Mu Yue walked side by side with the original Ice God for a long time, until dusk approached, and the First Generation Ice God suddenly stopped.

"Your little girlfriend, after following for a few hours, isn't she tired?" The First Ice God asked curiously.

Hearing this, Mu Yue smiled and said, "That's why I like her so much."

Hearing this, the First Ice God muttered, "You really don't have him."

Then she shook her head and said, "Go and accompany her."

"What about you? Go back to Murong's house? "


The first Ice God shook his head and said, "There is no place for me in this era, I want to take a look at the world in a thousand years, and then leave." "


Mu Yue was slightly stunned, he looked at the side face of the first generation of ice gods, he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Perhaps the heart of the original ice god had died a long time ago.

After waiting for a thousand years, she was just looking for an answer.

Now, she has found the answer.

The original ice god turned around and prepared to leave.

Mu Yue also looked at her back.

But after walking for a while, Murong Xueyue stopped.

In front of her, Mu Yixue was looking at her lightly.

"It's you, I feel the breath of the Snow Moon Sword on your body."

Hearing this, Mu Yixue condensed the Snow Moon Sword and stretched out her hand, wanting to hand it over to the other party.

The latter shook his head and said, "Take it, it should be a small gift I left for his descendants." Subsequently

, Mu Yixue withdrew the Snow Moon Sword.

The next moment, in her other hand, the ice element began to gather, and a long knife was held by her in her hand, extremely sharp.

Snow Knives.

Seeing this, Murong Xueyue was stunned and said in surprise: "You want to say... Are you doing better than I do? "

Is this kid jealous? It's pretty cute.

"This knife, the name Xueyue." Mu Yixue said lightly.

"The moon of the snow moon?" The original Ice God thought that the other party was his fan.

"The more snow goes!"

Although it was the same thing, the first generation of ice gods could fully understand that what the other party said was not the same as himself.

Looking at Mu Yixue in front of her, Murong Xueyue seemed to see a more courageous self.

No wonder....

No wonder this girl in front of her can be with the descendants of that guy.

Maybe I lacked this initiative, so I missed him.

Looking at Mu Yixue's serious look, Murong Xueyue smiled slightly and said, "Little girl, do you think that someone is really narcissistic enough to use their own name to name the sword?"

Mu Yixue didn't understand.

But Murong Xueyue had already taken a step and was ready to cross Mu Yixue and leave here.

At the moment of the brush, Murong Xueyue muttered in a very small voice, "Xueyue Sword... It's also the more the snow..." Maybe

he didn't dare to express his feelings at the beginning and hid everything in his heart, so he chose to leave his side.

After he was betrayed, he did not want to believe all the Blue Star people... Including her.

But if the original self... With half the honesty of the girl just now, the situation may be different.

Perhaps, when he is the enemy of the world, he is willing to entrust his back to her, and in this lonely world for him, she can be his dependency....

But the past, has passed with the past, completely ....

In her life, she also lost her most important person forever in her timidity.

Leaving Sky City, Murong Xueyue was walking barefoot on the side of the street, looking very downcast.

"Is that how he felt?"


The huge world does not even have a typhoon shelter.

Although their Murong family has been passed down to the present and has become the five major families, she can't feel the slightest sense of intimacy for those clansmen who have been separated by an unknown number of generations.

Only the man named Murong Xian'er had a personality somewhat like his brother.

Suddenly, while walking, Murong Xueyue found that there was no one around.

She looked around and saw that the tall buildings that had just been there had disappeared.

Where is this... What happened?

Isn't she in the city below Sky City?

Why is it in the deserted woods?

Spatial ... Transfer?

The magic of space?

Murong Xueyue turned around suddenly.

Behind her, a man was silently watching her, bowed slightly, and said, "The original ice god." "

Space ... No, you are a pioneer. The

original ice god looked at her indifferently, and without saying a word, he wielded terrifying elemental power to attack Melte.

The next moment, Merte's figure disappeared.

At the same time, Murong Xueyue raised her head and saw that in the sky, a large mountain appeared out of thin air and pressed towards her.

Melter stood on the mountain and said expressionlessly: "The remnants of a thousand years ago should not appear now. Seeing

that the mountain range that covered the sky was slowly descending, Murong Xueyue sneered, "Pioneer... Sure enough, it has been passed down to this day. As

soon as the words fell, the mountain range fell to the ground.

In the mountain range, countless lava with extremely high temperatures began to flow, breaking through the top of the entire mountain range, turning it into a volcano and erupting in an instant.


The temperature plummeted, the lava was frozen, the volcano turned into a snowy mountain, Murong Xueyue flew out of the crater, her bare feet suspended in midair, and she looked at Merte in front of her.

"It's worthy of being the first Ice God Lord."

Ling Mu appeared in the other direction, he clapped his hands, and looked at Murong Xueyue with admiration.

At the same time, endless darkness hangs over here.

The fully embodied Asura stood under the black clouds and stared at Murong Xueyue.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Looking at Shura, Murong Xueyue showed a solemn expression.

The magic of space has been one of the twelve god generals throughout the ages.

You know, even in the strategic level, the twelve god generals are the top magicians.

And the complete Asura also looks very terrifying.

Facing the two at the same time, even Murong Xueyue had to take it seriously.

"It's not all..."

Ling Mu smiled and said interestingly: "The opponent is the original Ice God, one of the humans who hindered our pioneers a thousand years ago, and we have given us enough respect against you. "

In the volcano that had just been transferred by Meerte, the mountain surface began to crack.

A woman wrapped in flames appeared from the mountain and stared at Murong Xueyue indifferently.

Level five mutant, Gu Dongdong.

Facing three strategic-level existences at the same time, no one in history has been able to do this.

Murong Xueyue smiled lightly and said, "I shouldn't have existed in this era, but it was also a good thing to help his descendants before leaving."

"I was amazed that you took the initiative to deliver it to the door."

The terrifying ice element instantly turned the place into ice.

The original Ice God, and the three strategic-level existences, began to fight fiercely.

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