The two terrifying forces collided together, and the space seemed to be torn apart.

The buildings of Egret City are like tofu, which was shaken into powder by the aftermath.

The Demon King and the Blazing Angel are not affected.

Luo Ying was not threatened with the help of Feng Qiandao.

An energy shield appeared in front of Mu Yue, resisting this terrifying force.

"Not good." Mu Yue frowned.

Hades also noticed this scene.

This force is too strong, and if it continues to collide, the entire Sakura Island will sink to the bottom of the sea again.

200 million citizens will be wiped out.

And if it continues, Mu Yixue and the Divine Palace Qianhe themselves will also be affected.

"It's time to strike."

Hades shed his pitch-black armor, revealing his true face.

Alone, he excitedly rushed into the center of the double collision.

Perhaps the power of Mu Yixue and Divine Palace Qianhe will be divided later.

But now they are still evenly matched.

And the originally balanced power, under the interference of a third party, instantly exploded.

Mu Yixue and the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes flew out upside down at the same time.

The Demon King jumped back and caught the unconscious Jingu Chizuru.

Mu Yue quickly put the Xuan Armor on his body and caught his sister.

Lying in Mu Yue's arms as a princess, Mu Yixue whispered: "Brother, I'm fine." Hades

and Mu Yue hugged one of the two stars at the same time and looked at each other.

"Who are you?" The Demon King stared at him and said.

"Mu Yue."

"Mu Yue... What. The

Demon King's eyes flashed with a trace of reminiscence.

The name was somewhat familiar, including Mu Yue's appearance, but he didn't remember it.

The Blazing Angel spread its wings and stood behind the Demon King.

Feng Qiandao also came behind Mu Yue.

"Do you still want to fight?" Hades asked.


Mu Yue raised his head.

The miasma that shrouded Sakura Island is gone.

At this time, everyone from the outside world can come here.

In the battle of the double stars, although Mu Yixue had the upper hand, the final result was influenced by the demon king, and there was no victory or defeat.

But the next moment.

Two figures, one black and one white, came behind Mu Yue.

Feng Qiandao turned around and was surprised, "Twin witches? Why would the twelve gods appear at such a time?

"They are not only the twelve god generals."

Mu Yue said lightly: "The other two of the four demon generals are them, right?"

"You can even tell?" Hades was surprised.

I saw the white-haired girl and the black-haired girl kneeling at Hades at the same time, and said respectfully: "Heiqi, meet His Royal Highness the Demon King." "

White... Bai Qi, see you... Demon...... His Royal Highness the Demon King.

Seeing this, the Blazing Angel mocked: "Bai Qi, this guy, as a sister, actually hatched behind his sister, and he couldn't even say anything.

Hades looked at Mu Yue condescendingly and asked, "In this case, how do you face it?" "

Three Ancient Demon King Beasts, one Ancestor.

Such a lineup, even the Sky Tower must be treated with caution.

Hearing this, Mu Yue thought about it and said with a smile: "Your Highness the Demon King, or else we will each take a step back?"

"How do you take a step back?" Hades asked with some interest.

"Pass it out, just say that the demon king is sealed, you can hide again in the future, and we can also retreat with our whole body and return everything to its original state."

Hearing this, the Blazing Angel sneered: "What you said is simple, just by virtue of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes, it is spread out that she sealed the Demon King, who will believe it?"

Mu Yue shook his head and said, "Here, there is still the power that you, the demon king, have a headache." "

The artificial sun that rose before has come to the sky above Egret City at this time, emitting a dazzling light.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Even the Demon King felt a hint of threat.

"So that's the case..." Seeing

Hades' expression, Mu Yue said lightly: "Then we will retreat first, I wish you can avoid this calamity." "

Sansan's craft quickly approached and opened the space wormhole.

Mu Yue hugged Mu Yixue, Feng Qiandao also took Luo Ying, and the four left Egret City.

In the sky, the artificial sun, which contains the power of star orbit strikes, is about to explode.

Blazing Angel, Bai Qi, and Black Qi condensed a huge polluted body shell at the same time, wanting to resist this thing.

And Hades did not contaminate the body.

As a scholar and martial artist, he knew very well that only the human body was the most suitable form for fighting.

So he fused the body shell of the contaminated body and developed the power to use magic.

And this was already three hundred years ago.

No one knows how powerful the Demon King's power is, and in three hundred years, how far the magic reserve can grow, no one dares to imagine.

"Abandon Egret City." Hades said.

"Lord Demon King, Egret City is our brainchild." Blazing Angel said.

"No, our hard work has long been in my mind..." Hades

spread his wings and looked at the star orbit strike that was already cutting his teeth, and he smiled lightly: "From now on, the polluting body of the Demon King's vein will be completely destroyed and disappear.

"And Jingu Chizuru, will become a survivor of this battle, the hero of the crusade against the demon king, Baiqi, Heiqi, do you know what to do?"

"I know."

"Know... Know. "

The next moment.

A bright light strikes.

The entire Egret City instantly disappeared.

This thousand-year-old city, the territory of the Demon King, disappeared from the map.


Sky City.

Mu Yue was waiting for the transport plane to send Gao Xiaosheng back.

The territory of Sakura Island is already equivalent to a small country, so the coverage of the Star Orbit strike is only in Egret City.

The destruction of Egret City shocked the whole world.

According to one of the twelve god generals, the twin witches, it was the Jingu Chizuru who fought the demon king.

All the pollutants of the Demon King's lineage, the Yagi Great Serpent, the Blazing Angel, and the other two Demon Generals, including the Demon King himself, all fell into Egret City.

The truth of the matter is not important for the time being, but the words of the twin witches, no one will not believe.

The world only knows that the incident on Sakura Island ended with the participation of the two twelve god generals.

The process seems even simpler than it was a thousand years ago.

But no one knows what happened inside Sakura Island during the time when it was shrouded in miasma.

But the strength of one of the twelve god generals, the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Her strength, like everyone proves, she has the qualifications to fight the Demon King.

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