I was running in the woods and somebody was chasing me. Not like an attack but more like a playful chase. I was laughing and trying not to get caught. There was howling sounds heard at a distance. The person chasing me finally caught up to me and lovingly kissed my forehead.

I opened my eyes to see my mother standing near my bed.

"Go back to sleep sweetheart." The kiss on my forehead was real.

"You too mom. Go sleep." I replied to her in my sleepy voice.

She left my room. I could still hear howling sounds. I was not sure if I was still dreaming or those sounds were real. The sounds gradually diminished and I went back to sleep.

The next time I opened my eyes it was at the crack of dawn. I tried going back to sleep but could not. I changed into my tracks and decided to go for a run. I walked out of the house as silently as possible. I wanted to clear my mind and be strong to face the truths the confrontation revealed.

I didn't know how my emotional state was going to be, so I took my phone out and dropped an email to Eric saying I would take the day off. I started walking and slowly was jogging when Adrian came out of nowhere. How does he always know when I am out of my house? I stopped and both of us were walking now.

"I know I have no right to be angry with you , but I still am." I told him. I was actually disappointed with his absence yesterday night, though I was not angry with him. Like I said I had no right to be angry with him.

He was staring at me like he had no clue what I was talking about.

"God ! I sound like an annoyed girlfriend who is upset with her boyfriend. The sad part is you can't even explain your absence. I was expecting to see you yesterday night. Probably you went and slept or was busy doing doggy things".As expected he growled at the mention of dog. I ignored him and continued.

"There was an inexplicable sadness within me when you were not there." His expression changed as though understanding dawned. Do animals understand such complex human emotions?

He came towards me and did his favorite thing, which of course is licking my face. After that he began to bark. The sun had started peeping out of the clouds. He was barking, wagging his tail and walking happily. I was amazed to see him like this. He stopped on realizing that I was not following him. He stopped and was waiting for me.

"I came for a run doggy. Let's see if you can keep up." I started running. He gave a loud bark and came behind me. He soon overtook me and was leading the way. I did not lag behind a lot. Either I had great stamina and a fast runner or he is deliberately slow. I think it is the latter as wolves are definitely faster than humans without a doubt.

After a while, he stopped at a clearing. I was panting by now. I found a rock and sat down. Adrian sat next to me. He hesitated about something and then put his head on my lap. He lifted his eyes to me as though asking if that was okay. I smiled at him and began stroking his fur. His fur was velvety soft. He made a moaning sound.

"You like this doggy", I told which was followed by a growl.

"You are a wolf right, how do you even know the difference between a wolf and a dog?" I asked him thoughtfully.

"Dog, wolf ; these are just words given by humans. You shouldn't even be able to comprehend whatever I call you." He was just staring at me. He suddenly stood and had a faraway look, like he was thinking deeply. The expression on his face seemed placid, midway between a daze and thoughtfulness.

His expression reminded me of man Adrian and all the similarities I was trying to list out yesterday.

"Oh my God !" , he turned hearing me exclaim.

"First I think I am adopted.Secondly, I think my parents are running away from somebody. Then I am finding similarities between you and Adrian." At this his ears perked up.

"I met a man yesterday. His name is also Adrian. He has eyes similar to yours. His hair is also jet black like yours. You are a wolf and he is a human. Everything is so unusual. I need an explanation to every odd thing." I ranted.

"Since you can't talk and give me satisfactory answers I am going to people who can talk. I had already decided to talk to my parents today." He looked like he didn't know what to do.

"Let's go now." I tell him and we walk back silently. The sun had risen completely now.

Adrian and I parted at the usual spot after reaching near my house. I walked in to see my parents having breakfast. Everything seemed normal. They were chatting cheerfully. For a minute I hesitated to go and talk to them. I didn't want to disturb this bliss. But I guess it's better for everyone if it is out in open. Whatever the truth is, the relationship between us won't change. I am sure of that. I walk forward making up my mind.

"Good morning my darling. Had a nice run?" , asked my dad. I nodded at him.

"Breakfast sweetheart?" , mom asked and I shook my head.

I sat down and nervously looked at both of them. This is it.

"Mom, dad I want you both to know that I love you guys a lot. No matter what that will not change." I tell them with a small smile. They return my smile but I can see confusion in their eyes. They probably must be wondering what brought on this morning confession.

"I want to ask you something and I want an honest answer in return.First maybe a yes or a no and then followed by explanation as and when needed." Both of them look at each other.

"Am I adopted?" My voice became wobbly.

There was pure shock on both their faces. They kept looking at each other. Mom was fidgeting with her hands. Dad kept picking his food without eating.They were avoiding looking at me. I patiently waited for them to recover.I was feeling queasy inside.If my suspicions were false then they would have denied by now. Their silence meant only one thing. They both looked at each other and my dad nodded at mom.

Finally, both of them looked at me. Dad sighed loudly and started talking.

"Yes Alex. You are adopted. You may not have been born to us, but your mom and I love you very much. You have been the apple of our eye and you still are. You may biologically not be ours, although in every other aspect which counts you are our daughter and that will never change." He finished sadly.

"Have you met my real parents?" I asked softly.

"Yes" , it was mom who replied.

"How are they? Why did they give me up?" There was hurt in my voice.

"They are good people. I think they didn't have much choice in the matter" , dad replied cautiously.

"Dad." Dad was smiling now. I think me calling him dad made him happy.

I returned his smile and continued, "Dad, then can I meet them? Where are they?"

"I don't think meeting them is possible" , he answered sadly.

"Why? What happened? Dad , are we running from somebody? I heard you and mom speaking the other day." I tell him and notice his expression become worried.

They were looking at each other again.

"How much do you know baby? " Mom asked.

"I heard something about covering tracks.Please tell me. I'm a grown up now. I can handle it." Dad's expression clearly indicated that he had his thinking hat on.

"Okay. Your parents belonged to different walks of life. They fell in love and got married. Their marriage was opposed by many people, including your grandparents. One day it was raining heavily. Your parents had left you with us and had gone out on a date.You were still a baby then. We were friends with them. They met with an accident, which I strongly suspect that it is not. Your dad had another friend Ephraim. He must have been behind the accident. He is a chameleon.I always told your dad not to trust him. We suspected that they may try and kill you as well. That is why we left immediately, moved towns and cut all ties. It is a case of honor killing." He ended and nodded satisfactorily.

I was digesting what I had just learnt. There seemed to be so many loopholes to the story but at the same time it completely made sense. I wanted some alone time.

I stood up and they also did the same. I hugged both of them tightly. I was crying now thinking of my biological parents whom I never knew. If they were not dead, what would my life been like now?

"Don't worry about me. I need some fresh air. I'll come back." I assured them brokenly and walked out.

Adrian was waiting for me where the trees started. I walked ahead of him and he silently followed. We reached the clearing where we sat earlier. I turned and hugged him tightly and started weeping.

"Suspecting something is completely different from having those suspicions confirmed." I was openly sobbing without caring about anything else. He couldn't comfort me with words. Nevertheless I was glad he was there to offer his silent support.

"I wish I knew my parents. I wish they didn't have to die. I wish I could get more time to get to know them and spend some time." I cried thinking of all the things that could have happened differently.

After getting a hold on my bearings I narrated everything my dad told to Adrian. I broke our hug so I could speak more clearly and look at him. He was giving me an expression which I had tough time deciphering. It was an expression which said 'what a cock and bull story did you just feed me with'. But I must be wrong in reading him. He surely must be showing something as pity and understanding right?

I closely looked at him and the more I was trying to make out, the more I was convinced that he had an expression of disbelief. Did he not believe the honor killing story which my dad told? But why would dad lie? When he could confirm that I was adopted, he may as well tell the rest of the truth. I had no reason to doubt my dad. Moreover, I had to remind myself that I am no wolf expression decipher-er and hence could be totally wrong in understanding Adrian's expression. My phone started ringing then. It was Ronan.

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