Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 434: Worship of the strong

The deity priest of Heishi Village held the roasted snake meat with trembling hands. He watched the village name of Huangshi Village gobble the snake meat. of nourishment.

Under Lin Xuan's coercion, the soldiers of Heishi Village around him didn't dare to move, and looked at their own gods with eyes. Tears fell from the corners of their mouths unsatisfactorily. There is an indescribable attraction to them, and I really want to take a bite.

The priest of Heishi Village raised his head and looked at Lin Xuan's half-smile expression, his heart tightened, and then he calmed down and shouted sharply, "Eat!"

After speaking, he immediately gave a demonstration, chewing the roasted snake meat in his hand, the nutritional essence in the snake meat has become soft after the real fire of Lin Xuan's sun, and can be completely absorbed by ordinary people. Quick digestion and absorption, no need to consider the problem of eating.

In fact, for villages with totem beliefs about wild beasts, it is not very common to change a totem deity, but it happens from time to time. After all, they are real wild beasts in the wild world, and they also have their own lives , it is also commonplace to fight other wild beasts outside, and it is not surprising that they have fallen.

Therefore, the people of Heishi Village don't have much feelings about the death of their own gods. The only thing that feels strange is that they ate their own gods... It tastes great!

The deity sacrifice in Heishi Village is different from other people. As a deity sacrifice, he is the person who is most "close" to the deity. Generally speaking, he communicates with the deity, and to a certain extent can borrow the mighty power of the deity, but nowadays, The gods have become food ingredients, he is a food sacrifice, and others still rely on him, just because of the power of accumulated years, once they want to understand, he is just an ordinary person, an ordinary villager of Heishi Village.

As he chewed on the roasted snake meat, he thought about what to do.

Having enjoyed the luxury brought by power, he naturally did not want to be an ordinary person who could not eat enough to clothe himself, but now that the gods are dead, it is impossible for him to become a godly sacrifice unless he finds a new one. Relying on a strong man who is comparable to the gods... While thinking about it, he raised his head again to look at Lin Xuan.

Killing Feathered Serpent God with one blade should be regarded as a powerful god. If this strong man becomes the **** of Blackrock Village, he may not be able to embezzle other villages, be promoted to town, or even become Blackrock City!

"Sir, can you become the deity of our Black Rock Village?"

Thinking of this, the old priest hurriedly stuffed the rest of the barbecue into his mouth, knelt down impatiently, and pleaded loudly to Lin Xuan.

The other Heishi Village warriors were stunned when they heard the words of their old priest, and then looked at the barbecue in their hands, their eyes lit up, it seemed to be good, this strong man is obviously a human race, and will not be swallowed like a desolate beast. The human race, at most, is a few women, and they also give them barbecue... This thing can be fixed!

For a time, the soldiers of Heishi Village also knelt down, and sincerely shouted and prayed.

As for the women from Huangshi Village, they stared blankly at the people from Heishi Village, but some of them were smart and their brains turned very fast. They were enemies with the people from Heishi Village. Once the strong man became the deity of Heishi Village, then These women still cannot escape the fate of becoming slaves.

But now, it seems that we can fight for it!

Without further ado, he took all the women in Huangshi Village to crawl down, hoping that Lin Xuan would become their god.


The level of education in this world is not high, but there are still many smart people.

To be honest, Lin Xuan expected this scene, but it came too fast, he couldn't react for a while, but he immediately entered the state.

"God? It's the kind you are eating now? Then I'm not right, I won't be your god, I'll be your emperor!"

The emperor's aura erupted. Because they didn't specifically target these villagers, they didn't faint, but they were still very uncomfortable, and they couldn't breathe.

As Lin Xuan's aura erupted, there seemed to be a terrifying strangeness between heaven and earth. At this moment, the perennially deep clouds in the sky were divided into two halves by Lin Xuan's aura. Compared with Shenwei, Huangwei was more solemn and indescribable.

"Human Emperor?!"

The gods don't understand what this is, but it doesn't matter, what the strong man likes, they will say what they say, save their lives first, and if they can win this strong man, let alone the emperor, the emperor, the gods can do it!

Even the most erudite priests did not know the meaning of "Human Sovereign", and other people were naturally confused, but when they saw the respectful words of the gods, they naturally knew that they should follow the strong man.

Lin Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at a group of savages on the ground. Seeing them with a confused look, they were shouting "Human Emperor", which was really embarrassing.

Then he turned to look at the four fields, all of which were endless wilderness worlds. If he was alone, he would not necessarily be able to build a dynasty after spending hundreds of years. Fortunately, he was not fighting alone. There are more than a dozen imperial dynasties in Taixia. With the template of "history", Lin Xuan will soon be able to put up a framework, plus many scholars from Taixia... Steady!

He chuckled and said to everyone, "From today onwards, you are all my people!"

"The first thing, move, um, move to Heishi Village first!"

Huangshi Village can no longer be inhabited. The medical level in the barbaric era is extremely poor, and the place has just been burned... Although most of the people in this world are strong and strong, UU reading www.uukanshu. com, but not afraid of 10,000, just in case, the dynasty is in its infancy, and any population is very important. .seven

Lin Xuan also rescued the spirit sacrifice of Huangshi Village, who was lying in a wooden cage, and then devoured a piece of roasted snake meat. After listening to the explanations of the others, he knelt down in front of Lin Xuan without saying a word.

Finally got it all.

After a brief tidying up, Lin Xuanfei was at the front, followed by the two gods. Although they have become ordinary people now, the prestige of the past still exists, and they can control people. As for the others, they all follow behind. Go to Heishi Village.

At the beginning, the crowd was still very depressed, but as the wild beasts attacked, they became more and more excited, because Lin Xuan's strength was too strong. Kill one, come two and kill one pair!

In this wild world, the worship of the strong is a very common thing.

And Lin Xuan is the powerhouse they admire.

Not far away, the smoke from the cooking smoke is curling up, and Heishi Village has arrived!

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