"Alex, Ronan here. Eric told that you had taken the day off. I wanted to check on the status of the file which I gave you the other day. No hurry but it is quiet an important file. It consists details of all the year end financials."

"Yes. I'm working on it. It should be done by end of day tomorrow. There aren't any discrepancies so far, so it is easy to tally and cross check the accounts." I reply back while looking at Adrian who was staring alertly at me.

"Are you unwell? Why did you take leave today?" He asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine. Just an emotional day." I tell him flatly.

"Emotional you say. Don't be alone then.Are you alright now? Go and have a day out with your friends." He gives a suggestion.

"I am not alone.I am fine now. I am with a friend of sorts." I smile at Ad at this.

"Hmm. Friend of sorts huh? Is it your pet?"

"Yes I am with Adrian." I have a feeling that he already knew that I was with Adrian before even he posed that question to me. Adrian has that faraway look again. He seems to be lost in his own thoughts.

"Hmm okay. Anyway, have a good day and take care." He ended the call.

"Adrian" , he snapped out when I called him.

"Dad mentioned about a person called Ephraim, who was my dad's friend. My biological dad's friend. I want to meet him. There is no way he can identify me now. But my parents will freak out if I tell them my intentions. They believe that this man is out to kill me." Adrian is shaking his head.

"See I know nobody would agree to this plan. That's the reason I'm telling you. You can't tell on me to anybody. But first I need to find out more details about Ephraim. I don't even know how to contact him." Adrian is shaking his head faster now. It's like he is trying to emphasize his denial.

"You have no choice buddy, but to go along with my plan. How you turned out to be so intelligent, who understands everything I tell is beyond me. But for now my decision is made. I need to sneak into my dad's den again to get some details." I tell him with a self-satisfied smile. He seems to be frustrated with me. He is pacing around. It is a funny sight.

He stops and again there is a faraway look in his eyes. My phone starts ringing again. It is Ronan. What now?

"Um Alex. It is me Ronan. Uh. I hope I didn't disturb you. It is just that I'm worried about that year end file being thorough. If it is okay with you, can you please come to the office now and try and finish it." He was uncomfortable about something. Probably because it was my day off and he was asking me to come and work. I was fine now. I can as well go and complete the task.

"Okay. I can come now. I'll be there in sometime." I hang up and look at Adrian who is still looking ahead and seems to be deep in thought. For all I know he maybe thinking about his next prey.

"Adrian I am going back to office now. I'll text my parents and inform them. You carry on." I dismiss him like he is a person. He wagged his tail and ran into the woods.

I walked to the office building. Sam and Nina were standing outside and talking. They looked cute together.

They saw me coming and stopped talking to greet me.

"I though you had taken off today." It was Nina who spoke first to me.

"Yeah but Ronan had called asking to complete a task. So here I am."

"Is it? That doesn't sound like something Ronan would do ; asking a person to get back when they are on leave. If it's urgent then usually he would only complete it. " Sam commented.

"Well he did. No harm done. See you guys later." Before I could go, Nina called out.

"Alex. We are going to hangout at a nearby cafe after work hours. Do join us." She invited.

Before I could even give it a thought she added , "Don't worry you won't be a middle man between us. Ronan will also be joining and maybe even Eric."

I accepted and went inside. I gave my full concentration and worked without getting distracted. I finished it and got up to stretch my hands to relieve some tension when Ronan walked in. Adrian was trailing behind him. I felt conscious. It was so unladylike what I just did. Ronan gave a smile which said 'it's okay'. Adrian looked gorgeous. He was wearing a denim shirt which perfectly molded his broad shoulders. Adrian walked in and acknowledged me with a curt nod.

"I just finished. Here take it." I gave him the file which now contained my additional work. He nodded and took it.

"Thanks. I wouldn't have normally called you but ", he looked at Adrian who was looking at me. He did not complete that sentence.

"But?" I probed.

"Nothing. Let's go to the cafe if you are done. Nina said she already mentioned it to you." I'm sure Ronan had something to tell but decided not to. I couldn't prod him much. After all he is my boss.

All of us went to the cafe which was already decided upon by them. We sat around a round table and placed our orders. The waiter was a sweet lady who had a loving smile. That was until she kept glancing at Adrian more than the others. I didn't like it. I didn't like the waiter. She was no more a sweet lady. I glanced around and caught Adrian's gaze. All my worries were for naught. Adrian had his gaze only for me. This I very much liked.

"Alex. So tell us, you moved here recently right? How's the town treating you?" Eric was asking me. I guess as I am the new girl here, everybody's attention will be directed towards me.

"It's fine. I haven't explored the town much and my interactions also have been limited. So far it has been good."

"Well maybe if you found time away from your pet, you would have had more time to interact with others." Ronan was looking at Adrian and had a teasing expression when he told this. How would Ronan know how much time I spent with wolf Adrian. Maybe he told generally.

"Do you believe in fantasies Alex? " It was Nina who posed this question. Adrian's expression became alert. Just then the waiter came with our orders. She placed it around and took leave.

"What kind of fantasies?" I asked.

"You know, like the existence of unicorns, witches etc etc."

"No. As you said they are just fantasies and not real."

"What about vampires?" She went on.

"Well I believe that human cannibalism exists but not vampires." I answer her. Adrian is silently watching our exchange but his expression is becoming more and more guarded. He looks like he wants this conversation to take place and not take place at the same time.

"What about werewolves?" She looked around the table once when she asked this. Everyone were intently looking at me like my answer to this question was somehow important to them.

"Werewolves. You mean like a human turning into a wolf. That is just bat shit crazy. Impossible." I tell her confidently. Eric nods in way which suggests that what else could I have answered. Ronan has a smirk. Sam looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here. Adrian on the other hand looks upset, as though my answer has saddened him. What is wrong with these people. There is no logical relation to each one's reaction.

"Werewolves could be real " , Nina tells to which I just shake my head. She continued talking, dismissing my reaction.

"I mean I would like to believe they are real. Isn't it nice to have a mate? Did you know that wolves mate for life. They are so dedicated to their mates. Imagine having that kind of commitment. Sometimes it can become overbearing with their possessive and protective nature, because they are stubborn people. But overall having a mate for life is wonderful. " She told dreamily.

"Back to earth Nina. Werewolves are not real. Though what you told is right. Having a mate for life is wonderful, but it does not happen in real world."

"Think about it. All I am saying is don't dismiss it just because you can't see it, " was her wise reply.

After that we chatted about normal things like movies. These people knew each other from a long time. Again it was my tastes that they were not aware of. Sam was asking about the kind of movies which I liked to watch when Adrian answered in my stead. I opened my mouth in surprise. How the hell did he know?

He guiltily looked at me and told, "I just guessed it. Girls these days usually like such movies."

"Hmm. You seem to be awfully aware of girls' tastes. You must know a lot of girls." I tease him. What am I doing teasing my boss's brother? I look at Ronan to gauge his reaction but he seems to be enjoying whatever is happening.

"Not girls, just one girl." He whispered in a barely audible voice.

The waiter came back to take our orders for desserts. She again smiled a lot at Adrian. When she looked at me I glared at her. I turned in time to see Ronan having a knowing expression on his face. I shyly put my head down. Before I could order for myself Adrian ordered on my behalf. Damn he is controlling. What was more surprising was that he had ordered my favorite one. Again, how the hell did he know?

"It is what usually girls' order. Even Nina ordered for the same thing." He pointed out at Nina and had a 'save me from this conversation' expression.

I just nodded and didn't bother replying. Nina ordering the same thing could be a coincidence. After eating we left the place. I had already planned out the route to walk back home.

"I'll drop you." Adrian told in a commanding voice. Like it was finalized and there was no room for argument.

"No. It's okay. I'll walk back. My place is close by. Don't bother." I also tried telling him in an equally firm voice which bore no room for arguments.

We went on about like this for sometime. He telling that he will drop and me denying. At this point it had become more of a challenge as to who would concede. Ronan seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the whole episode.Sam and Eric were also laughing.

"Let her walk Adrian. It is not yet late. She will be fine." Eric broke in.

"Yes. Listen to Eric. I don't mind walking. Besides Adrian will be there" I told him.

"No. I won't be there."

"I was talking about my pet Adrian. Not you", I clarified.

He had nothing to say after that. We said our goodbyes and left. I walked to where the trees started and looked around. Adrian was not there. I walked further in. Maybe he will join me in sometime. I was walking when I felt someone behind me. Thinking that it must be Adrian I turned around grinning. I missed him.

For a moment I was shocked and my grin disappeared. It was Adrian alright. But not my Adrian. It was man Adrian. I lifted my eyebrow in a question.

"Alex. It has been awkward between us from the start. I like you. I would like for us to get to know each other better. Can we meet for dinner tomorrow? I'll pick you up."

Woo. That was unexpected. Adrian was asking me out on a date. I did like him too. But should I agree. He was still my boss' brother. Would things get complicated in my work life if I started dating Adrian? He was waiting for my reply.

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