Thinking that in the Murong family, the other party had made a move for himself, Mu Yue said lightly:

"There is no need to deal with her, I will go in person."

On the body of the original ice god, there were too many things he wanted to know.

Since the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, it also saved a lot of things.

Mu Yue stood up, and Sansan's flying machine was borrowed by him again, and soon came to the front of the first ice god.

Seeing Mu Yue, the first generation of ice gods was subconsciously stunned.

Mu Yue stepped down from the flying machine and came to the front of the original Ice God, asking, "What are you doing here?" Hearing

this, the first ice god did not speak, but carefully observed the other party.

Mu Yue......

He also has that name.

And it looks very similar....

However, he was too young.

The Mu Yue she knew was not this age.

And the personalities are also very different.

The person in front of him has a lot more human touch than the person he remembered.

Could it be the descendants of that person?

Thinking of this, the original Ice God showed a sad expression.

Although he has always been rejected by the other party, the other party also disdains the feelings.

But she never gave up following in the footsteps of the other party, looking for several years, and waiting for another thousand years.

Unexpectedly, he secretly talked with others when he didn't know... It has also been passed on to future generations to this day.

No wonder, the young man in front of him can create this sci-fi city, and if it is the descendants of that person, then everything can be said clearly.

However, she could not hate it, and she was not qualified to hate that person.

She got too much kindness from that person, and she couldn't repay it in this life.

Seeing that the other party did not speak, Mu Yue wondered, "What are you thinking?"


Mu Yue: ......

Subsequently, Mu Yue was straight to the point and asked directly: "What is the reason why you let the Murong family untie the ice coffin when they meet ordinary people?" Hearing

this, Murong Xueyue was stunned.

This is very similar, and some very exaggerated questions can be asked casually.

"Because of a person."

The eyes of the first generation of ice gods looking at Mu Yue suddenly changed to look at a child, making the latter confused.

Although the other party is a figure from a thousand years ago, it has been frozen for thousands of years, right?

That real age, maybe not even thirty years old, not as old as his own real age.

"What people?" Mu Yue asked again.

But the original Ice God didn't seem to have anything to say.

She shook her head and said, "I don't want to mention things from a thousand years ago, it's more important now, isn't it?" That

person is dead, and those memories of a thousand years ago are just memories for her.

For today's Blue Star, she is a person who should not exist, and she should have died in the long river of history a long time ago.

"That... What about history from a thousand years ago? How was the League of Nations born?

Mu Yue asked another more esoteric question.

In today's world, in addition to those ancestors, only the first ice god knows.

But hearing this, the first generation of ice gods showed a trace of anger.

She said lightly: "Thousands of years ago, the source of magic came to Blue Star and destroyed more than half of Blue Star's life.

"And the source of magic thousands of years ago, with it, and its guardians. Blue Star humans regard him as a scourge and are wanted all over the world... Later, the pollutant body appeared, and Blue Star fell into a new disaster.

"And the guardian of the source of magic, in order to repay the killing he caused, used the power of the source of magic to change the physique of all humans in Blue Star... If you get his approval, you can become a [primordial] magician.

"But the growth rate of human beings is too slow, it is still difficult to resist the attack of pollutants, even nuclear weapons, can not destroy those ancestors."

"Just when humanity is desperate, there is a man who comes after the power of the source of magic, but his purpose is different from that of the enchantment, not to obtain the source of magic, but to protect the source of magic."

"That person is extremely powerful, alone, fighting all the polluted bodies, including the ten ancestors and the enchantments, making the pollutants fear humans."

"He fought for three full years for humanity, and with the help of the Guardian of the Source of Magic, the human race gave birth to a strategic-level magic envoy with the power to truly resist the ancestor."

"But the people who follow the power of the source of magic, in addition to the demon and that, there is also a guy named [Herald]."

"The pioneer is like a madman, in order to get the source of magic by any means, he revealed the power of the source of magic, so that the entire human race of Blue Star fell into madness."

"He also colluded with the enchantments, the ancestors, and the strategic-level magic envoys that were born in the first batch... For everyone, that person's strength was too strong, so the pioneer used all the power to attack that person first.

"The only one who can hold out in that person's hands for a while is the enchantment, and the envoy demon leads the ten great ancestors to besiege that person again... But the strategic-level magic envoy who originally came to support that person became the murderer who attacked him.

"Although that person lost, the envoy demon and the first ancestor were beaten into the sinkhole by him, and the pioneer was beaten to death by him, and only those strategic-level magic envoys became the biggest winners."

"That person walked out of the long river of history in this way, and the guardian of the source of magic who gave Blue Star to resist the power of the polluting body, was openly chased and killed by Blue Star humans without the protection of that person, and ran around."

"And I've been looking for him... But in the end, he was not found... I thought he was dead... I didn't expect it, but I gave birth to someone else..." The

first ice god paused and did not continue.

And Mu Yue also fell into deep thought.

Thousands of years ago, the guardian of the source of magic spent three years cultivating strategic-level magic envoys, which was indeed terrifying.

Although I learned some of the history of thousands of years ago through the murals, I still feel strange today listening to the personal narration of the first ice god.

The guardian of the source of magic, like himself, is not a Blue Star human, so he also has no magical qualifications.

He also happened to come to Blue Star for some unknown reason, making the Murong family mistakenly think that he was the person the original ice god wanted to wait for, and lifted the other party's ice seal.

This is really a trick.


The other side.

Xu Qing was choosing clothes for Mu Yixue to go to the concert.

Looking at Mu Yixue's beautiful appearance, Xu Qing couldn't imagine that this girl's body was hiding such a terrifying power as strategic.

She couldn't help but ask curiously, "Yixue, when did you become a strategic-level magician?" Hearing

this, Mu Yixue said lightly: "Eleven years old." Hearing

this, Xu Qing was shocked.

Eleven years old....

Mu Yue and Mu Yixue met when the latter was eight years old.

Under the premise of not needing elven energy, Mu Yixue actually became a strategic-level magic envoy in only three years...

What kind of genius is this.

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