After leaving the mall, Mu Yue took Mu Yixue to a place.

A luxury villa.

To have such a luxury villa in Darreis City is very important.

A man appeared in front of Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

Shinichi Mizuhara, one of the only remaining Three Sword Saints on Sakura Island.

"Two, Lord Jingu has been waiting for a long time."

He turned around and led the two into the villa area.

In his own home, Chizuru Jingu did not wear a kimono, but a slim long skirt and an apron, just like a good wife and mother.

After Mu Yue and Mu Yixue entered the villa, the Divine Palace Qianhe had already prepared a few dishes.

Mu Yixue saw the beautiful food on the table, her eyes lit up, and she involuntarily walked into the kitchen.

She adores people who cook well, so every time she sees someone like this, she goes for advice.

Hades on the side was sitting on the couch, playing a game.

Such a scene, even Mu Yue was a little surprised.

What is their home life like?

Sure enough, human beings are completely two people in their own home and outside.

Mu Yue sat with Hades and asked, "What are you playing?" "


In the voice of Hades' mobile phone, several friendly exchanges of young people came.

Mu Yue was puzzled: "Aren't you angry?" "

What's the use of being angry, the provocation of a group of ants, I won't be angry."

Hades said lightly.

Subsequently, his game character died again.

The record shows that zero bar eleven bar one.

In the voice, there was a more intense communication sound.

"Sandcoin, you don't deserve to play games."

Hearing this, three black lines appeared on Hades' forehead.

But the other party did not stop communicating because of his patience, but scolded more and more fiercely.

In the end, Hades couldn't bear it anymore, he dropped his phone on the ground and said angrily: "I'm going to kill him!"

Mu Yue smiled and said, "Breath Fury, I'll take you to fly."

"Are you good at playing games?"

"Enlightened human-machine level."

Hades sat back down.

Double row, start.

In the kitchen, Mu Yixue changed into an apron with an expressionless face.

Seeing this, Jingu Chizuru was puzzled: "Are you here to help?" Then help me chop the garlic into minced garlic. Hearing

this, Mu Yixue picked up a garlic, squatted next to the trash can, and began to peel it.

The sound of stir-frying in the kitchen and two men playing games in the living room.

In the corner, Shui Yuan Shinichi looked at this scene and showed a warm expression.

The two stars got along so well, which he could not have imagined before.

If there were no polluting bodies in this world, if Lord Jingu was not the twelve god generals, maybe she would be happier.

This kind of life is what people are pursuing.

Soon, the table was full of meals.

The five people present sat around the table, but there were still two empty seats.

Shinichi Mizuhara was puzzled, "Lord Jingu, is there anyone else coming?" "

Twin witches."

Jingu Chizuru said lightly.

In the battle of Sakura Island, in the words of the twin witches, they saved themselves, so Jingu Chizuru has always regarded them as benefactors.

This time, Mu Yixue came as a guest, and even stayed for two days, which was specially invited by the Jingu Chizuru to repay the kindness on Cherry Blossom Island.

Even if they are double stars and opponents, but the kindness will always be reciprocated, and the Divine Palace Qianhe is also willing to become friends with Mu Yixue.

Soon, a pair of short-haired sisters walked in, one black-haired and one white-haired.

The two didn't say a word, and sat in their places like this.

Two demon king beasts, Black Qi and White Qi.

This large table of meals was quickly eaten.

Hei Qi Baiqi also left here.

"There are six rooms in the villa, and there are three empty rooms, you can find two by yourself." Jingu Chizuru said lightly.

"No, I can sleep with Yixue." Mu Yue said.

Hearing this, Jingu Chizuru's expression changed, revealing a surprised expression.

"Sleep... Sleep in one? She looked at Mu Yixue with a shocked face.


Mu Yixue also nodded.

In a strange place, she and Mu Yue have always slept in the same house.

But it's still early, and they're ready to go out and explore the city again.

Such as Naruto Temple and so on.

"I'll go with you, just in time to go to worship." Jingu Chizuru said.

She then went back to her room and changed into a kimono.

Jingu Chizuru looked at Mu Yixue and asked, "Yixue is so beautiful, do you want to experience the kimono?"

Mu Yixue did not speak, but looked at Mu Yue.

"Then give it a try."

Receiving Mu Yue's affirmation, Mu Yixue was taken into her room by the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes.

When she came out again, she was already wearing a blue kimono.

Mu Yue's eyes showed a stunning look.

Not only clothes, but also the Divine Palace Qianhe tied Mu Yixue's hair.

"Mr. Mu Yue, I'm sorry, I don't have a male kimono here." Jingu Chizuru said with a bow.

"It's okay, I don't wear a kimono."

Hades and Shinichi Mizuhara remained in the villa.

And the Divine Palace Qianhe took Mu Yixue and Mu Yue and got on the bus to the Ming God Temple.

"Unexpectedly, the twelve gods will travel by bus." Mu Yue said.

"Hmm..." By

the time the three arrived at the gate of Naruto Temple, it was already afternoon.

This is the famous ancient town, Narugami Town.

Narujin Temple is in the middle of town.

"Do you know the origin of Naruto Temple?"

Hearing the question of the Divine Palace Thousand Cranes, Mu Yue found the relevant information and said: "Eighteen hundred years ago, there was a witch family here, and it was rumored that they blessed the peace of one side and were the guardian saints of this area.

"However, the history of Darreis City is only a thousand years ago, and this town of Narugami was also built by the descendants of that witch family."

"That's right."

Jingu Chizuru nodded and said, "I am from that witch family, and I am also the mayor of this generation of Narugami Town. Hearing

this, Mu Yue was a little speechless: "You really have a lot of vests..."

Jingu Chizuru tilted his head and asked.

"Horse nails." Mu Yue began to talk nonsense.

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