The carrion of Hulin Mountain was broken by a laser and then completely dissipated.

The army rushed up and rushed in to save people.

When the second ancestor came, there were no casualties, which can be described as a miracle.

And Mu Yixue, as the only strategic-level magic envoy, the outside world naturally thinks that it is all her credit.

After the Jingu Chizuru destroyed the Demon King Beast, another double star also had a record.

Resisted the second ancestor and protected everyone.

This record is even more dazzling than that of the Jingu Chizuru.

After walking out of Tiger Forest Mountain, Mu Yue saw his sister and the extremely cold woman behind his sister.

Level 5 threat.

Ice element.

Then her identity is coming out.

The strongest ice in the world, Murong Xian'er.

Mu Yixue's sister-in-law.

Seeing Mu Yue, Murong Xian'er said softly, "It's you."

"It's me."

Mu Yue knew that the other party knew himself.

After all, ten years ago, it was she who handed herself and Yixue over to the Xia Kingdom military.

Although ten years have passed, his appearance is still somewhat similar to that of ten years ago.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be from Sky City."

Murong Xian'er was a little surprised.

She was curious about how Mu Yue got involved with that big force that even the Murong family had to take seriously.

You must know that Mu Yue is a pure ordinary person.

If Mu Yixue's talent is once in a thousand years.

Then Mu Yue's situation is probably also a once-in-a-millennium event.

Two extreme people, forming brothers and sisters, and seem to have other, more intimate relationships, as if fated.

"Come to Murong's house as a guest, bring ... Mu Yixue. Hearing

this, Mu Yue glanced at her.

In the entire Murong family, she was the only one who was willing to call her sister "Mu Yixue".


Mu Yue was already preparing to go to Murong's house.

And ten years ago, Murong Xian'er was kind to him and his sister.

If there were no Murong Xian'er, she would have died in human experiments, and her sister would have completely turned into a weapon.

"The locations of the five major families all have teleportation points made by spatial magic."

Murong Xian'er gave an address to Mu Yue.

This is where the Murong family's spatial teleportation point is located.

Located in a neutral city, sand dunes.

No one expected that the inheritance family of the ice element, the entrance to its teleportation point, was actually in the desert.

"I'll go."

Receiving an affirmative answer, Murong Xian'er left here.

Mu Yixue asked behind her, "Brother, are you going to Murong's house?"

"Your parents may be there, always to see."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue said lightly: "I don't know anyone from the Murong family. "


Mu Yue turned around and asked, "Do you think the name Murong Luoxi sounds good?" "

It's hard to hear, it's hard to hear and die."

Mu Yue: "..."

Well, it's worthy of being his sister."

Everyone returned to the Modu University in silence.

In the dormitory, Wang Chenning found Gao Xiaoshen's expression as if he had gone to hell, and couldn't help but be curious: "It is really a great life to be able to leave from the hands of the ancestor."

"Brother Wang, don't mention it, it's too scary, if it weren't for Sister Luo Cheng's Divine Disorder Dao and Sister Yixue, I'm afraid we would have died."

"By the way, Brother Wang, you don't know, there was a silver mecha at that time, it was so powerful that it could even compete with the ancestor."

Hearing this, Wang Chenning's eyes lit up and he said curiously: "What mecha?"

"It's the one who looks like a human and a tiger, and then..." Listening

to the content of their chat, Mu Yue returned to the bed and closed his eyes.

And the women's bed, Yu Qingrui was also extremely excited.

"Tell me, what does the Second Ancestor look like?"

Even she had never seen the Second Ancestor.

But Xu Qin and Luo Cheng were exhausted, and they didn't have the energy to deal with her at all.

Only Mu Yixue remained, and Yu Qingrui stopped her and asked, "Yixue, tell me."

Mu Yixue didn't look at her.

Yu Qingrui's eyes moved, and she suddenly remembered the tips that Xu Qin told her before to chat with Mu Yixue.

"Yixue, tell me about your brother's bravery."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue's expression changed.

When you say this, she is interested.

"At that time... The second ancestor turned into a dragon tens of meters tall... And then the older brother drove ... My brother cheered me on... My brother is simply handsome. Mu

Yixue's eyes seemed to have little stars, shining.

But the fish is full of black lines.

What are you talking about? How did I not understand at all.

But Mu Yixue had already returned to bed and put on a game helmet.

Enter the game world and play a double-row game with your brother.

Regarding the poor and fierce beast, "Mecha World" has been challenged by many people.

But without exception, all failed.

As for Gu Xixi, who is on the first list, he has not challenged it for the time being, and it seems that he is preparing to pass the level directly the first time, so he has been studying strategies to deal with Qingqi.


Murong family.

Murong Yueji looked at Murong Xian'er, who had returned, and asked, "You invited them to Murong Xian'er?"


"Fortunately, I originally asked Steward Yang to invite, and it will save you trouble if you say it."

Murong Yueji rubbed her temples, seemingly a little tired.

"Who is that Mu Yue?"

Murong Yueji said with her eyes closed.

"Ordinary people." Murong Xian'er said lightly.

"Ordinary people..."

Murong Yueji fell into deep thought.

Of course, she knew that the other party was an ordinary person, and everyone said that Mu Yue was an ordinary person.

Seeing this, Murong Xian'er continued: "He is a pure ordinary person. Hearing

this, Murong Yueji's expression changed slightly.

"Purely... Are you saying that he has no magical qualifications at all?

She thought that Mu Yue's ordinariness was because of his low magical qualifications and he could not become a magic envoy.

This is also the collective name of ordinary people today.

But no one told her that Mu Yue was an ordinary person with no magical qualifications.

"That's right." Murong Xian'er nodded.

Hearing this, Murong Yueji opened her eyes, and her expression became a little solemn.

Regarding the Murong family, there has always been a secret.

This secret, passed down for thousands of years, is known only to the head of each generation.

In Murong's later life, when he encounters someone with no magical qualifications, he will open the treasure of the town clan, the ice coffin.

As for what is in the ice coffin, no one knows.

It is said that it was left behind by the original ice god.

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