Modu University.

These days are during the final exams, the whole school is closed, and it has entered the most intense stage.

But this has nothing to do with the Department of Magic.

So the Department of Magic majors have taken an early holiday.

"Another semester."

"Yes, another semester, this time the summer vacation is over, we are sophomores." Xu Qin said.

A few people were bored in the dormitory.

Luo Cheng suddenly asked: "Violent woman, the dormitory of Modu University should not be able to stay overnight during the holidays, where are you going?"

"I don't know, but I still don't want to go home."

As soon as the words fell, Xu Qin looked at Luo Cheng and asked, "Aren't you the same?" If you can't go back to the empire, where are you going?

Hearing this, Luo Cheng said in a condensed voice: "I'm going to some dangerous places to wander."

Xu Qin was stunned.

Dangerous place.

Today, the only dangerous places are the battlefields of SE and the international coalition, the borders of various countries, and the cities that are already flooded with pollutants, especially Sakura Island.

"Then I'll go too." Xu Qin didn't care.

"You go a fart."

"I'll go."

Luo Cheng couldn't say anything about the other party, showing a helpless expression.

"Xiaoyu, where are you going?" Xu Qin asked.

Yu Qingrui wore thick glasses and said mysteriously: "If you go to the battlefield of the SE organization, you may still meet me."

Xu Qin tilted his head and said suspiciously: "You won't be from the SE organization, right?"


Yu Qingrui said proudly: "I am a member of the SE organization. "

Xu Qin: . .

However, it is not new that it is members of the SE organization who are engaged in science today.

The League of Nations boycotted science and pushed scientists around the world against each other.

However, even the scientists of the SE organization are the existence that everyone shouts about, and they generally do not expose their identities themselves.

Maybe Yu Qingrui felt that they were trustworthy and was willing to say it.

Thinking of this, Xu Qin showed a touched look.

"Xiaoyu, you trust me so much, I will definitely keep it secret for you."

A few people exchanged pleasantries, and Yu Qingrui was already holding two pens and preparing to take the exam.

After she left, Mu Yixue came over from the bathroom.

Wrapped in a bath towel, she walked expressionlessly towards her bed.

While walking, the bath towel suddenly fell to the ground.

Luo Cheng and Xu Qin let out an exclamation at the same time.

How can there be such a perfect girl in this world.

Whether it is her appearance or figure, Mu Yixue is so perfect.

The two women showed an infatuated expression.

Noticing that Xu Qin already wanted to go up and move, Luo Cheng said angrily: "What you look at as a violent woman, you also deserve to see it."

"What did you say? Do I not deserve it, do you?

"Of course I deserve it, I've known Yi Xue for so long, and I deserve it."

"Aren't we the same Yixue we met on the same day?"

The two continued their daily bickering.

Mu Yixue casually re-wrapped the bath towel.

She looked at the two and suddenly asked, "Do you know Murong Luoxi?"

Hearing this, Xu Qin was puzzled: "I don't know, tsundere, you are well-informed, do you know?"

"I don't know."

Seeing this, Mu Yixue shook her head and said, "I don't know either." Luo

Cheng and Xu Qin looked at each other, both a little puzzled.

But they're already on holiday, and now they're going to start packing up and going out to the world.

The two packed a total of three suitcases, as well as two backpacks.

Mu Yixue looked at them expressionlessly.

She was just a little curious about why these two had so much luggage.

Xu Qin carried the heavy box and said angrily: "Tsundere girl, I have three sets of clothes, how come you have thirty sets!"

"My former princess of the empire, what's wrong with more clothes?" Big deal, I'll give it to you to wear. "

Really fake?"

"Of course it's true."

Xu Qin immediately smiled.

The two looked back at Mu Yixue, and Xu Qin asked again: "Yixue, do you still accompany your brother during your summer vacation?" "


"See you then."

"Yixue, if there is something to call, we are on call."

The two waved and left the girls' dormitory.

Mu Yixue stayed alone in the girls' dormitory.

A woman flew from outside the girls' dormitory to the balcony, then opened the balcony door and walked in.

"Oh, lady, the boss asked me to come and pick you up."

Mu Yixue glanced at her.

The sin of lust dances softly.

This guy's current strength has once again undergone earth-shaking changes, and he is close to a strategic-level magician.

"No thanks."

Mu Yixue got down from the bed, took out a set of blue and white light gauze skirts in the closet, and then put them on her body.

Seeing this scene, Phantom chuckled and said: "The boss is really a blessing, the appearance of the boss lady, even I sigh to myself."

Mu Yixue's face turned slightly red, and then she walked to the side of the phantom light dance and said: "Brother is going to take the final exam, I'll wait for him, you go back to Sky City first."

"Yes, lady."

Phantom smiled softly and left the place.

She and Feng Qiandao have now become Mu Yixue's left and right guardians.

Mu Yue, who has feelings, is followed by Sansan and Mu Er, two artificial intelligence with false feelings.

Mu Yixue, who had no feelings, was guarded on both sides by flesh-and-blood humans.

As for Feng Qiandao, it is now at the critical point of breaking through the strategic level.

He's been out and about for a while.

But with his strength, there was no news, and he didn't know where to go to practice.


Sakura Island.


A white-haired young man walks down the street.

Sakura Island was occupied by the Demon King Beast, cutting off all communications, and the periphery was surrounded by countless highly toxic miasma, and even the Sky Tower did not know what was happening inside.

And Feng Qiandao has a gas element, which can easily break through the miasma.

But the scene in Sakura Island surprised him slightly.

The outside world believes that the humans of Sakura Island have become blood eaters in captivity by demon king beasts.

But in fact, the city doesn't seem to have changed much.

The Demon King Beast drove away the SE organization and returned to Egret City, while Sakura Island just lost contact with the outside world, and everyone lived worriedly.

But in the imagination, the scene of being trampled by the demon king beast did not appear.

After Chizuru Jingu left, the previous generation of brave Jingu Yushin temporarily led Sakura Island.

As a former brave man, his strength is far inferior to the Jingu Chizuru.

All the three sword saints of the previous generation died, and the three sword saints of this generation also sacrificed one, and Shinichi Mizuhara, the only surviving one, left Sakura Island with Chizuru Jingu.

At this time, the world's largest neutral city was dark.

Because of the miasma, there is no sky in sight, only endless darkness.

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