Alternate World: I Started With Two SSS Templates

Vol 2 Chapter 448: wait for the dragon

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No totem gods can take a round in Lin Xuan's hands, especially after the God-Slaughtering skill is activated, Lin Xuan's strength is even more terrifying. Not prepared.

Originally, Lin Xuan was not able to devour the entire Northland so quickly, but after ten days or so, countless totem spirits abandoned the village and left the village. If they dared to stay in the village, they could not escape the fate of death.

There was indeed a goddess who had a full meal before escaping, but Lin Xuan said it directly, dared to devour a human race, Shang Qiaobi fell into Huangquan, and he would be killed!

In addition to gods, the same is true for wild beasts. When those wild beasts saw that the village was not guarded by gods, the greed in their hearts suddenly magnified countless times. Dozens of high-level powerhouses were temporarily hired from Taixia, and the price was high.

In addition to the powerhouses, there is also the Flying Thunder Gate. Every village has built the Flying Thunder Gate. After the door is opened, it is Xiacheng, and there is no time-consuming on the road.

The only thing in front of Lin Xuan now is Ji Yanlong City. As long as Ji Yanlong City is solved, the entire Northland will be taken over by the Xia Dynasty.

Today, the population of the entire Xiacheng has exceeded the 100 million mark, and in Ji Yanlong City, there are still more than 30 million people, and a large number of people can be added.

The Xia Dynasty has entered an extremely prosperous period, with a huge population, but relying on the blood transfusion from Taixia, it can barely withstand, coupled with the continuous reclamation of land and hunting wild beasts, it has slowly transitioned. With the help of many talents in the Xia Dynasty, they finally survived this crisis of population growth.

The situation of the human race seems to be very good for ordinary people. The strength is getting stronger and stronger, the population is increasing, there is an invincible human emperor, and there are talented young people emerging, but only Lin Xuan and the senior officials of the Xia Dynasty know. The clusters of flowers are just appearances, and cooking oil on fire is the real thing.

However, as long as Jiyan Longcheng is solved, Lin Xuan and the others will be able to use their free hands to slowly adjust the Xia Dynasty, and even Taixia can provide a lot of manpower support, which can completely lay a solid foundation for the Xia Dynasty. Has the potential to devour the entire savage world.

Lin Xuan is not sure whether it can solve Jiyan Longcheng. If it is fifteen days ago, Lin Xuan will tell everyone firmly, go to Taixia and ask Minghuang to die!

He also planned this at the beginning. He couldn't beat him, so he asked his wife to come and fight together. It's not shameful.

But now, the Xia Dynasty has been running steadily to this day, a feudal monarchy country with a population of more than 100 million, all indicators are good, there is food, clothing and housing, and the happiness index of the residents is bursting. The cultivation feedback that the emperor can get is massive.

It can be said that his daily flow of water today is comparable to that of Taixia's three hundred years of accumulation!

In just 30 days, Lin Xuan's strength has grown by leaps and bounds... To say that he has made great strides is to say less, faster than a rocket, and now he is firmly standing at the level of combat power at the pinnacle of the earth. This is also thanks to his physique. The Dao, simply put, is "Proving the Dao with strength", and has nothing to do with the understanding of various laws and rules, otherwise, it is not so easy to stand at the top of the earth.

At the foot of the volcano, Lin Xuan stood at the forefront, and the terrifying peak of the ground was fully released. There is no one strong in Jiyan Longcheng who can be tough in front of Lin Xuan. It is a dragon beast, facing Lin Xuan with a shorter head.

He didn't care about these beastmasters in Jiyanlong City at all. Lin Xuan was waiting for Jiyanlong with great interest. He could clearly feel that Jiyanlong was trying to break through the sky. Unfortunately, the timing was wrong, and the wild world was still there. Without reaching the Three Treasures breakthrough, even if it is forcibly broken through, it is only a pseudo-heaven rank. Compared with the invincibility of the earth rank, the strength is still weakened.

"Human Demon, Lord Ji Yanlong is breaking through. He will come out soon, hurry up and Otherwise, you will all die!"

"Lord Xia Dynasty Human Sovereign, surrender, our human race... our human race... will die!"

"Lord Human Sovereign, don't be obsessed with understanding, how can humans defeat wild beasts, gods?"

"Human Emperor..."

The dragon beasts in Jiyan Dragon City looked at Lin Xuan with dread, calling them "human demons". Their dragon eyes were full of murderous intent and blood.

As for the human race beastmasters standing beside the dragon beast, their hearts are very complicated. Human race can stand up, which is what they are happy to see, and now that the Xia Dynasty has reached this point, no one can really predict it. , but they are also very clear that the innate flame dragon **** who has been sleeping in the volcano and suppressed the northern land for hundreds of years is powerful.

A breath of flame and dragon's breath destroys the sky and destroys the earth, a sharp claws break the mountains and rocks, and the wings fly into the blue sky for a while. Just standing still can shock millions of enemies!

"Belonging to wild beasts, the old era of gods has passed, and the new era of human race has come. I don't ask you to fight for the Xia Dynasty, but I also hope that you can stand by and watch quietly and witness the rise of the human race. a turning point in history.”

Lin Xuan's tone was flat, but it was not difficult to hear the strong confidence contained in it. A new era, a new era belonging to the human race, is coming!

A group of dragons and beasts roared, they would not believe that their ancestors would fail. However, after the "flickering" of a group of beastmasters, it was considered that they gave up the urge to attack the whole army. They themselves knew very well that they belonged to them. The battle between the two was insignificant, whether it was a win or a loss, it did not affect the situation of the battle. Only the battle between Ji Yanlong and Lin Xuan, the human emperor, was crucial.

No matter who these two are, they have the ability to kill

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