Kingdom of the Gods.

Shendu, Demon Manor.

A young girl who was one meter four or five meters tall and looked to be about thirteen or four years old was soaking in the bathtub, her two white and tender calves dangling, causing intermittent splashes.

In the living room, a man wearing glasses is seriously looking at a book.

The title of the book "Ten Years of Netizens Turned Out to Be a National Sister", men are very fascinated by it, and even have an urge to rush out to fall in love.

Suddenly, his eyebrows moved, and he said softly: "That guy is here." The

sound was not loud, and the living room was far from the bathroom, but the girl heard it clearly, she leaned in the bathtub and said, "Let him in." The

man in the living room waved his hand.

The gates of the manor open automatically.

Hades looked at the luxurious manor in front of him and showed a serious expression.

Behind him, the Blazing Angel couldn't help but ask, "Lord Demon King, make His Highness the Demon Highness and the First Ancestor in the human manor?" "


Hades took a step forward and walked in.

The manor is large enough to accommodate a Class 5 pollutant to roam freely inside, with a length and width of about two hundred meters.

At the door, an old man sat in the pavilion, and after seeing the Demon King, he bowed slightly and said lightly: "Lord Demon King, long time no see."

Hades nodded, and the Blazing Angel behind him pointed to the old man's nose and said: "Laugh at me, how did you hatch a human old man, hahahaha..." The old man didn't

say anything, but nodded at the Blazing Angel: "Long time no see, Lord Blazing Angel." "

Long time no see, long time no see." Blazing Angel waved his hand.

Hades asked, "Jun, are they all in there?"

"Yes, the first ancestor, the second ancestor, and the Lord Demon are all inside."

Jun, a long-lost name.

It was also the one-eyed scourge that rescued the second ancestor last time at the border of the Xia Kingdom.

Hades came to the building of the manor with the Blazing Angel.

A young girl wrapped in a bathrobe and with her hands crossed at her waist, "Here you are, Hades."

In the face of the enchantment, Hades still said without sorrow or joy: "What is the purpose of calling me here?" "


To the left of the girl, another girl who was about the same height as her, Second Ancestor Yishi said angrily: "How do you talk to Sister Insect?"

Hades didn't react, only to see the insect and said: "The manor is too boring, call you over and relieve me."

With that, she pointed to a table in the courtyard with a chess board on it.

"Michael doesn't play with me, Ishi is a fool, among the ten ancestors, you can compete with me."

The dull hairs on the insect's head swayed from side to side, looking excited.

Hearing her describe herself as an idiot, Issei showed a dejected expression.

Hades didn't say anything, but came to the table.

To be honest, human chess is a fairly simple game for him.

Among the ten great ancestors, his mental calculation is also one of the best.

Even if the opponent is a demon, in chess, he cannot lose.

The two sat opposite each other.

A squinting uncle, a girl with a delicate appearance that can even be described as enchanting.

The girl's long hair fell to the ground, and the bath towel was thrown out by her, and a long black skirt condensed on her body.

Her eyes were full of crack-like lines, and they looked like they would fall apart at any moment.

"Hades, why do you want to give your Origin Core to a human?" Bugs asked while playing chess.

Hades said expressionlessly, "I'm interested in her." "

The hatching direction of their zerg depends on devouring life on the planet.

The life that devours the most is the type of appearance they hatch.

After hatching, they will have a power called the Origin Core.

This force can release the contaminated body shell before hatching, and it is also the life source of the ancestors, similar to the human heart.

Origin core, the only evolutionary direction is to devour other origin cores, which is also the reason why the Zerg started devouring evolution.

When the Origin Core is devoured to a certain extent, it will become the real [Origin], that is, the demon, which can travel the universe and leave the evolutionary direction of the Zerg.

Hades divides his power among the Jingu Chizuru, and his own power will be greatly reduced.

Even...... will lose the qualification to become an enchantment.

"Just interested?"

The insect glanced at Hades, smiled slightly, moved a chess piece to the chessboard, and said, "Checkmate."

Hades looked at the chessboard and opened his dark eyes.

He didn't expect that he would lose to the girl in front of him.

He also did not think how bored this girl was under the sinkhole, she remembered almost all the routes of chess.

"You lose."

The insect looked at Hades, turned around, pointed to the other party, and said, "Stay here and play with me."

"What did you say?"

The Blazing Angel frowned, "Lord Demon King wouldn't do such a boring thing..." As

soon as the words fell, the insect waved his hand casually.

The Blazing Angel disappeared on the spot and was shot away for thousands of meters in an instant.

Hades nodded and said, "Losing to the enchantment, I do have to leave something behind... But I can't be tied down here yet. "


The broken pupils of the insect stared at Hades, and said in a condensed voice: "Are you sure?" "


The first ancestor world, whose real name is Michael, said: "You should be clear that the power of human beings today needs us to join hands to resist, not to be broken one by one, other ancestors are not aware of this problem, and are still immersed in the battle of human beings, but... The organization called the Herald predicted that in half a year, an even more terrible enemy would come here.

"Until then, we must unite to destroy humanity as soon as possible and gain stronger power in case that so-called herald comes."

Hearing this, Hades shook his head and said, "No... I'm not interested in these, her demon species is not stable yet, I want to stay with her and train her to be a magician even more powerful than Jingu Ling.

"I see you're obsessed with ghosts!" Ishi said angrily.

The insect stared at him and said, "No one can refuse my request after losing to me.

Hearing this, Hades' dark eyes looked at him and said lightly: "I will be the first." "

The next moment.

Hades condensed a black giant axe in his hand and slashed towards the insect with all his strength.

In the face of the enchantment, even the demon king did not dare to have the slightest reservation.

The insect was still sitting in front of the chessboard, and she stretched out her finger, grabbed the [queen] piece, and threw it overhead.

The next moment.

The chess pieces enlarged infinitely and turned into a giant pollutant queen, blocking the attack of the demon king.

But the queen was fake after all, blocking this blow, the chess pieces turned into powder and disappeared completely.

Hades attacked again.

Seeing this, Michael snapped his fingers and said softly: "The domain unfolds..." In

an instant, the entire manor was enveloped by his power, isolated from the outside world.

The first ancestor comes with the power that can condense the small world.


Shendu, in the temple.

Zeus, the god king sitting on the highest divine throne, looked at the mysterious power rising up not far away, and frowned: "Is he..."

Doushen said, "Do you need me to take a look?"

"No... It's better not to disturb them. "

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