For Bluestar, nuclear weapons always represent the power of the ceiling.

Even if strategic-level magic envoys are often used to compare themselves to nuclear weapons, there is no guarantee that they will be able to compete with nuclear weapons.

They can be compared because they both have the ability to destroy a city, but no nuclear weapon has ever attacked a strategic-level magic envoy in history.

Because there is a balance between the two.

Strategic-level magic makes fear nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons are also afraid of strategic magic envoys, no one knows whether nuclear weapons can eliminate strategic magic envoys, so for both sides, they are balancing each other.

This is also the reason why Xia Guo does not have a strategic-level magic envoy and can still maintain its status as a great power.

However, once a nuclear weapon has attacked a strategic-level magic envoy and the winner and loser are divided, then there is no balance, and there is no threat of mutual jealousy.

If magic is eliminated, then nuclear weapons are the foundation of great powers, a force that deters the world.

If the nuclear weapons fail to eliminate the magic envoy, then the nuclear threat will no longer exist, and a country like Xia Guo without a strategic-level magic envoy will be instantly swallowed up by other countries in a short period of time.

The people of Sky City also raised their heads in confusion.

Mu Yue's high school classmates, Mi Tu and Xu Nuan, looked nervously at the huge nuclear weapons missile that streaked across the sky.

That terrible weapon, once only on television, is now coming towards his city.

However, no citizen is afraid.

Everyone was chosen by Sky City from the war city when they were on the verge of death and became Sky City citizens.

Their lives were given by Sky City, and they were content to see Sky City, a city that only existed in dreams.

No one thought Sky City could escape a nuclear attack.

This option is not in the cognition of Blue Star humans at all.

And Mu Yue was drinking tea in the villa in the central area, while watching the game live broadcast.

I saw that in the live broadcast room, the anchor said excitedly: "Thank you big brother for the super rocket!" Hearing

the sound outside the window, Mu Yue looked at what was approaching outside the window, and he wondered: "Who brushed this super fire?" "

[Inform that this is a nuclear warhead launched by Xia Guo Dragon City, and if it hits Sky City, it can instantly engulf this place, and its power is enough to shoot this place down.]

"You're right, but it has to explode."

Mu Yue came to the balcony, where Mu Yixue was drying clothes.

Seeing her brother come out, the girl's face turned red, and she quickly blocked in front of him, panicking: "Don't laugh, don't laugh!" "

Laugh? Why laugh?

Mu Yue looked at the clothesline, and saw that there was a triangular pants with a cute pig pattern printed on it.

Mu Yue still smiled.

"Ah, brother is so nasty!"

Mu Yixue was just about to run out, but was dragged back by Mu Yue, hugged in his arms, and asked, "Yixue, this is also cute." "

What... What cute? "

It's lovely everywhere."

Mu Yue hugged his little girlfriend and said, "Yixue, take me to fly."

Although Mu Yixue didn't quite understand, she still condensed cold ice wings behind Mu Yue.

She controlled the vibrating of the cold ice wings behind Mu Yue, and then flew up from the balcony.

Mu Yue held his sister and came to the air, blocking the path of nuclear weapons.

"Brother, what is that?"

Mu Yixue said suspiciously.

"It's fireworks."

Mu Yue smiled slightly.

Then the left eye turned blue, and the blue light flashed, instantly seizing control of the nuclear weapons.

If you attack with a strategic-level magician, he will care a little.

But if you use the power of technology to attack, isn't that pure and pure to be hit by Sky City dimensionality reduction.

The direction of the nuclear weapon turned and flew into the sky.

When it was time to go into space, the nuclear weapon suddenly exploded, rendering the sky into a firework in the witness of all the sky city residents.

"Yixue, is this firework good?"


Mu Yixue said with a little blush, but in Mu Yue's arms, her state was a little wrong.

"But brother... Can you let me go first. Seeing

Mu Yixue's face getting more and more blushing, Mu Yue wondered, "What's wrong?" "

I... I just finished washing... I haven't worn anything in there.

Mu Yue was stunned.

Then the old face turned red.

Speaking of which, he originally wanted this nuclear warhead to fall directly on the head of the coalition forces of the two countries.

However, they were in the city at the foot of Sky City.

And this city is called the magic capital.

Mu Yue didn't want to destroy the magic capital, so he sent his sister a fireworks.

Back to the balcony of the villa.

Mu Yixue quickly ran back to her room.

At the same time, the outside world is already fryering.

Nuclear weapons have uncontrollably changed their targets.

If this wasn't a coincidence, it meant that the weapon they were most proud of couldn't pose any threat to Sky City.

If Sky City has the ability to change the target of a nuclear weapon, then the nuclear weapon they launch may ultimately threaten themselves.


It's not over yet.

From Sky City, more than a dozen black war machines have taken off.

Has a God of War mech that can compete with fourth-level generals.

Wang Chenning's former mecha unit has become one of the armies of Sky City.

However, Wang Chenning did not lead the team, and the mecha troops cultivated by Sky City, even if they did not need Wang Chenning, were a powerful combat force.

And the God of War mecha has not yet appeared on the blue star, and now the outside world's cognition of the mecha stays on the body of the general mecha.

Moreover, Blue Star's understanding of mecha is only barely able to create a soldier mecha.

Even if Mu Yue had leaked the technology of the battle general mecha, they would not be able to create it in more than ten years or even decades.

All the warlord mecha in the world are mass-produced in Sky City.

Except for mechs.

A hundred maid sequences and a hundred butler sequences also jumped down from Sky City, and they wore the most basic combat armor, although they were not as good as Xuanwu, but they also improved their combat power.

The maid sequence and butler sequence, which originally barely reached the third-level threat, were basically invincible after wearing basic armor as long as they were not facing a fourth-level threat.

The basic armor is not fully armed, but has a pair of metal wings, as well as armament on the legs, hands, and chest.

So it looks like a group of beautiful angels, quietly suspended above the coalition forces.

The 300,000 troops of the coalition forces of the two countries were in panic at this moment.

The most terrible thing about war is not a strong enemy, but an unknown one.

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