Narugami Town.

People here have their own set of national costumes, which look a lot like kimonos, but the details are very different.

Seeing the Divine Palace Qianzuru walk in, an old man in the town smiled and said, "It's Little Qianhe, Lord Witch has been waiting for you in the temple for a long time."

Jingu Chizuru was puzzled, "Sister Witch is waiting for me?"

Then, she turned to Mu Yixue and said: "If the witch finds me, I'm afraid I have to go, you guys can take a look here casually, even if the scenic area is closed during opening hours, you are brought in by me, you can spend the night here."

Mu Yue asked, "Aren't you a witch, there is another witch here?" "

I am indeed a witch... But to become a witch is to stay in the temple forever and pray for the town of Narugami, so I reached a consensus with the witches of the previous generation, the so-called double witches. Jingu

Chizuru continued: "As long as she is alive, I can leave Naruto Town as a witch without being bound by Narugami Temple, and if something happens to her, I will take her place."

Hearing this, Mu Yue nodded and said again: "But if she has an accident, you will stay in the Ming God Temple."

"Indeed it is... But the witch is very powerful, she is also one of the twelve god generals, and she is only a few years older than me, how can something happen so easily. After

that, Jingu Chizuru left here.

Mu Yue fell into deep thought.

Another twelve god generals.

God of War, Winning Array, Space Magic.

Twin witches, witches, Jingu Chizuru.

Ge Ji, General Raiden, Murong Xian'er.

And the most mysterious black...

The highest combat power of the Heavenly Tower, just Mu Yue has encountered and heard of it, there are already ten.

There are only two left, and they have nothing to do with him at present, and they have not even heard of it.

"Yixue, let's go."


Mu Yixue habitually hugged Mu Yue's arm.

The architecture of Narugami Town is just like in ancient times, and there are a considerable number of flowers and trees here, which are different colors and beautiful and beautiful, which is pleasant to match the ancient architecture.

"The dusk and moonlight here are said to be among the best in the world."

Before coming here, Mu Yue also found a lot of scenery here.

Because it is an attraction, there are many streets and alleys selling various specialties and food.

A large number of cultures of Blue Star are gathered here, blending the characteristics of the five major countries.

Regarding this, Mu Yue is also ready to build some attractions on Sky City and Space City.

Currently under construction are Xuanwu Mountain in Xuanwu District, Qinglong Lake in Qinglong District, Suzaku Imperial City in Suzaku District, and White Tiger Great Wall in White Tiger District.

Four attractions with different characteristics will become extremely popular places in the future Sky City.

However, the scenery in front of him is also good, Mu Yue and Mu Yixue walking side by side on the street.

There are a sea of people here, if Mu Yixue did not hold Mu Yue's arm, she would soon be swept away by the sea of people.

Mu Yixue's gaze looked not far away, a girl wearing a kimono like herself was posing for a photo.

The girl is very beautiful, and in front of her, a handsome boy is holding up the camera and taking pictures of her.

Mu Yue followed his sister's gaze and looked at the little couple.

"Yixue, do you want to shoot too?"

Hearing this, Mu Yixue shook her head and said, "I want to shoot with my brother." Hearing

this, Mu Yue looked at his sister's pretty face.

The younger sister in a kimono is indeed beautiful.

But she could be more beautiful.

It is the largest city in the world and the headquarters of the League of Nations.

As a world-class company, Future Technology Company also has a branch here.

Mu Yue spoke to Sansan in Sky City and asked her to send two sets of clothes to the Future Technology Company branch of Darris.

The speed of Sansan is very fast, and the people in the company's branch are also very fast.

In half an hour, an employee ran over breathlessly and saw Mu Yue and Mu Yixue.

He wiped his sweat and cried, "Boss... Half an hour, twenty kilometers, do you know how I got here? "

Add money." Mu Yue said expressionlessly.

When the employee heard this, his spirit was shaken, and he suddenly felt that his waist was no longer sore, his legs were no longer painful, and the whole person seemed to be completely new.

"Boss, you said and laughed, it's only twenty kilometers, it's not worth mentioning, this is what I should do."

After the employee left, Mu Yixue looked curiously at the two packages he left on the ground and asked, "Brother, this is?"

"This is Huaxia's characteristic clothing."

"Clothes from my brother's hometown?"

Mu Yixue showed an expectant expression.

She knows what this is, the culture of Huaxia, and she has already memorized it when she was in the future science and technology city.


Compared to kimono, Hanfu is more beautiful and more dignified, and wearing it can even change a person's temperament.

"Yixue, this one is specially customized for you, go and try it."


The two casually walked into a clothing store and borrowed the fitting room inside.

Mu Yue changed in advance and sat on the stool in the store, waiting for his sister to come out.

People passing by around him were attracted by the clothes on him.

To be honest, the kimonos on their bodies have some similarities to Hanfu, but the two sets of clothes are completely different.

Mu Yue was wearing a black Hanfu with golden dragon embroidery on it, which looked amazing.

Even the owner of the clothing store came over and said seriously: "This gentleman, where did you buy this dress?" "

Do it yourself."

Hearing this, the owner of the clothing store was shocked: "I did it myself... It turned out to be so boutique, sir, can this set of clothes be sold to me... A thousand pieces... No, I am willing to give 10,000 pieces, plus the treasure of the town store in my store, and I will give you a cherry dress with a price of 70,000. "

Not for sale."

Mu Yue shook his head.

I'm a man, what's the use of asking you for a cherry dress.

The store manager shook his head helplessly.

Mu Yue looked at the time, Yi Xue had been in the fitting room for more than ten minutes, but she had not come out.

Mu Yue walked to the door of the fitting room and asked, "Yixue, haven't you dressed yet?" Only

listening to Mu Yixue's shy voice came, he said embarrassedly: "Brother... I don't know much about wearing it. Hearing

this, Mu Yue was stunned.

Yes, this kind of clothing is indeed a bit complicated to wear, and most people don't know how to wear it for the first time.

Mu Yue looked east and west, wanting to find a female clerk to go in and help.

The next moment, he suddenly realized... No one in the whole world will wear it except him.

Looking at the door of the fitting room, Mu Yue showed a thoughtful look.

Don't...... Do you want him to go in and help Yi Xue wear it?

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