God is above the sky.

The sphere, which covered almost half of the Shendu, turned into another color.


On the surface, like seawater, it is bottomless, and there seem to be some stars inside, like stars, shimmering with a faint light.

Even Mu Yue didn't know what was happening inside for a while.

His face finally showed an anxious look.

Mu Yue looked at the second ancestor Yishi and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yi, prepare for the star orbit strike." "

My sister's life and death are unknown, this is the first time in ten years that Mu Yue has experienced this situation.

It was also the most panicked time after he came to Blue Star, except for the time when he opened his eyes in the petri dish.

At the same time, he took out his scalpel and prepared to unravel the space compression device and release the White Tiger mech.

The main gun of the Suzaku battleship is also already accumulating, ready to directly penetrate the domain of the First Ancestor.

But all this has not yet begun.

The huge sphere next to it suddenly exploded like a balloon.

Two figures came out of it, and Mu Yixue, who had turned on the elf king mode, was shot away and fell out.

Seeing this, Mu Yue stopped the Star Orbit strike and the Suzaku battleship's instructions, and quickly ran to his sister to catch her in the air.

Ishi also came to the side of the First Ancestor, looking at the First Ancestor's appearance exuding the aura of the five elements, she was surprised: "Michael, that girl actually let you use all your strength?" "

The five phantom beasts merged into one, the first ancestor Michael, used all his strength to break through Mu Yixue's cosmic realm.

"That girl is terrifying, even those primordial ones from a thousand years ago are not as strong as her." Michael said.

"Can you give such an assessment, that is, even I am not necessarily her opponent."

Yi Shi looked in Mu Yixue's direction and showed a shocked face.

Mu Yixue lay in Mu Yue's arms and said obediently: "Brother, I know that those pictures are fake. Her

skirt was stained with some dust, but she didn't suffer any injuries.

Mu Yixue lifted the state of the Elf King, and said dejectedly: "I'm sorry brother, I didn't hit him."

"It's okay, you've done your best."

Mu Yue touched his sister's head.

Can the elf king who can deal with the God of War also deal with the First Ancestor?


Mu Yixue said lightly: "I just haven't hit him for the time being, it's not that I can't beat him."

"Okay, okay, I know, I'll do the rest."

Mu Yue comforted his sister.

Then, he raised the scalpel and looked indifferently at the first and second ancestors in the sky.

Behind him, a spatial crack appeared.

The white tiger mech revealed its figure from the inside, and then two sharp claws tore the spatial crack open, and it walked out from the inside.

Seeing this, the First Ancestor said: "This is the guy who beat you?


Ishi showed a somewhat angry look and said, "It's very similar to that guy a thousand years ago, but it's not as powerful as that guy a thousand years ago." Hearing

this, the First Ancestor looked at the White Tiger Mecha.

Suddenly, his face showed a painful look.

Izuki was surprised: "Are you injured?

Michael showed a weak expression.

His world realm was broken through by Mu Yixue with the cosmic realm.

And he also used all his strength to break through the universe realm, and now the five element powers in his body are in a state of exhaustion.

"That girl, in addition to elven energy, has other more terrifying powers."

The First Ancestor said in a deep voice.

"More terrifying power?" Ishi looked puzzled.

The First Ancestor shook his head.

There is no point in saying this to this idiot of Issei.

Relying on elven energy alone, it is impossible for him to suffer so much.

Elf energy is not Mu Yixue's biggest hole card... Her own power was perhaps even more terrifying than that perfect elven energy.

"Let's go."

The First Ancestor wanted to get out of here.

But Mu Yue was not ready to give him this opportunity.

The white tiger mech is holding a laser sniper rifle, and the front sight is already aimed at the first ancestor.

At the same time, the seven floating swords split by the Xuanyuan Sword formed a circular sword formation in front of the White Tiger Mecha's laser gun.

This sword array can amplify the power of the laser to fifty times the original.

The laser power of the White Tiger Mech has been charged.

Then Mu Yue pulled the trigger.

Lasers poured out from the laser gun, and after breaking through the Xuanyuan Sword Array, the power was amplified by a full fifty times.

Seeing this, Ish's contaminated body shell blocked in front of the First Ancestor.

Her flesh and blood are the most resistant to the ancestor, so she will block the front of the first ancestor and want to resist this laser.

But she apparently underestimated the White Tiger Mech's laser gun.

The high heat instantly penetrated her body, and even injured her body.

Issei's body was split in two, and the high heat of the laser also burned her origin core.

Severe pain gushed out of Issy's body, and her upper body was stuck in a contaminated shell.

Ishi covered his body and let out a cry of pain.

Hearing this voice, the First Ancestor said in disgust: "What a fool, no wonder you are sealed by humans." He

carried the upper half of Issei's body and left the place.

The First Ancestor wanted to leave, and the whole world, even the enchantment could not stop him.

Mu Yue wanted to strike again, but in the monitoring of the Qinglong satellite, the envoy demon had already come to this vicinity.

To deal with the envoy demon, Mu Yue was not prepared to fight with her alone, but found an opportunity to bombard her indiscriminately, and needed to make some preparations.

"Yixue, let's go first."

Mu Yixue is now unharmed, and Mu Yue is also ready to leave here.

In this battle, he learned the horror of the strength of the First Ancestor.

At the same time, the world loses the magic of space.

In addition, the city of Shendu was also bombarded by satellite energy cannons, and some places were turned into ruins,


Mu Yixue whispered: "Give me some more time, I can beat the First Ancestor."

"I know, Ixue is the strongest."

Mu Yue smiled and said gently: "But you are also tired, let's go back to rest first, right?"

He grabbed Mu Yixue's hand.

The latter blushed and nodded gently.


Devil's Manor.

Michael returned here carrying half of Issei's body.

Not far away, Hades who had just arrived here smiled and said, "Look at your expression, did you suffer a loss in the hands of that girl?" The

First Ancestor did not speak, and he threw the Yi Shi in his hand.

An old man appeared and quickly caught half of Isshi's body.

The One-Eyed Scoundrel ....

Then, the insect came out of the house, her dull hair swaying from side to side, and said: "Michael, I am very dissatisfied with your performance this time, you..."

Before the words were finished, the first ancestor Michael fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this, Hades came over curiously.

He checked the other party's body and gloated with a smile: "The origin core is about to be frozen into ice, it's really thanks to you that you can pretend to be like a nobody." "

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