"Your name is... Mu Yue? Murong Yueji's expression returned to normal and asked softly.


"Then you know, there is a matter in my Murong family that has been hidden for a long, long time, and even other families, and no one in the Murong family except me knows about it."

"Only the Murong Patriarch knows?"

Mu Yue was a little curious, what was the matter, it turned out to be the Murong family master from generation to generation.

And then, what does it have to do with him.

"Do you know how the first ice god, the first gravity queen, and the first brave man met a thousand years ago?" Murong Yueji asked.

Hearing this, Mu Yue said: "In the historical records of Blue Star, the relationship between the three of them is very good, as for how they met, I don't know.

"Well, because of that history, by the League of Nations ... That is, our five major families have concealed it. Hearing

this, Mu Yue showed a serious expression.

Blue Star's buried history, to be honest, this topic has attracted him.

"The history hidden by our ancestors has not been passed down, so today, no one knows what happened during that time."

Mu Yue: ......

So what are you talking about?

"However, the original Ice God left something to the Murong family, but so far, no one has opened it."

Mu Yue's eyebrows raised and asked, "Are there any conditions needed to open it?"

He thought of Murong Yueji's reaction just now and guessed, "A pure ordinary person?

"That's right."

Murong Yueji said: "My Murong family's ancestral training, the people of the later life, meet a pure ordinary person, only then can you open the secret realm and see the treasures in it.

Mu Yue was slightly stunned.

You know, Blue Star was shrouded in the source of magic thousands of years ago, and that powerful force changed all human physical qualities.

Human beings have become more physically excellent, and some have the ability to embody magic.

What's more, destroying the world can destroy a city and even threaten a country.

A physique like Mu Yue is simply a rare encounter in a thousand years, no... Nor can the future emerge.

But only he knew that he was not a Blue Starman, so he did not have any magical qualifications.

The person who the original Ice God said did not have magical qualifications at all, did she expect today? Is her magic already powerful to this extent?

Or is the person she is talking about not herself, but an outlier that the source of magic has not been able to change, and she just happened to appear on this planet and play that role?

Thinking of this, Mu Yue's heart welled up with curiosity.

He stood up and said, "Where is the secret realm, take me to see it."

"Here... It's the secret realm.

Murong Yueji gracefully cocked Erlang's legs, and she raised her head and looked at a giant blue tree not far away.

Mu Yue also looked over.

He could feel that the third strategic-level magic envoy of the Murong family was hidden in that ice-blue tree.

It wasn't a real tree, but an ice tree made of ice elements.

Murong Yueji got up and walked slowly towards the tree.

Mu Yue followed behind her, keeping a distance of five meters.

This section of the road has traveled three or four hundred meters.

The two came to this ice tree.

The root of the ice tree, there is an ice gate.

Murong Yueji said: "Only ice element magic envoys above the strategic level can open this door, and this is the realm of my Murong family, except for the people of my Murong family, no one can enter."

Murong Yueji stretched out her hand and gently touched the door of the ice tree.

She's been here countless times.

But it was also the first time I touched this ice gate.

Under the impact of the powerful ice element, the ice door was opened.

A terrifying ice element aura spread out from inside.

And this is just the aftermath inside.

The two walked in.

Mu Yue's expression became more and more solemn.

This is a place that the Murong family's successive heads have not visited.

And that third strategic-level magician, in the perception of the blue eye, is here.

This third place... Who the hell is it? He was able to come to a place where Murong Yueji had never been.

The original ice god left?

Or do you say....

I saw that Murong Yueji had stopped.

She had seen what was in front of her.

The existence of this strong woman, who can be said to be the world's first strong woman, was stunned in place, looking at an ice coffin in front of him.

I saw a girl lying quietly in the ice coffin.

The girl just looks like a girl, and her real age is difficult to judge, but her appearance has given Murong Yueji a psychological impact.

This person, she is extremely familiar, and everyone in the Murong family is extremely familiar.

Even in history, she is like a pioneer.

"How could it be... How is this possible?

Murong Yueji was a little suspicious.

And Mu Yue also found her information on the Blue Star Network through the appearance of the ice coffin girl, and was equally surprised.

This...... It turned out to be the first ice god???

Are you kidding?

Humans a thousand years ago? The third strategic-level magic envoy of the Murong family? She's alive?

The girl's breathing was weak, as if dead.

But the blue eye can easily penetrate the ice coffin, and determine that the girl is only in a dormant state under the protection of the double layer of ice elements.

No wonder she can live until now, it turns out that she has always been here, using her ultimate ice element to sleep.

The ice coffin, and this huge ice tree, is her dormant capsule.

"The first generation..."

Murong Yueji walked over, and the instinctive worship of the first ice god made her subconsciously walk up, wanting to melt the ice coffin.

Mu Yue stopped her and said, "After being frozen in ice for a thousand years, you may die directly here if you untie her like this."

Then he said in a deep voice: "I'll solve it." "


Murong Yueji said in a deep voice: "You are an ordinary person, what ability do you have to unlock the ice seal of the first generation?" Hearing

this, Mu Yue looked at him without showing weakness, and said solemnly: "Just because Sky City was created by me." Hearing

this, Murong Yueji sneered, "You built it single-handedly? What to open..." the

next moment.

Mu Yue turned on the Xuan Armor Armor Hand Armament, raised his hand, and a melting laser was launched, which was launched towards the ice coffin.

Murong Yueji's face was shocked, but the speed of the laser did not give her time to react at all.

"How dare you... If something happens to the first generation, even if you are Luo Xi's brother, I will not let you leave here alive.

Mu Yue glanced at her and secretly said in his heart: If you are not Yixue's mother, I will directly snatch this ice coffin away, and talk nonsense with you.

The characters of a thousand years ago, even Mu Yue were extremely curious.

The laser melted the ice coffin, and the girl inside lay on the ground.

Her physical functions are recovering rapidly, and her eyes are moving slightly.

But after a thousand years of sleep, she could do nothing but open her eyes.

The first ice god, Murong Xueyue's eyes opened.

Then, terrifying ice elements gathered around her, allowing her body to stand up and levitate in midair.

Although her muscles couldn't move, the elemental power was still there.

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