In the bedroom, Bai Chenfan watched martial arts cheats every day in addition to exercising.

Although he had read this book many times, there were many places he could not understand.

After Mu Yue hooked up with Wang Chenning and returned, he found that Bai Chenfan was still reading this book.

"Martial arts cheats?"

Wang Chenning walked over and sat next to Bai Chenfan and watched together.

This book is a great practice, and can be cultivated into a body that is not bad.

I don't know if it's just talk or true.

Bai Chenfan's magic qualifications are not high, and he has been racking his brains to think of ways to become stronger.

But he has always been a first-level threat, even if he obtains martial arts secrets, for so long, he can't defeat second-level pollutants.

This is the status quo of an ordinary person, even if he works extremely hard, but talent has already determined his upper limit.

But isn't martial arts cheats just to make an ordinary person something unusual?

Using skills, what kind of point can Bai Chenfan take?


Wang Chenning showed a surprised expression, and seemed to be very interested in the things in the martial arts cheats.

Mu Yue said lightly: "This kind of thing requires proficiency, a few months is not enough, there have been people who have cultivated for decades to achieve great success."

"Have you heard of this book?" Bai Chenfan was surprised.

"I've heard of it."

Mu Yue took out his mobile phone, opened a martial arts movie he made himself, and placed it in front of Bai Chenfan.

"Look good, study hard, you use your metal elements as an internal force in the movie, and see how far you can go."

Bai Chenfan didn't care why Mu Yue had this kind of movie he had never seen before, he was only interested in how he became stronger.

Gao Xiaosheng was still sleeping on the bed, and the snoring shook the earth.

It's hard to imagine that this Shota is so contrasting when he sleeps.

Bai Chenfan has memorized all the tricks in the martial arts cheats, and now he needs to constantly accumulate combat experience to temper himself.

After Mu Yue and Wang Chenning took a bath one after another, they went to bed and began to sleep.

Especially Mu Yue, it was rare to exercise once, and now he was weak and didn't want to move.

When Mu Yue woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the evening.

He pulled out his phone and found a lot of messages from his sister.

Basically every ten minutes, a message is sent.

So Mu Yue can't be bored.

After carefully reading all the messages one by one, he replied one by one.

The next moment.

A new message pops up in the chat interface.

"Brother, I'm downstairs from you."

Seeing this, Mu Yue got up and left the bedroom.

And Mu Yixue has been waiting downstairs for a while.

At this time, she was carrying a lunch box, and after seeing Mu Yue come out, she ran over happily and said, "Brother, you must not have eaten until now, right?" I did it with my own hands.

Mu Yue smiled, took his sister's hand, and sat down on the public seat next to him.

"Yixue, hard work."

"Not hard."

Mu Yixue gently put a calf on Mu Yue's leg.

Mu Yue held the lunch box and ate what his sister made.

My sister has put a lot of effort into cooking and now cooks a lot.

What would such a day look like if it were on Earth?

It would be nice if it could continue.

He is responsible for making money to support his family, and Yixue is responsible for looking beautiful as a flower.

After eating, Mu Yue lay on his sister's lap.

Mu Yixue's face was a little red, and she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Mu Yue's hair.

Mu Yue never thought that he would be touched on the head by his sister.

But being touched on the head by a girl you like, presumably no boy will refuse.

This scene was also taken by passing classmates.

After all, the couple's appearance is too high.

It's like coming out of a painting.

This photo is posted to the short video platform, and the number of likes alone can reach the traffic of second- and third-tier stars.

There are also a small number of people who recognize this as Mu Yixue, one of the double stars.

Everyone is wondering who the man who is so close to the double star is.

Even a genius like Double Star can't escape the torment of love?

The question is, she wasn't tortured either? In the photo, Mu Yixue smiled.


Murong family.

Murong Yueji looked at this photo and frowned.

An old man who served next to him said: "Lord mother, this person is Mu Yue, during the period when the young lady disappeared, he played the role of the young lady's brother. "


Murong Yueji asked, "This person, how is the magic qualification?" "

Sixteen saw this Mu Yue a few days ago, he didn't use magic the whole time he fought each other, and he seems to be from Sky City, so Sixteen didn't act rashly."

"Sky City?"

Murong Yueji fell into deep thought.

The old man continued: "Lord Mother, Sky City is powerful, and the Fighting God of the Kingdom of the Gods personally went to Sky City a while ago, but returned to no avail.

Murong Yueji was still thinking.

Sky City is powerful though.

But the bloodline of their Murong family cannot be contaminated.

For thousands of years, the people of their Murong family's head family had never had emotional contact with outsiders.

Now there are more than a hundred people in Murong's main family, and there are many geniuses, and in addition to Murong Yueji, there are other six veins in the main family.

There are a total of seven veins, competing for the position of the head of each term.

However, now Murong Yueji is only in her thirties, so the Murong family will not select the head of the family.

She gave birth to her first daughter, Murong Luoxi, when she was twenty years old.

At the age of twenty-four, he became a strategic-level magician.

In the same year, she became the head mother of the Murong family.

And her sister is even more amazing, her magical qualifications are even better than hers, and at the age of twenty-two, she became a strategic-level magician.

When Murong Yueji became the head mother of the Murong family, Murong Xian'er became the twelve god generals.

Today, it has the title of the strongest ice in the world.

You know, the strongest figure in the world today is the God of War.

But the gold content of the world's strongest ice is juxtaposed with the God of War.

They just haven't fought each other.

"The Murong family's bloodline is not allowed to be touched by outsiders, this is the iron law of the Murong family, not to mention my daughter."

Murong Luoxi's magical qualifications are probably stronger than his sister, and even compared to the original Ice God.

The descendants born of such a person may be able to reach the same level as the original magic envoy thousands of years ago.

Therefore, Murong Luoxi could only marry another talented person in their Murong family.

"You go, invite this Mu Yue to the Murong family as a guest, although I don't want Luo Xi to get along with him, but after all, he is from Sky City, I want to meet him first."

"Yes, ma'am."

The old man took a step back and then disappeared here.

Murong Yueji looked at the empty hall in front of her, and a trace of loneliness appeared in her eyes.

From the moment she became the head of the family, until now, she has sacrificed too many things.

She put all her thoughts on the family, and now the Murong family is already one of the best in the ranking of the five major families.

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