Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Invade the North

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Lin Xuan ascended the throne and became emperor. For the natives of the wild world, nothing has changed. Lord Human Sovereign is still Lord Human Sovereign. In the past, there will be more grand sacrificial feasts when the gods are in place, so everything is as usual.

For many strong scholars in Taixia, this is more like a more serious game of "playing the house". Taixia himself does not use the feudal monarchy anymore, but the wild world is playing this game. A few high-level powerhouses who couldn't understand Lin Xuan but were helpless even complained wildly in their hearts.

But others don't know, Lin Xuan himself is very shocked, although it is only a name, but it is completely different!

Although Taixia is powerful, it is not a feudal monarchy after all. In the era when the people are the masters of the house, the emperor and the emperor have become the past tense, but in the wild world, the monarchy appeared for the first time, and the human race finally had its own emperor.

The five-color city was renamed "Xia", called Xiacheng, and it was also the capital of the Xia Kingdom.

Lin Xuan, dressed in a black robe and a crown of the emperor, sat upright in the Lingxiao Palace in the palace. A steady stream of sentient beings gathered from the people of Xiacheng, if it was just an ordinary emperor. , Naturally, it is incorporated into one's own body and achieves the highest position with the will of all beings.

But Lin Xuan is different. All the wishes of all beings are used by Lin Xuan to transform them into dragon veins and forge humanistic dragon veins in the wild world.

Since the dragon veins began to be cast, every commoner living in Xia City, every citizen of Xia Kingdom, will have a trace of humanistic dragon blood in their bodies, and naturally become innate beast blood, their potential has greatly increased, and their strength has greatly increased. .

Naturally, Lin Xuan himself did not gain anything. The strength of the country was strong, which directly fed back to his practice, allowing him to practice a thousand miles in a day, which is indeed less than the accumulation of three hundred years in Taixia, but it was a one-off, and now it is It's a steady stream.

What's more, it is only a small town with a population of 600,000 people. When Lin Xuan continues to develop and expand the Xia Dynasty, with a population of one million, ten million, or even one hundred million, several hundred million, his cultivation will be even stronger. , unfathomable.

In addition, he has another gain, and that is the practice.

Whether it is the old gods of Wudang or the gods of Wanfa, they all have their own exercises, and all of them have developed them downward, hoping that one day they can turn their own exercises into basic exercises of the mysterious order. , All the people of Taixia will be able to practice, possess the exercises, and easily enter the mysterious order.

The old immortal Wudang succeeded, and his Origin of Qi Physique was already at the low level of the Xuan rank, but unfortunately, he was following a career path, and there was no way to spread the "Origin of Qi Physique" widely, and he could only work hard to build his skills. Magic cards, but if the output is to satisfy the billions of people in Taixia, it is simply wishful thinking.

Wanfa Tianren can teach everyone his own practice without using cards. He also has a treasure of practice. Logically speaking, this matter should also be handed over to him, but the problem is, His own current practice has not reached the limit of his own ideal, and now it is only "Eight Nine Mysterious Art", and his ideal goal is "Nine Transformation Xuanyuan", which is still a little short.

As for Lin Xuan, although it sounds unpleasant to say so, the fact is that no one thinks that Lin Xuan can create the basic exercises of the profound order. After all, the time is too short, and even if it is created, there is no way to spread it. .

Lin Xuan himself thought so before, but now, after ascending the throne and becoming the emperor, Lin Xuan found that something was wrong. He seemed, like, maybe, there was a way!

The first is the will of all living beings. This thing is very magical. Its essence is the power of faith, and the gods can evolve a strange organ "godhead" through the power of faith. The godhead is equivalent to a central CPU processor. Compared with supercomputing The equipment is not bad at all. According to Lin Xuan's speculation, we can use the will of all living beings to deduce the, and it is easier to spread the exercises. You must know that the emperor is the representative of humanity. It is the existence of Ninety-nine Supreme, although there is not much bonus in strength, but the authority is absolutely high enough. After cutting off four ways, it is still Ninety-five Supreme, known as the Son of Heaven.

Lin Xuan can completely use the Human Dao Qi Luck to pass the exercises to all the human races under the protection of the Human Dao Qi Luck, and download them into their brains with one click.

It's so arrogant!


After polishing today's practice, Lin Xuan got up and looked at the scenery outside the Lingxiao Palace. What flashed in his mind was the inspiration of the exercises.

Brother, spread the fire? !

It's not the time yet, just a flash of inspiration, to complete the beginning of this exercise, I am afraid that it is necessary to unify the entire Northland, and there are nearly 100 million people under his command.

"It is said that the strong people of Taixia Pavilion, Sangong Jiuqing will come to Lingxiao Palace to discuss matters!"

Lin Xuan came back to his senses and shouted towards the door, and soon a guard ran to call for someone.

In less than ten minutes, everyone was already sitting in the Lingxiao Hall. Even if they thought it was a "house wine", since the person in charge this time was Lin Xuan and they couldn't beat him, it was natural by his rules.

"Da Sima, how's the logistics?"

"Everything is ready!"

"Da Situ, how is the population resettlement?"

"Everything is ready!"

"Da Sikong, is it difficult to implement compulsory education?"

"Everything went according to plan!"

Sangong Jiuqing is now a part-time scholar of Taixia, but their deputy is all local indigenous people. They are children with flexible thinking carefully selected by them.


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