"That's awesome."

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

In the corner, the school flower Qin Yutong and the basketball captain also came here as spectators in the morning.

Seeing that the girl younger than himself was so heroic on it, Qin Yutong sighed and said a little helplessly: "This is the magic messenger."

"Xiao Tong, although I am not a magician, I will also protect you in case of danger."

Hearing this, Qin Yutong leaned into Ling Chen's arms, and his heart was very moved.

Mu Yue on the other side also noticed them.

He always felt that his love with Yi Xue was a little different from those two people.

That's it, everyone's physique is different, and the way to fall in love is different, why care about this kind of thing.

In the field, the fight between Luo Cheng and Long Qingxi has become white-hot.

However, Mu Yue could see that Luo Cheng did not exert his full strength.

She is testing Long Qingxi's bottom line of strength.

Even if her strength was much higher than Long Qingxi, she still did not defeat the other party at the beginning, but continued to learn in the process.

In the end, after Long Qingxi's means were exhausted, he took the initiative to admit defeat.

The audience of Modu University let out a cheer.

Although it was a mutual exchange, the victory in both battles undoubtedly gave the major of the magic department of Modu University a breath.

They have always been looked down upon by Dragon City University.

But now the geniuses of the two sides have competed, and they have won all the magic universities.

Despite this, the team of Magic Capital University led by Yu Qi was also ridiculed in Dragon City.

They also lost in Dragon City.

This also led to an increase in the contradiction between the two schools, and for a time there was no compatibility between fire and water.

On the Internet, netizens in the camps of the two schools also began to quarrel fiercely, and no one would obey the other.

Such competition is what the high-level of Xia Guo wants to see.

The two schools are pitted against each other to accelerate their progress.

After the fight, Long Qingxi returned to his seat, and Zhou Jiu next to him told her about the Dragon City side.

Long Qingxi said a little angrily: "We also lost, but the students of Modu University did not mock us, why should the students of Longcheng University mock Yu Qi?" "

Yu Qi, their representative team has already boarded the plane back to the magic capital.

They came back almost in ashes.

Yu Qi was also injured when he was fighting with others.

The fifth seat of the original Star Engraving Academy, Zhang Tianyu.

Rena also got the news.

She came over and endured her anger and said: "Qingxi, we treat each other with courtesy from Magic Capital University, how can you Dragon City University be so excessive.

"Rena, this is our fault, I will definitely punish them severely when I go back."

Hearing this, although Rena was angry in her heart, she couldn't say anything.

She also knew that it was not Long Qingxi's fault.

The relationship between the original three colleges is also competitive, and even there is a chain of discrimination within the college.

Just like the college holy land, most of the geniuses in the first school district looked down on other school districts, while the students in all school districts looked down on Mu Yue's accompanying class.

However, after the destruction of the three major academies, new magic departments were formed in their respective countries.

There is no division between school districts, and geniuses and ordinary students share the same resources.

This also leads to high magical qualifications looking down on low.

Magic made Dragon City, who was a master like a cloud, look down on being rejected by Dragon City, so he enrolled in the Magic Capital University in the magic capital.

Modu University has been discriminated against for months, and this time it was treated like this by Dragon City University, and the complaints accumulated for months completely broke out, and they cursed each other with Dragon City University on the Internet.

Long Qingxi took the representative team of Longcheng University and hurriedly prepared to leave the magic capital.

If they didn't leave, they would be beaten by a group of magic enchanter students who gradually arrived.

After leaving the Magic Capital University, Long Qingxi frowned: "There is a contradiction between the Magic Capital and Dragon City, and the contradiction between Magic Capital University and Dragon City University has also inherited the contradiction between the two cities, and now that the Department of Magic has been opened, the contradiction is even greater."

Zhou Jiu nodded and said, "The military commander of the magic capital has a different concept from the human emperor and was sent to the originally barren magic capital, but it turns out that this commander of the magic capital is right, and under his leadership, the magic capital has developed into the second largest city of the Xia Kingdom. "

If the Human Emperor had listened to the advice of the Demon Capital Commander, today's Xia Kingdom would not have been at the bottom of the five major powers."

Zhou Jiu shook his head.

Suddenly, an urgent news popped up on the mobile phones of the two at the same time.

[The latest news, the special plane of Modu University to Dragon City University collided with a fourth-level pollutant on the way back to Modu, and now his life and death are unknown.]

The two looked at each other and showed a look of surprise.

Class IV pollutant.

How long has it been since this level of pollutant appeared in the territory of Xia Country.

Grade IV pollutant, [Dulong].

It is a descendant of the second ancestor [dragon], another form of the pollutant [falcon] [枭].

Not only possessing the self-healing ability of a falcon, but also possessing terrifying attacks and defenses, it is an almost perfect creature.

And that place, located in the middle of Dragon City and Magic Capital, is a place called Tiger Forest Mountain.

The plane also crashed there.

A nearby V-class squad has gone to support.

But Modu University is still not at ease.

They are ready to send new rescue teams.

Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, Gao Xiaosheng, Mu Yixue, and the four are about to leave for Hulin Mountain to rescue.

At the same time, Rena also volunteered to join the rescue team.

Zhou Jiu, who has not left the magic capital, and Long Qingxi will also go.

Such a huge lineup, even if it is a fourth-level pollutant body, even without Mu Yixue, it must be able to successfully fight.

Although it is a fourth-level pollutant, Yu Qi has also reached the level of a third-level threat, coupled with the large number of people, there should be no problem in self-protection in a short period of time.

But this pollutant appeared too coincidentally.

Just appeared on the way back from the Modu University team.

To say that this is a coincidence is also too coincidental.

An idea arose in Mu Yue's heart.

"Sansan, if you go to see some routes of the Dragon City University team back to Dragon City, there should also be a Grade 4 pollutant."

[Yes, master. At

the speed of three or three, news soon came.

An equally powerful Grade 4 pollutant body was buried in Longqingxi's route back to Dragon City.

This time, the representative teams of the two universities are the best genius envoys of their own.

If they were eliminated, both schools would be hit hard.

Who is the force that can bury the fourth-level pollutant?

SE organization? Kingdom of the Gods?

Maybe...... To be simpler, is it the second ancestor himself?

Mu Yue destroyed the forbidden land of the Second Ancestor, and that place was no longer suitable for survival.

Could it be that the second ancestor wanted to occupy the Xia Kingdom? Become her lair?

Who it is, Mu Yue is not clear for the time being.

And the support plane has come to Hulin Mountain.

A terrifying dragon creature is circling the top of the mountain.

"That's a fourth-level solitary dragon?" Long Qingxi asked.

And Rena couldn't wait to rush up, wanting to find Yu Qi.

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