When Murong Yueji woke up, Mu Yue had been gone for half a month.

She looked at Murong Xian'er sitting next to her and asked, "What about the first generation?"

"The first generation has woken up, and his body has almost recovered, and he is now in the yard."

Hearing this, Murong Yueji nodded.

The first generation of ice gods awakened, then the most important thing for the Murong family now is the first generation of ice gods, compared to this, even Murong Luoxi must let it go first.

"What did the first generation think of?" Murong Yueji asked.

Murong Xian'er said lightly: "The memories of the first generation are slowly recovering, and now she already knows that she is a member of the Murong family, as for other memories, she still can't remember."

Murong Yueji stood up and put on a cloak.

She walked out, only to find that Hatsuyo was farming in the yard.

Seeing this, Murong Yueji looked at Uncle Da with a frosty face.

The latter hurriedly walked over and said with trepidation: "Family master, it's none of my business, it's the first generation of adults who want to farm... I can't hit... Oh no, I can't stop her. Seeing

Murong Xian'er, the first generation Ice God waved his hand happily and shouted, "Immortal! You come and see the seeds I planted.

Murong Xian'er couldn't help but turn the corners of her mouth slightly, slowly walked over, and praised: "The first generation, very powerful." "

Eh, hey, hey."

After speaking, Chu Dai looked at Murong Yueji not far away, and asked in a low voice: "Who is that old woman?" Hearing

these three words, Uncle Da's brain turned black.

Old woman!

I'm afraid that the entire Murong family, only the first generation dares to describe Murong Yueji like this, and the latter does not dare to say anything.

However, Murong Yueji is not old, even if her daughter is already eighteen years old, she looks to be about twenty-seven or eight years old.

And because of the ice element, she is a first-class beauty in both skin and appearance.

More importantly, Murong Yueji's figure and temperament are the most perfect and most attractive in the entire Murong family today.

"In the first generation, that is the head of the Murong family today." Murong Xian'er explained.

"I don't like her, Immortal, you come to be the head of the household!"

The first generation looked at Murong Xian'er expectantly.

But the latter shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in the position of the head of the family. "

This way."

Chu Dai glanced at Murong Yueji again, and then said again: "I still don't like her.

She pointed to Uncle Da next to Murong Yueji and said, "How about you do it?" When

Uncle Da heard this, he was so frightened that he ran out of the yard crying and shouting for his mother.

"Even jokes are so scary, you, the head of the family, are a failure."

The first ice god said expressionlessly.

This is also the first time that someone has commented on Murong Yueji like this.

She was already on the verge of anger, but because she was facing her ancestors, she forced herself to ask: "The first generation only stayed in my Murong family for half a month, why do you say that my family master has failed?"

"Since I took over as the head of the family, the Murong family has been much stronger than before... Even if..."

"I don't listen!"

The first generation of ice gods looked at each other, and then said: "You value honor so much, then do you know what is the most important thing in the family?"

Hearing this, Murong Yueji wondered, "Isn't it the honor of the family?" "


The first Ice God said lightly: "The most important thing in the family... It's home.

Murong Xian'er's eyes moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

The original Ice God continued: "Honor is important, but if a family needs to sacrifice its family to consolidate honor, then this is not called a family.

"I have also heard about the events of this time, so I think that you are not worthy to be the head of this family, nor are you worthy of being called the head of the family."

Murong Yueji was speechless, she did not answer, but after a long silence, she turned and left here and returned to the room.

Murong Xian'er was a little worried about her sister, but the first generation was still next to her, she glanced at the first generation and asked, "Have you remembered something again?" "

There are some."

The First Ice God said solemnly, "I'm looking for someone. "

Looking for someone?"

"Hmm... A thousand years ago, the person I was looking for disappeared, so I began to travel around the world to find news of him, and finally met two friends, we destroyed the pollutant body together, fought the demon king together, and experienced the feeling of being an emperor in the empire together

..." Saying that, the eyes of the first generation of ice gods fell lonely, and she said a little sadly: "But I still didn't find him in the end..." Hearing

this, Murong Xian'er said: "So, you froze yourself and waited for that person for a thousand years?"

"Well, I don't want that person to see me getting old, so while my appearance is still the same, I will freeze myself and let the descendants of the Murong family look for me for me."

"That... The young man you saw that day, was that the person you were looking for? Murong Xian'er asked.

"I don't know."

The original Ice God said with some hesitation: "The name is the same, there are places on him that I am familiar with, but there are also places that I am very unfamiliar with, and they look similar... But it's not similar.

"In that case, he must have something to do with the person you're waiting for." Murong Xian'er said.

"That's right."

The original Ice God also determined this.

"Immortal, he's in Sky City, right?"


"I'm going to find him."

Hearing this, Murong Xian'er said: "It is very dangerous for us, and the Murong family has just offended him.

"It doesn't matter, I must find him."

The First Ice God said firmly.

Then, she wondered, "You don't stop me?"

"Why stop it?"

Murong Xian'er said: "Free and easy, isn't it good? The

original ice god glanced at her strangely.

Subsequently, she left Murong's house barefoot.

The departure of the first generation meant that Murong Xian'er was going to be scolded by the family master.

But...... Scold it, anyway, from childhood to adulthood, she has been scolded a lot of times.


Sky City.

The army of Xia Guo and the Western United Nations is already in the city below Sky City.

During this time, they have been researching ways to enter Sky City.

A city floating in the air is so troublesome to deal with.

Now that the facilities of Sky City have been improved a lot, Mu Yue did not care about the alliance forces of these two countries.

Not to mention that there are no strategic-level magic envoys in the coalition army, even if there is, with his strength, one by two, even the seven kings of Sky City cannot break through.


A shrill whistling sound crossed the sky and was heading towards Sky City.

The allied forces of the two countries have already thought of a way to deal with Sky City.

That is, to knock it down and then attack.

And to bring down a city, there is only one way.

That's right, they used nuclear weapons.

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