This polluted body is forty-four meters long, and if Mu Yixue does not make a move, even if everyone is together, it is not necessarily an opponent.

The original Magic Messenger squad had retreated, losing one and seriously wounding three, unable to fight again.

In addition, Hulin Mountain is deserted, so the priority is not high.

Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, Gao Xiaosheng, and Long Qingxi rushed up.

The combined strength of the four of them was stronger than the V-class squad that had just retreated.

What's more, Luo Cheng also has a half-finished elf king, the Divine Chaotic Dao.

While they were entangled in the fourth-level Dulong, Rena and Zhou Jiu found Yu Qi.

At this time, the Magic Capital team suffered heavy losses, and even Yu Qi suffered some injuries.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue also came here.

"Brother, they should be bait." Mu Yixue suddenly said.

"Well, using the representative team, you can fish out the support of Magic Capital University and Dragon City University, and more geniuses will come here..."

Saying that, Mu Yue pondered: "Such a calculation should not be the second ancestor, but the pioneer organization." "

Before the battlefield organized by the Five Nations Alliance Army and SE, if the Winning Array did not appear in time, then Shen Tianyi, one of the twelve god generals, would have fallen.

The SE organization will cooperate with the kingdom of the gods, unlike Liu Ruobing, or Li Chaodemon can have brains.

It should be Ling Mu's meaning.

And what he means is what he means herald.

He is weakening the power of the human camp.

Regardless of the SE Organization, the Kingdom of the Gods, the Polluters, the League of Nations, or the Five Families, whoever can have the last laugh is the best result for the pioneers.

He only needs to keep provoking wars and weakening the power of the entire Blue Star.

At that time, the mysterious forces prophesied by the pioneers will come to Blue Star, and there will be many fewer obstacles.

And the war of Blue Star is easy to provoke, and the existence of major forces is incompatible.

In the sky, Long Qingxi was the first to leave the battlefield and was pumped to the ground by the tail of the lone dragon.

She raised her head and looked at the sky, one foot unexpected.

Unexpectedly, those three juniors and juniors turned out to be so strong.

Luo Cheng didn't even use the divine chaotic knife, the three of them joined forces, cooperated with each other, and actually had dealings with this forty-four-meter solitary dragon.

This is the superior individual of the second ancestor.

Mu Yue searched the recent news and found that after the destruction of the three major academies, the geniuses of the new magic academies around the world were being sniped.

Without a school city like the three major academies, ordinary universities transformed into magic schools simply cannot protect students.

For an existence like a fourth-level solitary dragon, unless it is Ella, the Night God, and Feng Qiandao, who are truly the first seat, anyone will have to die.

The fight in the sky could not tell the difference between victory and defeat in a short time, and Rena had already bandaged Yu Qi's wound simply.

The next moment.

Under the surveillance of the Qinglong satellite, a little girl with long purple hair appeared on the edge of Hulin Mountain.

Even Mu Yue's expression changed slightly at this time.

The little girl with long purple hair muttered, "This generation of space magicians is really magical, but why are you helping me deal with humans?"

Behind her, one of the twelve divine generals who were originally in the Sky Tower, the magic of space made Melter say in a deep voice: "I have my plans.

"Hmph, you are also a human being, you actually did something to betray your kind, and sure enough, humans are bedbugs in the universe."

Hearing this, Merte did not reply, but teleported back to the Sky Tower in an instant.

The little girl with long purple hair knew that the magic of space was ostensibly helping her, but in fact, he also wanted to use her against a terrible guy here.

A girl called Perfect Elf.

But to her, it doesn't matter.

She was meant to deal with humans.

From the day the First Ancestor and the Demon Lord were discovered by the Xia Kingdom, their contaminated body received a signal.

After accumulating power for thousands of years, it began to surface and attack humanity.

And Xia Guo is the easiest country for the five major countries to deal with.

But if you enter the Xia Kingdom in an upright manner, it will attract the attention of the League of Nations.

So the magic of space helped her and teleported here.

With the strength of her second ancestor, when she occupied the Xia Kingdom, the Heavenly Tower would not be able to react at all.

She will also become the first existence among the ten ancestors to occupy a human country.

The second ancestor [dragon], whose real name is Iyo.

A thousand years ago, the ancestor of the greatest disaster, the threat level was still above the demon king, and the cane and the lone dragon under his command formed a terrifying one-eyed falcon, which changed almost half of the human physique at that time, turning them into guys who did not pollute people.

The transformed can only feed on humans and have no choice.



Mu Yue said lightly: "Someone teleported the second ancestor over and wanted to deal with you. "

Ling Mu

It turns out that the power of the Elf King is also a threat to you.

Mu Yue thought that the exposure of his sister's identity would attract the prying eyes of many forces.

But I didn't expect it to come so quickly.

And this is only the first time, and in the future there will be a steady stream of enemies.

"Brother, I'll be right back."

Mu Yixue took a step and left here.

In the sky, the invisible Suzaku battleship loomed, ready to reveal at any time.

Even if it is the second ancestor, if he wants to move Yixue's hair, he must ask the entire future science and technology city whether he will agree.

The next moment, the unparalleled ice element erupted throughout the Tiger Forest Mountain, freezing a mountain into ice.

Including Rena, Yu Qi, Long Qingxi and others, they froze into ice sculptures regardless of friend and foe.

Feeling this terrifying power, Xu Qin gritted his teeth and said, "It's Yixue." Luo

Cheng pulled out the Divine Chaos Knife and blocked it in front of Gao Xiaosheng and Xu Qin.

The ice element covered the fourth-level solitary dragon in front of him, freezing this pollutant body into ice cubes.

And Luo Cheng used the half-finished elf king in his hand to barely resist the cold ice.

After all, this is a weapon second only to the strategic level, and it can still be done to resist the aftermath of Mu Yixue's element.

Behind Mu Yue, Sansan, dressed in a black maid costume, appeared, and said in a condensed voice: "Master, the opponent is very strong." "

I know."

In the sky, Yi Shi and Mu Yixue collided fiercely.

The terrifying ice element met the terrifying flesh, and it was difficult to give up for a while.

She is the second ancestor, a thousand years ago, and the two major disasters of the blue star alongside the demon king.

You must know that thousands of years ago, the first generation of braves who were one of the ceilings of mankind were not opponents of the demon king.

And she is tied with the Demon King, and in the ranking of the ancestors, she is even higher than the Demon King.


Mu Yixue looked at her expressionlessly.

The ice-blue eyes were full of ruthlessness.

She opened her distance and began to condense something that Ishi couldn't understand.

Strategic-level magic, Ice Age.

Strategic-grade magic, absolute zero.

Strategic-level magic, Xuan Bing Dragon Annihilation.

Strategic-level magic, Ice Heart Star Dome.


Seven strategic level magic in a row, towards Yi Hereditary.

The latter looked at this terrifying element that covered the sky and showed a somewhat surprised look.

"Very strong... But not enough. "

Her body began to swell and turn into a terrifyingly huge monster.

Being able to force out the true body of the Second Ancestor [Dragon], Mu Yixue's strength has surpassed those who have just become strategic-level figures, and is not weaker than the twelve god generals at all.

But you know, for pollutants, the human body is like a human without a mecha, and it is extremely weak.

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