Headquarters of the League of Nations, Skytower.

Same conference room, same five computers.

Jiang Haoxuan looked at the image of the heads of the five major families on the computer, and said in a deep voice: "The second ancestor has begun to move. Hearing

this, Chi Enci, the head of the Chi family, said solemnly: "That's right, in the territory of my Xia Kingdom, in Tiger Forest Mountain, Mu Yixue, one of the double stars, is fighting. "

Double Star?"

Hearing this, Murong Yueji's eyes narrowed slightly, and said lightly: "Is there no one in your Xia Kingdom?" It takes a newly-grown child to face the second ancestor?

"Hmph, the Xia Kingdom is already weak, and the second ancestor can challenge the existence of the world, and it is difficult for a single country to deal with." Chi Enci snorted coldly.

"Patriarch Chi is right, the second ancestor is a great disaster a thousand years ago, this time, the League of Nations needs to send a twelve gods to fight, everyone, who do you think can do it?"

Jiang Haoxuan threw the problem to the five major families.

Except for the computer of the permissioned family, which was always black, the other four fell silent.

The opponent is the second ancestor.

Even the God of War is not necessarily its opponent.

Its horror has been passed down from generation to generation, and even children grew up listening to the legend of that guy.

Three legendary figures, the original brave, the first ice god, and the first gravity queen.

Three major disasters, the second ancestor dragon, the third ancestor demon king, and the eighth ancestor ape god.

"Until now, only His Highness the God of War has been sent."

Jiang Haoxuan sighed.


Murong Yueji said, "Let Xian'er go." "

Murong Xian'er?"

Jiang Haoxuan hesitated for a moment, nodded, and said, "Miss Xian'er's strength is also obvious to everyone, she is also the descendant of the original Ice God, and the second ancestor of the original was also sealed by the First Ice God. "

Speaking of which, I have an interesting thing here about the double star."

Jiang Haoxuan passed a piece of information to them.

Elven weapons, human experiments, perfect elves...

After seeing these news, a family owner was surprised: "So, ten years ago, Li Mo's experiment was successful?"

"Yes." Jiang Haoxuan responded.

Not long after, Murong Yueji hung up the video call.

The remaining two also hung up.

It's about the perfect elf, if Li Mo really succeeds, this is the top combat power of mankind.

Only Chi Grace remained, he looked at Jiang Haoxuan and said suspiciously: "You have changed." "

Jiang Haoxuan is just a puppet of the five major families who control the Heavenly Tower, and he used to be extremely afraid of them.

But now Jiang Haoxuan has no fear in his eyes.

"People change."

Since joining the pioneer, Jiang Haoxuan looked at these people from the five major families again, and he no longer had the same feeling as before.

After Chi Enci also hung up the phone, Jiang Haoxuan walked out.

At the door, Jingu Chizuru, dressed in a black kimono, has been waiting for a long time.

"Jingu? What are you doing here?

Hearing this, Jingu Chizuru pleaded, "Tower Master, I want to take back Sakura Island.

Hearing this, Jiang Haoxuan shook his head and said, "General Shen is missing, the Victory Array has not returned, Murong Xian'er is going to fight the second ancestor, if the Heavenly Tower leaves another twelve god generals, who will guard this source of magic?" "

As the lifeblood of the world, once the twelve gods of the Heavenly Tower will leave too many people, I am afraid that the pollution body will pour out, and the world's fifth-level pollutant body will attack here.

Without the Source of Magic, no one can know what will happen to Blue Star.

At best, the world's original magic makes are retained, but no new ones are born.

At worst, all magic disappears.

However, the correct result should be the former, after all, the magic envoys that have appeared are equivalent to humans who have been transformed, even if they lose the source of magic, they will not lose the ability to use magic.

But the latter also had to be guarded, after all, not afraid of what if, afraid of ten thousand.


Xia Guo, Hulin Mountain.

The entire mountain has been wrapped in a black layer of wriggling carrion.

There are quite a few troops stationed nearby, including mechs and magic messengers.

The mountain gathered the most talented magical envoy students from the two universities of the Xia Kingdom, so whether it was the Magic Capital or the Dragon City, the most elite forces were sent.

Fang Pojun stood at the foot of the mountain, looking at the mountain range wrapped in endless carrion, and said solemnly: "This is what is recorded in history, a terrible monster that can swallow a city?" "


Li Xia said: "Second Ancestor, is it really so terrible? "

Of course, these carrion she split can devour all the creatures inside, and I don't know how long [Pandora's Box] can last."

"Can't we do anything?"

"Unless we use nuclear weapons, we can't do anything."

In the mountains of the tiger forest, there is no day.

The ice that originally covered the entire mountain has melted.

Rena, Yu Qi, Long Qingxi and others were unconscious.

Xu Qin, Luo Cheng, and Gao Xiaosheng hugged together in horror.

There is no light at all, nothing can be seen, and the temperature is very high.

If it wasn't a strategic-level magic envoy of the ice element who fought against the Second Ancestor, I'm afraid that everyone present would have been scalded to death.

But even if it is an ice element, the temperature here has now reached seventy degrees, and after a while, everyone will die of heat here.

If Mu Yixue loses, they will be digested.


Sansan said: "These carrion also have self-healing ability, and it is these things that have resisted the attack of the star orbit before. Hearing

this, Mu Yue nodded and said, "Being able to withstand the attack of the star orbit for a short time shows that even nuclear weapons cannot destroy these rotten flesh, which is really a terrifying creature." "

The power of the second ancestor has probably reached another dimension, which is beyond Mu Yue's understanding of living things.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a cosmic creature.

"Sansan, turn on the light."

"Yes, master."

Sansan raised his head.

The aircraft flew up, emitting an extremely dazzling laser, condensing into a ball of light in mid-air, illuminating the entire mountain range.

From the outside, the originally black-red carrion became fluorescent, and even the blood vessels were clearly visible.

In the mountains, Xu Qin and the others could finally see the scene in the sky.

Mu Yixue's skirt was already tattered, one long leg was exposed, and the clothes behind her were also burned, revealing the beautiful back of white and tender ice jade.

But she wasn't hurt.

"Snow Moon Sword?"

The voice of the second ancestor came from the fifty-nine-meter-tall long dragon, and she was a little surprised: "Take a closer look, you are indeed similar to that guy, it should be her descendant." Seeing

that Mu Yixue didn't speak, Yi Shi said again: "Humans think that guy defeated me... Hmph, it's ridiculous, just you humans can defeat me? "

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