Murong Zhizhi and Murong Xiao looked at the scene in front of them in shock.

Where do these gifts come from?

And there are so many, how can this Mu Yue have some means of spatial magic? It can even make items appear out of thin air.

Also, this... That looks so delicious, right?

I saw mountains of gifts, some of which looked delicious.

Murong Zhizhi showed a gluttonous expression, and his saliva was about to come out.

Murong Xiao next to her coughed lightly, and she immediately became serious, and said lightly: "Please... Marriage proposal, Miss Ben will consider it. Hearing

this, Murong Xiaocerebellum's door darkened.

What the hell is this stupid sister talking about, and she is not proposing to you.

"Then please Miss Murong." Mu Yue said politely.

"Bag... Wrapped around me, marriage proposal I promise... Propose?

Murong Ji was stunned, and then said in shock: "You want to propose to Cousin Luoxi?" "

What's the problem?"

"No problem!"

Murong Chi said excitedly: "I'm a top hacker, what's wrong with being a matchmaker?" For the sake of snacks... For your sake, I'll do this favor.

Murong Xiaoxiao didn't want to talk anymore.

After the people of the Murong family carried these gifts in, they also brought Mu Yue to the village, one of the largest courtyards.

The yard is also very unremarkable, and there are even some fruits and vegetables around, which are planted in the field, and there is an old man cultivating next to it.

Mu Yue knew that through this courtyard, his sister was in here.

Other than that, there are other people here.

And this old man who was farming turned out to be a third-level threat.

The Murong family, in addition to Murong Xian'er, the twelve god generals, also Murong Yueji, the head of the family, is a whole two strategic-level existences.

But after coming here, Mu Yue had already sensed the third level five threat, and it was terrifying to the extreme, and it was likely to be a guy at the level of the Demon King.

I didn't expect that a family would have three strategic-level magic envoys, no wonder they would be the world's five major families.

However, the third strategic-level one seems to be in a somewhat strange state... If it weren't for the blue eye's clear perception of the threat within the range, Mu Yue even felt that the other party was dead.

"Mr. Mu Yue, I'll go in and talk to the main mother, you wait here for a moment."

Murong Chi said obediently, and then jumped and prepared to walk in.

Seeing this, the old man who was farming came over with the hoe in his hand, which startled Murong Zhizhi, quickly ran back, stuck out his tongue, and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Mu Yue, seeing that the main mother can only go to Uncle Da to report, I can't go in."

Mu Yue looked at her expressionlessly.

So what do you mean by your behavior just now, pretending to try to trick me into snacking?

I saw the old man named Uncle Da bowing slightly to Mu Yue, and then walked into the house to report.

Murong Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Yue and asked, "It's really thanks to you that you can find here, even if you don't come, the main mother is ready to send someone to pick you up... But how did you get here? Cousin Luo Xi has only been here for less than half an hour, aren't you all together? "

You must know that the teleportation point is thousands of kilometers away from Murong's house.

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue were at the teleportation point at the same time, but only Mu Yixue successfully teleported.

So how did Mu Yue, who did not use the teleportation point, come here in half an hour?

Sky City, is it really so novel?

Mu Yue showed a mysterious expression, and said in a somewhat proud tone: "This is the charm of science.

Not long after, Uncle Da returned to the front of the three and said solemnly: "Distinguished guests, please come in." Mu

Yue took a step forward, because he wanted to see his sister, so he strode in.

Murong Chi followed behind, and then crashed into Uncle Da's body.

"You can't go in."

Looking at Uncle Da's fierce and vicious look, Murong Chi said angrily: "By what!

Murong Xiaoxiao grabbed the clothes on her back and dragged her away.

This sister is also too shameful.

When he was dragged away, Murong Zhizhi was still pointing at Uncle Da's nose and scolding, and tears were about to come out.

On the other side, Mu Yue walked into the house that Uncle Da pointed to.

And on the back of the house, there is also a door.

After passing through this door, the scenery on the back of the house is like a paradise.

Here is a bamboo forest.

Stepping on the cobblestone path, Mu Yue walked lightly.

Although he came for the first time, in the monitoring of the Qinglong satellite, he could accurately locate his sister's location.

Finally, Mu Yue saw a pavilion.

The gazebo is surrounded by water and some beautiful fish swimming inside.

My sister, who I hadn't seen for half an hour, was sitting quietly in the gazebo.

Murong Yueji, on the other hand, was sitting opposite her.

Neither of them spoke, and it seemed that they had maintained this state since the beginning of Mu Yixue's arrival here.

Until Mu Yue's figure gradually entered Mu Yixue's line of sight, her face was delighted, and in Murong Yueji's somewhat strange gaze, she suddenly stood up and ran towards Mu Yue, and said happily: "Brother, it's so boring here, let's go home?" "

Murong Yueji: ......

Mu Yue touched the girl's head and said, "Well, Yixue, go play by yourself for a while, I want to talk to her for a couple of words."

Mu Yixue nodded and walked out.

And Mu Yue sat in the position of her original sister and faced Murong Yueji.

The two still did not speak.

Ten minutes later, Mu Yue said suspiciously, "You don't have anything to ask me?" Hearing

this, Murong Yueji said lightly: "I... There is no habit of speaking first. "

Mu Yue: (ー' ́ー)... No, you're sick, right?

This is Yixue's mother, it's okay, hold on.

Mu Yue comforted himself like this, and then said with a shocking word: "I ask for marriage and marry your daughter to me." The

voice just fell.

The surrounding lake froze instantly.

And the fish inside are swimming on the ice, it seems that Murong Yueji likes these fish very much.

"What did you say?"

Murong Yueji said displeased: "My Murong family's children, how can I marry a Pu..."

Before the words were finished, Murong Yueji suddenly thought of something, she stood up and grabbed Mu Yue's wrist.

Mu Yue was stunned, he wanted to dodge, but this was a strategic-level magician, he couldn't dodge without using technology.

"Murong Patriarch... What does that mean?

Soon, Murong Yueji let go of her hand and said with some surprise: "It's really a pure ordinary person..."

Mu Yue showed a curious gaze.

This was the first time he had heard that there was strategic-level magic that shocked him so much about his identity as an ordinary person.

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