Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 435: Combining luck and luck, wild beasts strike

In the world of the strong, force decides everything!

Lin Xuan possesses absolute force, and he is still a human race. Even people in this world don't know the truth of "not from our race, their hearts must be different", but they also know that human races don't eat human races... at least they won't eat too much. obvious……

Soon, Heishi Village and Huangshi Village merged. Although the two villages have just fought a war, the men in Huangshi Village are basically no longer alive, but people must live. Tomorrow the sun will rise as usual, and the days are still alive. If it went on, the people of Huangshi Village joined Heishi Village with tears in their eyes.

Regarding the management of villages and towns, and the construction of the dynasty, Lin Xuan is not clear. If it is an established dynasty, then Lin Xuan only needs to let them operate as usual, but to rebuild a dynasty, which involves Lin Xuan's Blind spot, simply, he is not fighting alone.

He needs to go back to the Tai Xia people and bring all the talents needed to establish a dynasty here, and Tai Xia also needs to provide large-scale material support to the wild world in the early stage... Lin Xuan does not understand these things. He doesn't need to understand, he just needs to provide everyone with invincible force support!

But before he left, he had to do one thing to eliminate the threat of wild beasts around Heishi Village.

Today's Heishi Village has no protection from the Feathered Serpent God. Other wild beasts sensed the disappearance of the protection of the surrounding Gods at the first time. The territorial aura of the Feathered Serpent God dissipated. Breath comes to hunt.

And what Lin Xuan has to do is to clear the surrounding wild beasts, and then go to explore the surrounding villages to see their gods and prepare for the subsequent attack.


No one really thinks that people in the wild world can draw maps, right? !

Well, there really is.

Lin Xuan sat on the ground, looking at the "sketches" handed over by the gods of Heishi Village, and fell into deep thought.

This is a map of animal skins, on which a sketch was drawn with charcoal burned by fire. The triangle shape should be a hill, and the wavy line is probably a river. Could this black trace be a lake?

"Sir, this is blood that hasn't been cleaned up..."

Lin Xuan: ...

You are too embarrassed to say that this thing is a map, there is no direction marked, no equal scale marked, no longitude and latitude... Forget it, let's take a look at it, and you can't ask for too much...

When Lin Xuan was "researching" the map, the villagers of Heishi Village suddenly cheered. They saw the huge corpse of the wild beast dragged back by the soldiers. They could finally eat barbecue and drink broth!

Many villagers knelt down towards Lin Xuan's position. The gods only sheltered them and allowed them to barely survive, but Lin Xuan brought back food so that they could live better in this world.

Through the induction of spiritual power, Lin Xuan knew what they were shouting.

"Thank you, Lord God, for giving us food!"

"What God, Lord Sacrificial Lord said, I want to call this Lord Human Emperor!"

"Wuwuwu, my little treasure doesn't need to be a tribute. He can survive. Thank you, Lord Human Sovereign. Thank you Lord Human Sovereign."

"In the future, will our Black Rock Village be sheltered by the Emperor Human?"


Lin Xuan frowned silently, this world is far more difficult than he imagined, not the difficulty of the strategy, but the situation of the human race.

Four or five-year-old children here may be contributed as tributes because of the appetite of the gods. On the Blue Star, in Taixia, four or five-year-old children can live happily regardless of whether they have parents or not.

Humans shouldn't be like this!

Lin Xuan raised his head if he realized something, maybe he came to this world to change all of this.

Children of this world, when they are four or five years old, should play carefree, instead of being drawn as a tribute to the gods, and when they are seven or eight years old, they should study in a bright classroom, instead of picking up swords and going into the wilderness for the sake of Survive against all odds.

The emperor is not a slogan shouted in his mouth, but a great change made by action!

The human race of this world is sheltered by me!

The Taixia Humanity Luck on Lin Xuan's body seems to have sensed Lin Xuan's will, escaping from the top of his head, linking the humanistic will of this world.

A golden humanistic qi fortune golden dragon and a dying humanistic qi fortune human spirit met in a mysterious place. The dragon roared loudly, shocking the gray fog around, while the dying humanistic qi transport human spirit shone brightly. He stretched out his broken little hand and gave himself to Shenlong.

Combining the two into one, Fang Tiandi recognized Lin Xuan's position as a human emperor!

Lin Xuan was shocked and seemed to sense something, but it seemed that nothing happened.

In Jiyan Dragon City, a terrifying Jiyan dragon opened its dragon pupil. It seemed to sense something, but a disdainful smile appeared on the corner of its mouth, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

Within the covenant of the gods, a **** who could not see his figure in the main seat of the temple of the gods suddenly opened his eyes and roared loudly. For a time, the heaven and the earth shook, the situation changed, and the other gods quickly returned to their positions, and the meeting of the gods began.

Scarlet hasn't changed.

Lin Xuan stood up and cast his eyes into the distance. In his senses, several powerful wild beasts were rushing towards this side, and there were a few eyes hidden in the dark, which should be the gods of the surrounding villages.

Seeing Lin Xuan standing up, the villagers of Heishi Village were a little puzzled, but soon, the sound of cranes, tigers roaring, and bear roars came from a distance, let them ~The disaster after the fall of the gods has arrived.

These wild beasts may not all want to eat all the people in Heishi Village. They also want to become totem gods, enjoy the belief of the human race, and allow themselves to advance quickly. The totem gods, and the failed wild beasts, will not be willing to run for nothing and devour a few people. Is it normal as a toll? !

A giant tiger quietly came out of the shadow of the woods beside Heishi Village. Although it didn't roar loudly, the quiet giant tiger was more frightening than the roaring giant tiger.

A black-crowned crane landed on the roof of a building in Heishi Village, cleaned its wings gracefully, and then spread out its wings and flapped, blowing a strong wind.

Finally, there was a white bear, tall and mighty, standing upright, exuding a violent aura, but standing very quietly, as if to count the population of Heishi Village.

Their silence is entirely because of Lin Xuan, a human race of the rank!

This is a huge gain. The Terran Human Race not only tastes great, but also provides a lot of belief power. Originally, I just came here to see if I could gain something, but I didn't expect to encounter a big fish!

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