Back mountain of Yagi Village.

This is the sealing place of the Great Serpent of Yagi.

A whole wind barrier shrouded the back mountain, and this barrier also has a strong lethal power, and the low-level pollutant body will be torn apart almost closely.

Mu Yue lightly touched the barrier in front of him, and suddenly, the barrier cracked a circular gap.

Mu Yue walked in and opened his blue eyes.

The light here is lower, and you can hardly see anything without blue eyes.

At the same time, stealth mode is also turned on to avoid the gaze of surrounding pollutants.

Although the seal of the first generation of braves is very strong, after a thousand years, it has long been unable to reach its peak.

But it can still seal this thousand-year-old level five pollutant.

When Mu Yue came to the sealing place, he knew that the Great Snake of Yagi was actually sealed in eight places.

This guy, no wonder known as the Undead Serpent, turns out it has eight pollutant cores.

One head and one will only die if eight are destroyed at the same time, otherwise, it can constantly regenerate.

The original warriors cut it into eight parts, each sealed in different corners.

And the eight parts separated, each of which has the strength of a top-level four-level threat.

Eight in one, it will become a terrifying and invincible level five pollutant.

However, Mu Yue did not come here to observe the Great Snake of Yagi.

As one of the four demon generals of the Warcraft Legion, even the first generation of braves has a hard time dealing with it.

This was the battlefield of a thousand years ago, and Mu Yue wanted to come and see if there was anything left behind.

But there really is nothing.

He passed through the dense pollution and came to a huge snake head.

The snake's head is locked by countless green chains, and inside this snake head, there is a pollutant core.

And it's also a level four threat.

Is this the Yagi Great Snake?

Mu Yue stood in front of it and observed.

Although he is invisible, with the other party's instinct and strength, he should be visible.

Its snake pupils moved back and forth with its figure, but it couldn't break free because of the seal.

Soon, Mu Yue sighed.


However, the Yagi Great Snake has eight heads.

Mu Yue was ready to go and see other places.

After reading them one by one, Mu Yue finally found the biggest head.

This should be the head of the Great Serpent of Yagi, that is, the one who gave the orders.

And in its head, there is a trace of the power of the original brave.

If nothing else, the first generation of braves should also be the so-called original magicians.

The first batch of magical envoys born, after establishing some special relationships with the source of magic, became more powerful than the others.

This is also the reason why their seals can last for thousands of years after death.

Mu Yue was still thinking, but he didn't expect the next moment.

The wind element in the head of the Great Snake of Yagi actually broke away from the inside, and then came to Mu Yue's face.

This force was originally extremely anxious in the head of the Yagi Great Snake, making the Yagi Great Snake extremely painful.

But in Mu Yue's hands, it softened.

This wind element, without a doubt, is the power of the first generation of braves, and it is a killing move hidden in the body of the Yagi Great Snake.

In order to prevent this terrible pollutant from breaking the seal, the original brave left its power in its body.

Once the seal is broken, this force will instantly destroy the pollutant core of the head.

Without the head, the remaining seven heads are not difficult to deal with, and even if it regenerates, it is impossible to grow a head again in a short time.

The Great Snake of Yagi is completely unable to reach the level of the Four Demon Generals.

But why did this force voluntarily leave its body?

Mu Yue looked at the green light mass in front of him curiously.

He touched the thing gently.


The powerful wind element wrapped Mu Yue.

At the same time, the power of the wind element broke through the seal of the Great Serpent of Yagi.

This force, which was originally a killing move, but because it broke away from the Yagi Great Serpent, it clashed with the power of the seal, so that the two were canceled out.

The wind screen disappeared, and without the seal, almost all the low-level pollutants of the Yagi Great Serpent vein left the back mountain and headed towards the village.

And the resentment that the Yagi Great Snake had accumulated for thousands of years also completely broke out at this moment.

The eight heads surrounded Mu Yue separately.

The latter, on the other hand, is being wrapped in the middle by a tornado composed of wind elements.

In front of him, there is also a figure composed of elements.

Looking at the wind element afterimage in front of him, Mu Yue muttered, "I can't imagine that the first generation of braves still has this kind of power. "

The afterimage of the wind element in front of me is the shadow of the first generation of braves.

She has no intelligence, and she is not a creature, just a program-like thing left by the original braves.

"People in the future life, such as the Great Snake of Yagi who broke the seal, this force will help you destroy it..." The

afterimage spoke lightly, and then, a worried look appeared in her eyes, and she said: "But if the Great Snake of Yagi breaks the seal, the Demon King... No, not only the Demon King, maybe the whole world fell into disaster.

"The plague of polluting bodies, the power of all mankind, can still have a glimmer of life... But the enemy is not just a contaminant," "

Beware of the pioneers ... They were the culprits of millennia ago.

Mu Yue listened to what the original brave afterimage said, and his expression was neither sad nor joyful.

Because what the other party said was meaningless, it was all something he knew.

Perhaps even the first generation of braves did not expect that after a thousand years, someone would be able to investigate the existence of pioneers.

Whether to say it or not, Luo Ying is indeed powerful.

Seeing that the afterimage of the first generation of braves in front of him was about to disappear, Mu Yue sighed softly.

It is also worth the trip to meet legendary figures from thousands of years ago.


The first brave, the afterimage of Jingu Ling, she stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to grab something.

Her eyes also became sad, and I saw her open her lips, and in her eyes, a tear flowed out.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Mu Yue... I'm still dead..." Mu

Yue's pupils instantly dilated.

And her tears turned into a faint wind element, like a breeze, blowing on Mu Yue's body.

The afterimage of Jingu Ling disappeared.

Mu Yue rarely showed a shocked expression.

What did her last sentence mean?

Did you hear you wrong? She called her name?

Mu Yue touched his chin, could it be that the other party saw himself at the last moment?

But even if she saw herself, how could she know who she was?

Could it be that the original magic has become so powerful?

In short, this matter has taken root in Mu Yue's heart and has become a lingering thing.

Although, he prefers to believe that he heard it wrong....

But even if it is one in a thousand, one in ten thousand is possible, if the other party is really calling themselves.

And why did she apologize? And how did you cross thousands of years and know that you, the person who crossed from the earth, came here?

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