The city where the Tower of Heaven is located, Dalreis City.

Jingu Chizuru had already woken up from his hospital bed.

She sat on the edge of the hospital bed, looking out the window a little blankly.

It is the most developed city in the world and has the highest sky tower in the world.

But recently, because more than half of the twelve gods were gone, a large number of pollutants began to attack the city.

But this is the location of the Tower of Heaven, and even if it is a fifth-level pollutant, it is difficult to destroy it here.

Darres City has a population of 30 million, and those who can live here are either rich or expensive, and the housing prices here have reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The city is surrounded by four small islands, and these four small islands, known as the headquarters of the League of Nations Magic Messengers, guard Darreus.

The commander-in-chief of the Magic Envoy Force of the League of Nations is the God of War, and the chief instructor is Shen Tianyi.

The top 100 V-class squads in the League of Nations are all gathered here.

The top three V-level squads are known as the candidates of the twelve god generals, each of which is comparable to the existence of Fang Pojun, and all of them are younger than Fang Pojun.

The latter became the first person below the strategic level because the magic of the League of Nations prevented troops from participating in this election.

Not long after, a doctor who looked like a frog walked in, and when he saw the appearance of the Jingu Chizuru, he sighed: "It is worthy of being the twelve god generals, and the recovery speed is fast." Seeing

the person in front of him, the expression of the Divine Palace Qianzuru changed, and then said with some respect: "Monk and demon doctor." "

This frog-like doctor, a guy who has many facets with Mu Yue, turned out to be an existence that even the Divine Palace Qianhe respected very much.

Those who can become top doctors in the city of Darreis, even these twelve gods will have to give each other some face.

And this doctor, named Monk Demon, saved many people who were on the verge of death, and the battle when the Jingu Chizuru became the twelve god generals was seriously injured, and he was also treated by this guy.

"Chizuru-chan, your body is already fine, and that black power has also been suppressed by other forces."

The monk looked at the knife next to the hospital bed and said, "Although I don't know where you got this thing, it is helping you suppress that black power, as long as you carry it with you, there will be no danger in the future." Hearing

this, the Divine Palace Thousand Crane picked up the divine ember and thought of Mu Yue's appearance.

That guy, Mu Yixue's brother, who is divine, can make such a thing.

The frog-like monk next to him was silent for a moment and said, "Have you seen that young man?" "

Mu Yue? Do you know him? Jingu Chizuru wondered.

"I've seen it."

The monk demon showed a mysterious expression, and then said: "You can be discharged from the hospital when you wake up, and there seem to be many things to ask you over there in the Tower of Heaven." Hearing

this, Jingu Chizuru looked at the huge tower outside the window.

And the monk and demon also looked over, and his expression became meaningful.

After leaving the ward, the monk saw a girl.

"It's you, coming here to see me means your memory has been restored?"

The girl nodded and said, "Fifth Ancestor, Monk Demon... Have you been a doctor in the human world since you hatched?


Dr. Yaota smiled and said, "I don't know that I have been a doctor for hundreds of years, and I used to pinch an ant to death at will, but later I found that it seemed more fun to be able to save them..." The

fifth ancestor, the devil who committed the most evil a thousand years ago, was interested in killing human beings, and I don't know how many lives were taken.

Later, I don't know why, the monk became a demon with one thought, became a Buddha with one thought, and became a great benevolent person with compassion.

Dr. Yata said, "Did you find me to fulfill my promise?" "

Well, it's pretty much it."

Nan Nan glanced at the Divine Palace Qianzuru in the ward, and then said to Dr. Yatai: "You go to find Qi Tian, the future plan needs his strength."

"That guy, the brain is not good, not very easy to get along with."

Dr. Yaota thought for a while and said, "However, the strength is indeed very strong. The

two came to the roof of the hospital together and looked at the huge sky tower in front of them.

Dr. Yaotai sighed: "The second ancestor, the third ancestor, have all appeared, what will the future of this planet look like?"

Nan Nan shook his head and said, "The fate of Blue Star has perished a thousand years ago, and we are just taking back what originally belongs to us. "

This way."

Dr. Yata smiled and said, "Maybe we may become enemies."

"You have feelings for this planet?" Nan Nan asked.

"I don't know, but after living here for a thousand years, saying that this is my hometown... It's not too much.

"But don't worry, the agreement is still made, and I will help you."

Dr. Yata turned and left the rooftop.

And Nan Nan looked at the magnificent Sky Tower in front of him, revealing a meaningful gaze.

Sky Tower....



Qinglong satellite.

Mu Yixue was wearing a spacesuit and was floating around.

"Brother, is this the universe?"


Mu Yue lay outside the Qinglong satellite, looking at his sister with soft eyes.

Mu Yixue waved her arms and said suspiciously: "Brother, below the strategic level, it seems that magic cannot be used in space."

"That's right, the strategic level has already turned magic into its own, but below the strategic level, it is only borrowing the power of the source of magic, so out of the blue star, it can't be used."

After speaking, Mu Yue got the report of the Qinglong satellite, and he returned to the Qinglong satellite and came to the laboratory.

In front of him, a three-year-old boy with a bare ass crossed his waist and pointed at Mu Yue and complained: "Human! me off! "

Oh, you've finally hatched."

Mu Yue lifted up this little fart child and looked at him with interest.

"Demon Eye, I don't know what it was like to dissect you."

Hearing this, the little fart child's eyes became frightened, and he quickly begged for mercy: "I was wrong dad, I'm sorry."

"Who's your daddy, fuck off."

Mu Yue threw this little fart out.

"Give him the whole dress."

The little robot next to it received the instruction and immediately went to find clothes.

Soon, Mu Yixue came back from outside, and after seeing this little fart child, she was curious: "This is the tenth ancestor?"

"Well, this guy can mind control, but this ability is a bit chicken."

Hearing Mu Yue's slander, the more Demon Eye thought about it, the more aggrieved he became.

But the other party was right, his ability was of no use to the group of monsters in front of him.

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