On the ground, Ella was dressed in a strange witch's costume, and to her left and right stood the first knight of the Fang Pojun and the Knights of the Round Table.

At this time, the first knight looked solemnly at these metal maid angels, and more than a dozen God of War mecha, and said: "New mecha, obviously the technology of mecha has not been out for a long time, but Sky City has a mecha that looks more powerful.

Fang Pojun also nodded and said, "That's right, maybe... What they gave us at the beginning was the lowest level mecha, and the real core technology was in their own hands. Hearing

the conversation between the two, Ella asked: "So, the Magic Capital Future Technology Company that gave you the technology of the Battle Mecha must have something to do with Sky City, why did you Xia Guo delay in pretending to be deaf and dumb?" Hearing

this, Fang Pojun sighed and said, "Because this is the magic capital, the commander-in-chief of the magic capital is trying to protect the future technology company... In addition, I have not investigated Future Technology Company, but it is just an ordinary company, and even if I turn it over, I have not found any evidence. "

Even if they all know that the future technology company has something to do with Sky City.

So what? As a world-class company, as long as there is no evidence, they can't do it casually.

You know, the game developed by their company has an audience of fifty percent of the world's total population, and if there is no strong evidence, I am afraid that it will be criticized by the world if you move future technology companies at will.

"Let's take a look at the things in front of you first, these things are not easy to deal with." The first knight said in a condensed voice.

Subsequently, the second knight, the third knight, plus several well-known generals of the Xia Kingdom, began to lead troops to fight these things.

Ella asked, "Dragon City once dealt with a metal angel like this, and it is said that he suffered heavy losses.

"That's us underestimating the enemy... But these metal angels are really difficult to deal with, they are like they can't feel pain. "

A hundred members of the maid regiment and the butler regiment stormed the army.

Although the coalition forces are numerous, the grassroots soldiers are almost negligible and pose no threat to them.

And the combat power above the level four threat has the ability to scrap them, but how many level four threats are there in the entire coalition?

The second knight, at this time, is being besieged by three maids.

And the third knight is singled out a huge God of War mech.

The other Knights of the Round Table and the fourth-level generals were all entangled in the maid sequence and the butler sequence.

And the people at the level of the third-level general are not opponents of the maid sequence at all, and even if they deal with only one, they will be defeated.

The guns of the soldiers can't do any damage to the God of War mecha.

Screams spread around.

Many people do not think that they did not die in the mouth of the polluted body, but died in this senseless battle.

The God of War mech can be said to be on a rampage in the city.

Wang Chenning's subordinate Wu Dao excitedly attacked the Third Knight.

The top five in the Western United Nations are all world-renowned magicians, and all of them are extremely powerful.

And he used to be just a lieutenant of Xia Guo, but he could drive mecha and fight with such characters.

The God of War mech pulled out the metal giant sword, and subsequently, dozens of small missiles flew out from the back of the mech and came towards the third knight.

The latter condensed the power of the elements and broke a large number of missiles in the air, but still missed some.

The missiles streaked past him, landed in the sea of people on the battlefield, and exploded.

For mecha, this is a small missile.

But for humans, this is the super grenade.

This blow almost took the lives of dozens of people.

The soldiers of the 300,000 combined army, like ants at this time, died in pieces in the aftermath of the battle with Sky City.

The third knight's face was full of sadness.

He had stopped Ella, but without success.

These soldiers, meaningless for the battlefield, are the same with them and without them.

But they still came here and died in vain.


The third knight roared, and terrifying elemental fluctuations spread around, almost breaking the balance of the God of War mecha.

Although the God of War mecha can match the fourth-level threat figures, the third knight is the top fourth-level threat, and its strength is only a little worse than that of Fang Broken Army.

Wu Dao looked at the other party's sudden convulsions, and couldn't help but say: "What why, have you all come to the battlefield and why why, go to hell and ask King Yan why." "

The God of War mech is approaching quickly.

At this time, the second knight had eliminated the sequence of three maids who blocked him and came to the side of the third knight.

"Mistress, although we all agree with Miss Ella's approach, since we are all here, we can only bite the bullet."

The two stand together, like heroes in anime, looking at death as if they were home.

And that huge mecha, like the Great Devil, threatens the safety of mankind.

In Wu Dao's communication, Mu Yue's voice came.

His expression changed, and he quickly said: "Mecha troops, retreat." The

second and third knights, who were confronting him, showed dazed expressions.

I saw all the God of War mechs take off from the spot and leave the battlefield.

And all the members of the maid sequence and butler sequence vibrated their wings and came to mid-air.

Ella said solemnly, "What is this for?" "

Even Fang Pojun doesn't know what this means, doesn't the other party want to fight?

Everyone looked at this scene suspiciously.

The next moment.

The members of the hundreds of maid sequences lined up in an orderly manner, forming a huge white wing in midair.

Hundreds of members of the butler sequence and maids were arranged symmetrically, forming the other half of the black wings in midair.

A pair of wings, one black and one white.

The wings radiate black and white power in the air, as if holy and evil were mixed together, like the union of fallen angels and angels.

The energy of all the maid sequences and butler sequences, transmitted through the basic armament, gradually gathered at the center point.

"Not good!"

Feeling the increasingly terrifying power in mid-air, the faces of Fang Pojun and the First Knight changed greatly, and they quickly said: "The whole army retreats!!" is a strategic-level attack!! The

soldiers' expressions had become dull.

The angel wings in mid-air are so beautiful....

Strategic-level attacks....

These ordinary soldiers, He De can die in a strategic-level attack.

Some soldiers who were afraid of death ran away with their lives.

But most of the soldiers had given up resistance.

The strength gap... Too big.

Ella watched this scene thoughtfully, revealing an interested expression.

And the first knight suddenly hugged her, and then ran all the way, trying to leave the area in the shortest possible time.

The other party did not make a move on the magic capital, indicating that they did not want to destroy the magic capital, otherwise, the first nuclear weapon would land on their heads.

Therefore, the first knight can be sure that this strategic attack is not a large-scale attack.

Watching them leave, Fang Pojun gritted his teeth and also left here, abandoning the 150,000 soldiers of the Xia Kingdom.

He had just tried to interrupt the charge of the black and white wings in the sky, but his attack was blocked by invisible energy.

In mid-air, the energy has also gathered.

The members of the maid sequence, and the members of the butler sequence, spoke in unison, with a voice full of coercion, and brought this attack and invincible pressure to everyone.

"Core-level attacks... Sky Strike. "

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