Mu Yue glanced at Mu Er.

The latter meeting has already communicated with the Qinglong satellite and began to investigate Ella's situation.

However, without actual contact, even the Qinglong satellite cannot analyze Ella's entire person from space.

But some weirdness can still see the drawbacks.

Mu Er said in a condensed voice: "Master, this person is indeed a little strange. "

Some information about Ella, Mu Er has passed it to Xiao Yi.

In Mu Yue's mind, the scene of Ella becoming a new generation of King Arthur flashed.

The Knight of the Round Table, the strongest First Knight, stood firmly behind her.

The second knight, the third knight, wanted to protest, but was defeated by the first knight.

Odd...... This first knight did not become a strategic level, at most it was only similar to Fang Pojun.

And the second knight, the third knight are also top level four threats, how can he defeat these two in one move?

But also because of the support of the First Knight, there is no dispute that Ella became King Arthur.

Even if there were, no one dared to bring it up.

Second, the third knight was simply defeated because of his fame.

But the fourteenth knight, the eighteenth knight, was directly killed by the first knight.

And Wu Wen, the ninth knight, escaped desperately, became a wanted criminal, and left the Western United Nations.

When Ella became Queen Arthur, the first target was Sky City.

Therefore, Wu Wen suspected that Ella's changes were also related to Sky City, and even someone wanted to use Ella to deal with Sky City.

Therefore, he desperately came here to meet the people of Sky City.

At this time, a little fart child was floating next to Mu Yue with his hands crossed at his waist, shouting: "If the human temperament suddenly changes, I have some clues." Hearing

this, everyone looked at this little brat.

Mu Yue only remembered that the Demon Eye also had this ability.

At the beginning, it was he who controlled Chen Enzhi, one of the four high-ranking members of the SE organization, turned that guy into a puppet, and used Chen Enzhi's body to study the extremely infectious pollutant of the tyrant.

If there is no Mu Yue, I am afraid that he can really cultivate a fifth-level tyrant, and it is even possible to make Blue Star become a zombie apocalypse.

"Say." Mu Yue said lightly.

Demon Eye originally wanted to sell a pass, but Mu Yue didn't give him face at all.

Under the absolute authority suppression, the demon eye could only say helplessly: "Among the ten great ancestors, besides me, there is another guy who can control humans, but I am fundamentally different from her.

"I am mind control, and after controlling to humans, my mind can be transferred to humans... And she is akin to seduction, turning humans into her slaves, well... Similar abilities to that woman in your Sky City. Hearing

this, Mu Yue said lightly: "Are you talking about the phantom light dance." "

Similar to Medusa's abilities....

Mu Yue asked, "Which ancestor?"

"Hmph, you humans only know the ten great ancestors, but for thousands of years, the ancestors have disappeared, and you don't know who the ten great ancestors are now, hmph... Oops, it kills me. I

saw that the white and tender fist hammered on his head, and directly slapped him floating to the ground.

Mu Yixue looked at him indifferently and warned, "If my brother asks you, you will say anything." "

I... I see, hostess.

The demon eye stood up aggrieved and continued, "It's the sixth ancestor, the Nine Tails. "

The Nine Tails?"

Mu Yue touched his chin.


Demon Eye said: "The strength of the Nine Tails is very strong, but I just don't like to fight, but the planet Blue Star is indeed a little special, and there are too many technologies that are beyond civilization..."

Saying that, Demon Eye glanced at Mu Yue and whispered: "So, our ancestors are also choosing their own power... That is, the so-called standing in line, I am using the SE organization to cultivate them into their own power, destroy other ancestors, and become the only enchanters.

"The Nine Tails should be the same, wanting to use the power of humans to devour other ancestors and become enchanters."

Hearing this, Mu Yue asked, "Didn't you start devouring each other after devouring all the life on the planet?"

The demon eye was speechless: "You are right, but we didn't expect that there would be enemies in Blue Star that we couldn't deal with, and now there are enough fifth-level pollutant bodies on Blue Star, thousands of years ago we thought that we could devour Blue Star's humans in a few years... I didn't expect to do it for a thousand years.

"To be honest, after a thousand years of delay, the number of Grade 5 pollutants in Blue Star has reached the standard that can devour each other."

Mu Yue also understood what this guy meant.

Originally, a thousand years ago, their ten ancestors and that batch of fifth-level pollutants could make Blue Star lose grass in a few years, and then began to devour each other, competing for the only demon position.

But at that time, the source of magic from outside the blue star gave birth to strategic-level magic envoys who were able to compete with them.

It is precisely because Blue Star has the power to resist them, in the confrontation between the two sides, they have also accelerated their growth, giving birth to more fifth-level pollutants, which have long reached the standard of being able to devour each other.

No wonder on Sakura Island, the Demon King didn't care about the death of the newborn Demon King Beast and the Yagi Great Snake at all.

After all, the number of Level 5 pollutants had already exceeded their original estimates.

Wu Wen couldn't understand what they were saying at all.

But he understood one thing.

The changes in the West United Nations are related to an ancestor.

He showed a desperate expression.

Primogenitor...... That's their strategic King Arthur, and they can't necessarily win.

It is no wonder that if he is attacked by the ancestor, it is not surprising that King Arthur will be seriously injured.

As for the others, they are not even at the strategic level, and they cannot resist the control of the ancestor's level.

"It's just, if it's the Sixth Ancestor, why did she target Sky City?" Mu Yue asked.

"Because your Sky City has the power we fear." Demon Eye waved his arm and said casually.

Hearing this, Mu Yue had already understood the ins and outs of the matter.

Star orbit strike.

It instantly destroyed almost all the forbidden places, and on Sakura Island, creating the illusion of destroying the demon king.

The Jingu Thousand Cranes attacked the Demon King, and the mysterious forces launched a large-scale strategic-level attack, causing the entire Egret City to go to ashes, and the twin witches arrived in time to save the Jingu Thousand Cranes...

The withdrawal of the demon king in the world stage, even the other ancestors believed.

And the Star Orbit Strike also seriously injured the Second Ancestor.

No one knows if this thing will come to their heads one day.

Therefore, the sixth ancestor, the Nine Tails, used the entire western United Nations as this vanguard to test it.

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