."

"Yeah. I thought about it too. But she just vanished after dropping Nina. She was supposed to meet Adrian but she didn't make it." He informs me and went and sat at the couch in the living room. He distractedly switched on the TV. He seems not to be angry with the fact that I intruded and was looking into his things.

"Do you know why she was meeting Adrian? Were they close?" I ask him in what I think is a casual tone.

"I don't know. She moved here only a couple of months back and has hardly met Adrian." He seems to be thinking of something else altogether. He was randomly changing channels on the TV when Alyxandrina's face popped up. It was a news report. The reporter was saying that an anonymous witness informed that a stranger, with a distinctive tattoo on back of his hand, was seen lurking around her house a few days before the murder. Something about that information was bothering me.

I was thinking about it when Paul got up and said "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. You said she moved here only a couple of months back. Where was she before? Why did she move here? Where is her family?"

"Wohoo, wait a minute. That's too many questions. She is from the states and her family stay there as well. I met her when I had gone to an ethical hacking conference. She was studying in the same university where the conference happened. She moved in here with me after that." He answered.

"What, you guys just met and she agreed to move to this small town with you?" I asked surprised.

"Hey we fell in love and don't get so judgmental." He tries to explain.

"Hmm whatever you say." I tell in a disbelieving tone.

"You will understand one day."

"Let's see. So that's her phone right? Found anything relevant?" I asked mainly to deviate from the romance topic.

"She has got a text from an unknown number asking for a meeting. But that could be one of her friends visiting from the states. Nothing else looks suspicious."

I note down the number and left after that. Alexa's place was near to my office and in order to go home I had to pass it. I was walking slowly thinking about Adrian. He used to accompany me on such walks. I missed this wolf's company. He comes and goes whenever he wishes. I saw Ronan walking out of the office building.

"Thinking of Adrian?" He asked me.

"Yes." I answer back.

"Go meet him." He seemed to be amused.

"Don't know where he is. Feels like I haven't seen him in ages." I told him sadly though I had seen him only a few hours ago.

"Is it? You guys met just yesterday." He was smirking.

"What? No, I was talking about my pet." I tell him realizing that he was talking about his brother.

"Oh okay. Do you understand him?" He asks like he is enjoying some secret joke which I was sure at my expense. I had other things on my mind and didn't have time to take offense. I needed to find out why Adrian wanted to meet Alexa.

"Who your brother?" I absently ask him.

"No, your pet," he chuckled.

"The talking is mainly one sided. He seem to understand me though." I drift off thinking of a similar meeting schedule between Adrian and Alyxandrina, and the way in which Adrian didn't answer satisfactorily when I asked about her.

"Adrian is also untalkative" I added.

"Your pet?" He looks confused.

"No your brother. Obviously my pet can't talk." I tell him annoyed. "Do you know Alexa?"

His whole face changed. It became serious.

"Yes I know her." He answered and I waited for him to continue. But it looked like he wasn't going to.

"She has been reported missing." I told him.

"Yeah. I know, I mean I heard about it." He looked into the distance."Anyway I gotta go. See you later." He said and left. He was fine just a few moments ago. Wonder what suddenly changed his demeanor.

I walked back home thinking of the best way to ask Adrian about Alexa. I wanted to know why he wanted to meet her.

"You left abruptly." It was mom. She looked up from the book which she was reading.

"Had some errands to run." I evasively answer. "Where is dad by the way?"

"He is at his den. Go eat something. You haven't had anything since morning." Mom scolded me. I guess mothers are like that. Here I was worried about a missing and a dead girl and mom was worried about me eating. There could be a apocalypse happening and my mother would still make sure that I was not on an empty stomach. I loved her to bits.

"Yes mommm." I answer in a childish tone and go in.

I ate what turned out to be my brunch. I had the rest of the day to myself. I decided to give some me time. I felt that today was going to be my last peaceful day in a long time to come. Sometimes there are no explanations for your instincts.

I caught up with my emails, wrote to my friends from my previous office and picked up a book. I took a pillow and blanket along with me and went to the back of the house. I spread the blanket, laid the pillow and settled in a comfortable position. The book I had picked was a thriller. I was so engrossed in the book that I didn't realize when the intensity of the light around became dim. The sun had set but there was still smoky, orange light left in the sky. I closed the book, laid completely on my back and started admiring the sky.

It was so peaceful and beautiful. Very soon it became completely dark. The moon had risen. It was silvery, exquisite and aroused a feeling of wanting to touch it, but unattainable. Today it was a crescent moon. The arc shape was so perfect. It reminded me of Adrian. Adrian had a similar crescent moon shaped tattoo between his thumb and index finger at the dorsal surface of the hand. The tattoo was very intriguing. I wouldn't imagine getting a tattoo done at that place, but it looked perfect at the back of his hand.

I sat up straight. At the back of his hand? Adrian had a tattoo at the back of his hand. "Oh my God."

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