"But how long can you hold out?"

Asura looked at Shen Tianyi, who had landed on the ground, and suddenly felt relieved again.

In this state, even if it is a twelve god generals, it is impossible to turn defeat into victory, right?

Shen Tianyi stretched out his hand towards the sea of fire not far away.

Her demon knife was pulled by lightning and returned to her hand.

"Don't think you've won me."

"I'm but..." "

Raiden Shogun!"

Shen Tianyi jumped up.

She didn't have many elements left, so she used the elemental auxiliary body technique at this time to fight Asura closely.

Her physical skills crushed Asura several levels.

For a time, Asura was violently beaten by Shen Tianyi.

He didn't understand why the more seriously injured the other party was, the higher his ambition.

Shouldn't it be getting weaker and weaker when injured?

Why is this person fighting harder and harder?

I don't know how many times after being sent flying, Asura wiped the liquid from the corner of his mouth and stared at each other.

If you want to defeat the strategic level with physical skills, it is almost impossible.

Shen Tianyi had been fighting for so long, and Asura was only slightly injured.

Shen Tianyi's physical strength had also been exhausted, and she knelt on the ground, no longer having any strength.

Blood flowed from the bandage and dripped to the ground.

That heaven-to-earth thunderbolt general has never been so down.

Perhaps, today will be the place where Raiden General died.

Asura walked in front of her, stretched out his hand, grabbed Shen Tianyi's head, and directly lifted her up.

As a synthetic product, the height of the complete body Asura is about three meters, which is larger than Shen Tianyi.

The latter was put in mid-air by Shurati, and the demon knife broke away and fell to the ground, and she didn't even have the strength to resist.

"You're damned."

Shen Tianyi will become Shura's first Twelve Divine Generals with a blade, which is of great significance.


A figure came out with a gray face, hugged Shura's thigh, and cried: "Let go of Tianyi, let go of Tianyi."

Asura glanced casually at the little girl at his feet.

And Shen Tianyi said with the only remaining strength: "Quick... Hurry up, Rui..."

"I'm not leaving, let go of Tianyi!"

Lin Rui bit Shura's thigh, but found that his skin was harder than a stone.

As for how Lin Rui survived the strategic blow just now, Shen Tianyi no longer had the heart to think about it.

Asura kicked out at random.

Lin Rui was like a football, kicked thousands of meters away.

For ordinary people, she will surely die, and even crush her bones.

Seeing this scene, Shen Tianyi showed a desperate expression.

She will die.

But Lin Rui can't die.

Lin Rui came for her.

Asura said with a smile: "The twelve gods will ... I don't know what is the difference between your body and ordinary people, tearing it up? "

He was just about to do it.

But the next moment.

An inexplicable force came from all around.

Plants, water, metal, flame, earth.

The five forces gathered together and surrounded Shura.

"Five Element Seal."

A lazy man came over.

Looking at the miserable scene around him, he sighed and said helplessly: "Come one step late." "

As the world's strongest sealing magician, even Asura would not be able to break through his Five Element Seal in a short period of time.

Seeing Shen Tianyi's appearance, Huan Jin said: "General, if the war is a lie, how would you choose?" "


Shen Tianyi looked at Huan Jin blankly.

And Ying Jin turned his head and looked not far away.

A terrifying water blade appeared, destroying the Five Element Seal of the Winning Array from the outside.

"This is..."

Shen Tianyi looked over.

I saw a white-robed man walking over step by step.

"Poseidon ... Why? Shen Tianyi was puzzled.

The sea god was sent by the kingdom of the gods to assist her, but she never made a move.

Ying Jin shook his head and said, "The Kingdom of the Gods wants to dominate the world, and the SE Organization wants to destroy the Magic Faction of the League of Nations, no matter what, their ultimate enemy is the Sky Tower. "

The Tower of Heaven will not allow only one country in the world, in that case, is this world the Heavenly Tower or the Kingdom of the Gods?

Therefore, if the kingdom of the gods wants to invade the world, it will eventually become an enemy of the Tower of Heaven.

With the same opponents, they naturally reached a short-lived cooperation.

Facing the Seagod and the full-fledged Asura at the same time, Yingjin knew that he was not an opponent.

Although the twelve gods will not be able to retreat.

But he doesn't care about these truths.

Strategic-level magicians, if they are bent on escaping, almost no one can stop them, let alone those who are proficient in sealing.


The five-nation coalition was defeated.

The twelve gods will Shen Tianyi disappear, and his life and death are unknown.

The news soon spread throughout the world.

The threat of pollutants, the threat of the SE organization, hangs over everyone's mind.

Even civilians can sense that there will be no peaceful days ahead.

Mu Yixue was watching Mu Yue play in the playground.

I saw Wang Chenning passing with the ball and knocking Mu Yue to the ground.

The next moment.

The temperature of the stadium was a few degrees lower, and Mu Yixue stared at Wang Chenning, as if she wanted to freeze this person into an ice sculpture.

Mu Yue stood up and said expressionlessly: "Basketball, it's so difficult."

"Lao Mu, you just exercise too little, strengthen exercise in the future, and be healthy."


Mu Yue casually coped.

Shen Tianyi was saved by the Victory Array, and he had already learned about this matter through the Qinglong satellite.

But after Lin Rui was kicked into the air, the Qinglong satellite couldn't monitor it.

It's weird.

Although he also felt that Lin Rui was probably dead.

But why can't the Qinglong satellite be monitored after that?

Could it be that Asura kicked her out of the battlefield and left the monitoring range of the Qinglong Satellite on the battlefield?

Or kicked her to ashes?

It is also possible, after all, it is a strategic kick.

In short, the SE organization is ready to take the initiative to attack the Sky Tower.

Mu Yue, as one of the four high-level officials, was also very interested in this matter.

After all, it's not his planet, and he's just watching it.


Lin Rui opened her eyes and looked around in confusion.

"I'm still alive?"

She stood up and found that she had not suffered any injuries at all.

This is not normal.

As an ordinary person, how can he be unharmed if he is kicked at the strategic level?

Lin Rui fumbled with his body for a long time, and finally took out a golden key in his pocket.

At this time, this golden key was emitting a faint light.

"This is ... That little brother gave it to me before leaving? She

originally thought it was just an ornament, but now it seems that this is probably not an ordinary thing.

She looked closely at the key and found that on the other side, there was an incomprehensible letter.

What does that mean?

What kind of language is this, she is so knowledgeable that she has never seen it at all.

After thinking about it, Lin Rui hung the golden key around his neck, just like the little brother who gave him the key at the beginning.

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