The battlefield of the SE organization and the five-nation coalition.

Shen Tianyi was defeated.

In the ninth encounter, she finally lost.

Previously, Jingu Chizuru was defeated, but her age was only nineteen years old, and even if she lost, it would be understandable.

But Shen Tianyi is different, General Raiden, is the headquarters of the League of Nations, the façade of the Tower of Heaven.

Her defeat was a major blow to the League of Nations.

For herself, it was also a major blow.

The twelve god generals are the world's top strategic-level magic envoys, and each of them is a genius among geniuses.

Except for losing to the other twelve god generals, they had basically never been defeated in their lives.

In the barracks of the Five Nations Alliance, Shen Tianyi sat in the corner with some silence.

Half of her upper body was wrapped in bandages, which covered her private parts, and she didn't even have to wear clothes.

Lin Rui walked in and said suspiciously, "What about Tianyi?" "

Miss Lin Rui, the general is on top."

The soldier pointed in Shen Tianyi's direction.

The originally proud Raiden General seemed to have experienced some ups and downs in life at this time, with a haggard face.

"Tianyi, I knew you would be like this."

Lin Rui is like a little adult, oh no, she was originally a little adult.

As a girlfriend who grew up with Shen Tianyi, she is the one who knows Shen Tianyi best.

So as soon as she heard the news of Shen Tianyi's defeat, she rushed to the battlefield.

Even if it is extremely dangerous here, she will come.

Just like when Academy Island lost contact, Shen Tianyi will also come to Academy Island.

"Rui Rui..."

Shen Tianyi saw the person he was most familiar with, and the original momentum was long gone.

When he was most shocked, he saw the most familiar and closest people, and tears appeared in Shen Tianyi's eyes.

"Tianyi, it's only to lose once, it's good to fight back next time, you look at me, I lost from childhood to great, I can't do magic, no one can beat it."

After speaking, Lin Rui lowered his head and said a little intermittently: "A... It's not tall. "

Obviously they are about to run for three, but Lin Rui is like that thirteen or fourteen-year-old little girl.

"Huh... Is your way of comforting people to degrade yourself?

Shen Tianyi smiled slightly.

She wiped her tears, stood up from her position, and said seriously: "You are right, if you lose, you will fight back in the future." "

She is the Raiden General, the Twelve Divine Generals of the Tower of Heaven, and the chief instructor of the Magic Envoy Force of the League of Nations.

What gave her confidence was the support of friends behind her.

The war continues.

A top 10 V-class squad in the League of Nations is playing against Shura.

But during the period when Shen Tianyi was resting, this magic made the squad desperately block Shura, and all the members had already died.

At the same time, the three elf envoys had already rushed into the camp of the five-nation alliance and wantonly slaughtered.

Shen Tianyi took out a demon knife, and there was looming thunder and lightning wrapped around the body of the knife.

At the same time, she tied her long hair behind her back and tore the remaining clothes on her upper body.

A bandage wrapped around her bust, and on her slender waist, there was a beautiful waistcoat line.

"Ruirui, you stay here well, the battlefield can't live without me."

Lin Rui was a little worried, "But... Your injuries..."

"Small injuries, no harm."

Where Lin Rui didn't see it, the bandage on Shen Tianyi's front had begun to bleed.

After being injured by Shura, she had just improved, and now she had to get up and move again, and the wound would inevitably open.

Shen Tianyi took the demon knife and left the barracks.

In front of her, the divine messenger, the divine soul messenger, and the divine consciousness envoy, surrounded her.

Facing the injured Raiden General, the three seem to feel that they can win.

Shen Tianyi snorted coldly and said, "Do you think that the injured strategic level is not a strategic level?" "

She slashed out at random.

The thunder and lightning in front of him seemed to incarnate the sea of thunder, engulfing all three elves.

The three of them used their weapons to resist the sea of thunder, and at the same time flew out upside down and fell to the ground.

In the face of Raiden General's blow, their three top-level four-level threats were so vulnerable.

The next moment.

In the sky, several figures fell.

The corpse of the ninth ranked V-class squad in the League of Nations.

The four corpses fell in front of Shen Tianyi like this.

The top 10 V-class squads in the League of Nations can delay time even in the face of Tier 5 pollutants.

Unexpectedly, he only lasted such a short time in front of Shura.

Shen Tianyi's purple eyes looked at the complete body Asura suspended in midair, and said in a condensed voice: "Come, fight again."

Asura smiled disdainfully, he moved his fingers, and the three elven weapons broke away from the user's hands and came to Shura's side.


Shen Tianyi swung out a sword.

And Asura also shot an arrow with a divine sense bow.

With the support of the strength of Shura, this arrow of divine consciousness also exerted its strategic-level power, shooting through Shen Tianyi's sea of thunder.

At the same time, the spirit energy of this arrow instantly destroyed the military camp of the Five Nations Alliance.

You know, strategic-level forces can destroy a city.

At the moment when the barracks were destroyed, I don't know how many soldiers died in it.

Looking at the sea of fire under his feet, Asura said softly: "The twelve god generals, there is no threat to me now. "

Only the God of War can be his opponent.


He turned abruptly.

I saw that in the sea of fire, a figure rose up and instantly came to Shura.


Before the words could be spoken, a fist came forward and slammed Asura from the sky to the ground.

Shen Tianyi wiped the corners of his mouth breathlessly and sneered, "Huh... Will the twelve gods pose no threat to you? The God of War did not dare to say such words. Being

punched away, Shura's self-esteem seemed to be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

He said angrily, "Me! Want! Let! You! Die!

"Just you? I also want to challenge the God of War!! The

two collided again.

Even if Shura's power is stronger than Shen Tianyi.

But his combat skills are not at all the same level as Shen Tianyi.

Fist to flesh fight, the complete Asura was actually suppressed.

Then, Shen Tianyi kicked out and knocked Asura back to the ground.

At the same time, Shen Tianyi's consumption was also huge, the wounds on her body expanded again, she spat out a mouthful of blood from mid-air, and her vital signs dropped by half.

Asura roared on the ground.

Boundless darkness hangs over the sky.

He understood that the twelve god generals, unlike other strategic-level magicians, were all like monsters.

Even the last Jingu Chizuru was the same.

Even if their own strength is stronger than the other party, they can always burst out unexpected actions.

Every time he thought he had won the other party, the other party would suddenly hit him by surprise.

Strength is the decisive factor in combat.

But it is not the only decisive factor.

The twelve gods will not be defeated.

Is that why....

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