The huge body rushed towards Mu Yixue, and claws larger than her landed on her body.

Mu Yixue blocked in front of her with the Snow Moon Sword, but the huge force knocked her to the ground at once.

Even though Mu Yue knew that his sister was fine, he couldn't help but worry.

He pulled out his scalpel and prepared to fight alongside his sister.

The spatial crack tore from the carrion, and a huge silver-white mech walked out of it.

In the dragon's body, Ishi, who saw this scene, showed a trace of horror, but after seeing the appearance of the mecha clearly, she wondered: "Not him? "

The next moment.

Yi Shi flew in the direction of the White Tiger Mecha and fought with Mu Yue.

Mu Yixue stood up from the ground, holding the Snow Moon Sword in her left hand, while her right hand condensed a knife.

Snow Knives.

With a sword in his left hand and a knife in his right hand, the giant ice giant rises from the ground.

Strategic-level magic [Ice Angel].

The White Tiger Mech, the Ice Angel, stand together while responding to the attack of the Second Ancestor.

This second ancestor was obviously not a star and a half stronger than the previous tenth ancestor.

Even the White Tiger mecha has a slight struggle.

But it's not that it can't be beaten.

[Inform that the enlightened man-machine mode is on.]

] The White Tiger mecha and the dragon come and go, fiercely fighting in mid-air, and it is difficult to give up for a while.

Seeing this scene, Xu Qin was shocked: "What is this mecha, how come I have never seen it, and it can be tied with the second ancestor?"

"That's scary, isn't it?" Gao Xiaosheng said.

Only Luo Cheng's eyes were locked.

She could guess that the driver in this mecha should be Mu Yue.

He is Mu Yixue's brother, how can he really be an ordinary person.

The two sides are tied, but with Mu Yixue's joining, it is different.

She jumped up, suspended in midair, the sword in her hand came out in unison, and two terrifying slashes fell from the sky and slashed at the dragon's body.

This damage can heal itself quickly for the dragon.

But the White Tiger Mecha can fight with her to a parity, and Izuku vaguely finds that he is falling more and more into the downside.

As the fight lengthened, the White Tiger mech seemed to be able to find more and more flaws in her.

Keep going, she'll lose....

Thinking of this, Ishai broke away from the dragon, and then left the dragon here and left the battlefield alone.

"Yixue, chase."


Mu Yixue shook the cold ice wings behind her and chased after her.

And Mu Yue was dealing with this dragon shell.

Without Yi Shi's control, the strength of this body was similar to that of the tenth ancestor [Demon Eye], and Mu Yue would soon be able to defeat it.

Yi Shi came to the edge of carrion, she looked at Mu Yixue behind her and sneered: "Can you break through my flesh and blood?"

After that, she fused with the carrion, then penetrated the past and left Tiger Forest Mountain.

Mu Yixue looked at this scene expressionlessly.

She raised the sword in both hands, the terrifying ice element condensed on it, and the cross slash froze the carrion in front of her into ice cubes.

Mu Yixue gently touched the ice cube in front of her.

Suddenly, the ice shattered, revealing a gap.

And with the obstruction of cold ice, carrion cannot heal itself.

Mu Yixue chased out, and under the surveillance of the Qinglong satellite, closely followed in the direction of Yishi.


Yi Shi's petite body fled quickly, and soon came to the border of Xia Kingdom.

This is already the domain of pollutants, feeling the arrival of the ancestor, all the pollutants are crawling, and they dare not look at the second ancestor.

"Escaped, I'm going to quickly find Sister Insect and tell her that there is a guy who looks similar to that guy from a thousand years ago..."

As soon as the words fell, Ishi suddenly turned around.

Something is coming.

It is a strong enemy that even she has to take seriously.

I saw it in mid-air.

An ice crown throne condensed out.

A woman stepped on the void, walked step by step to the throne, and then sat down.

She slowly lifted Erlang's legs, supported her chin with one hand, and stared at Izuki.

"Second Ancestor."

The woman spoke lightly and said softly: "What is it to bully my juniors, come, play with me." Seeing

that woman looking so arrogant, Ishi said angrily: "Human beings, dare to look down on me and roll me down."

She rushed forward, but she had just lost the body of the dragon, and she couldn't condense it for a short time.

At this time, with her personal strength, she has barely reached the threshold of the strategic level, and she is not the opponent of the world's strongest ice.

Murong Xian'er looked at her lightly, not moving.

Endless chains of ice came from all directions, locking Issai in midair.

Letting her desperately break through the ice chain would not help.

"I'm the second ancestor, don't underestimate me!"

The mind of the second ancestor seems to be just a child.

After finding herself unable to move, she cried in midair.

Even Murong Xian'er did not expect this situation.

Soon, Mu Yixue chased after her.

Seeing her, Murong Xian'er's eyes moved.

What a beautiful girl.

But soon, Murong Xian'er and Mu Yixue looked in one direction at the same time.

I saw a terrifying figure coming step by step.

"The one-eyed scoundrel..." said Murong Xian'er softly.

A thousand years ago, Ishai used the one-eyed scoundrel to become a disaster for the whole world.

And the One-Eyed Scourge is also the strongest fifth-level pollutant under Yi Shi, stronger than some ancestors.

However, it came here only to save the second ancestor, so it passed by in front of Mu Yixue and Murong Xian'er, ignoring the two.

The huge figure stretched out his palm and held Isshi in his hand.

At the same time, the ice chain broke.

The one-eyed scourge came to the beach without anyone else, stepping on the sea level and preparing to leave.

Murong Xian'er frowned.

The next moment.

The ice element covered the entire sea, turning this visible sea water into polar ice.

But the one-eyed scourge still ignored her.

Murong Xian'er condensed a huge ice sword, which instantly penetrated the body of the one-eyed falcon.

But the ice sword shattered in the one-eyed man's body, and the wound quickly healed.

This terrifying monster, let the wind and rain blow, was indifferent, and left the border of Xia Country step by step.

As he left, Ishi was still crying in the palm of his hand.

Murong Xian'er muttered: "The one-eyed falcon, there was no existence that was sealed thousands of years ago, and its strength is probably not weaker than the second ancestor..." This

guy, although not the ancestor, is probably an adult pollutant, and it is very likely to have a human body.

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