"You stupid snake with no brain!"

The Blazing Angel grabbed the head snake of the Yagi Great Snake, and then slammed it to the ground, and said angrily: "The Demon King has an order, the polluted body of my vein is not allowed to do anything to the humans of Sakura Island, do you kid want to disobey?" The

head snake roared and rushed towards the Blazing Angel.

What shit demon king's orders, it does not listen.

Why are you happy for a thousand years, Lao Tzu was suppressed here.

Now the Yagi Great Snake is annoyed when he sees the other demon generals and demon kings.


The Blazing Angel was obviously deeply influenced by human civilization, and when he saw the head snake at this time, he fought with the other party with anger on his face.

Speaking of which, the blazing angel's contaminated body shell is a large red bird, just restraining the Yagi Great Snake.

So a thousand years ago, the Yagi Great Snake was very disgusted with this guy.

The other seven snakes also rushed over.

Eight to one.

In addition, the pollutant body of the Yagi Great Serpent has come to the vicinity of Yagi Village under the mountain.

However, there are Mu Yixue and them there, and it is basically impossible for something to happen.

In the astonished gaze of the Blazing Angel, the entire mountain was frozen into crystal clear ice.

Including all pollutants, and the Yagi Great Snake that has not reached the fifth level of pollution.

This scene made Blazing Angel have some bad memories.

He frowned and looked at the foot of the mountain.

A young girl stood there, looking across from him.

"Cut... Is there another double star? The

Blazing Angel fluttered its wings and prepared to return to Egret City.

It's just that poor Yagi Great Snake, this guy, just broke through the seal and was sealed again.

I didn't expect that in addition to the descendants of the first generation of braves, this ice element was also so powerful.

A thousand years ago, he was the Demon King Beast defeated by Murong Xueyue.

If memory serves, there is also a gravitational element in this village.

Are these three people standing together trying to recreate the scene from a thousand years ago?

But now, there is only the Demon King and him in Egret City, and the other two of the Four Demon Generals are not on Sakura Island.

However, these three magical envoys are still young, not as good as the three people a thousand years ago, and the Blazing Angel did not pay attention to it.

After returning to Egret City, Blazing Angel discovers that the Demon King has disappeared again.

He sighed helplessly, then opened the mobile phone snatched from the human hand and continued to play.

Suddenly, he found that the phone did not have enough memory.

But he looked at his desktop and realized that he hadn't downloaded anything.

Curious, he looked at them one by one in his memory.

Eventually, in the corner, he saw a file called "Study Materials."

In a small file, there are more than a hundred G things buried.

The blazing angel touched his chin, thinking that since it was a human learning material, he wanted to see how inscrutable human knowledge was.

He clicked in, and then his expression changed.


After Mu Yue descended the mountain, he found that the villagers were kneeling for Mu Yixue, shouting the god lord in his mouth.

Mu Yixue pretended to cough lightly, and said lightly: "I am a god." "

Yixue, bad taste."

Mu Yue flicked his sister's brain.

Several people returned to the village chief's house, and seeing that Mu Yixue had the strength to freeze a mountain in an instant, the village chief of Qingshan became more enthusiastic about everyone.

At this time, Luo Ying also woke up.

She was helped by Zhuang Yan to Mu Yue's face, and said, "You can run wherever you are in danger."

"Last time I went to the empire, this time I came to Sakura Island, next time are you going to travel to the battlefield."

Hearing this, Mu Yue muttered, "There is this idea. Hearing

this, Luo Ying's lungs were about to explode.

Mu Yixue next to him said indifferently: "Wherever my brother goes, I will protect him." Seeing

Mu Yixue's unkind expression, Luo Ying sighed helplessly.

That's right, with this guy here, Mu Yue won't be in any danger wherever he goes.

"Speaking of which, your sister's identity has been exposed, and the Murong family has disclosed the identity of her Murong family head in order to protect her." Luo Ying said.

Mu Yue nodded and said, "I know about this. "

A while ago, because of the matter of the second ancestor, the Murong family became alert.

There are still many people who are snooping, or afraid of the power of the elf king in Mu Yixue's body.

Therefore, the Murong family directly disclosed Mu Yixue's identity.

She was the biological daughter of the head of the Murong family, Murong Luoxi.

In this way, as long as someone makes a move against Mu Yixue, it is an enemy of the entire Murong family.

Although the Murong family also spied on their sister's strength, their action did help them and their sister reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Luo Ying and Zhuang Yan walked on the line of life and death every day during this time, and their strength has grown rapidly.

She is now close to the level of Yuan Chen, the head of the Imperial Paladins, and although Zhuang Yan is still a third-level threat, she is obviously more powerful than before.

Although Luo Ying is also a top genius, it can already be said that it is breathtaking that he can get to this point by himself without the intervention of Sky City.

"What do you want to do next?"

Luo Ying looked at the white back mountain and a dark sky, and couldn't help but ask.

Mu Yue brought his sister here, it can't really be a tourist.

"Wait for someone." Mu Yue said.

Wait for Feng Qiandao and Jingu Qianzuru to recover from their injuries and come here.



Feng Qiandao was not seriously injured, and he was already like a nobody.

And Senzuru Jingu is still in a coma.

Her knife broke, and it seemed to hit her no less.

During this time, although the pollutant did not attack them, a considerable number of people were poisoned by miasma due to miasma.

However, if it is only a mild poisoning, it can be treated by the hospital.

But if it was directly penetrated by the miasma like the Divine Palace Qianhe before, even the hospital here could not cure it, and it could only be treated by going to the main city of the five major countries.

When Feng Qiandao returned to the ward of the Divine Palace Qianhe, he found that there was an extra squinting uncle here.

Seeing this, Feng Qiandao was puzzled: "Is it you?"

Hearing this, Hades squinted and asked, "You know me?"

"I don't know, but I've seen your information."

In the Future Science and Technology City and Sky City, Feng Qiandao had seen some information about the man behind the Divine Palace Qianhe.

This, in the boss's guess, nine times out of ten is the demon king of the third ancestor.

"Oh? It looks like you're from Sky City. Hades

had apparently investigated some mysterious forces, but nothing useful.

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