
Somewhere small.

Since the Kingdom of the Gods occupied this place, the tax burden of the empire has increased, and the people of the Kingdom of the Gods have come here to oppress and be lawless.

Emperor Luo Changsheng fought for the greatest living conditions for the empire, allowing the people at the lowest level to survive every day.

However, the strength of the empire is deteriorating day by day, the border is deeply violated by contaminated bodies, and the imperial soldiers and magic envoys resist desperately, without receiving any assistance from the kingdom of the gods.

After the fall of the border, a large number of refugees began to move towards the interior of the empire, and the number of victims throughout the empire increased every day.

And this town is a place that has been occupied by contaminated bodies.

Most of the pollutants are attracted by the more blood food in the interior of the empire, chasing the refugees and continuing to attack cities deeper in the empire.

The amount of contaminated bodies left here is very small.

This also gives some lucky people here a chance to survive.

Some of the people who were hiding began to come out, looking at the place where they lived, revealing a dazed expression.

They don't understand what they live in such a world for.

At this time, a low-level pollutant appeared, quickly pounced, and swallowed all these people.

Although there are survivors, not all the pollutants have left, and there are still some low-level pollutants still lingering here.

In the trash can in the corner, a girl who looked to be only thirteen or fourteen years old shivered and hid inside.

She's been here for three days.

For three days, she could only eat the dirt in the garbage can, and she did not even dare to show her head.

She didn't know how many times she vomited in this, and even wanted to cut herself at one point.

But the desire to survive kept her alive.

Around her neck, she wears a golden key.

She is Lin Rui.

Last time she went to the battlefield of Sakura Island, she saw Shen Tianyi, and then in order to save Shen Tianyi, she was kicked by Shura.

Then Sakura Island was shrouded in miasma of the demon king, where she didn't know anyone, didn't get through the phone, didn't have much money, and went into exile for a long time.

Later, the miasma disappeared, and she got on a cruise ship to the empire in dismay.

Because this golden key belongs to the little brother.

She was the little brother she met in the empire.

Now that she found that this key could withstand strategic attacks, she also knew the importance of this thing, and wanted to come to the town of the little brother and return the key to the other party.

But here... It was different from what she had imagined.

The day after she arrived, the whole town was overrun by contaminated bodies, and she hid in a trash can, but fortunately survived.

Lin Rui hugged her dirty legs, and her eyes were already crying red.

She has always been very timid, but at that time, she didn't know why, and she dared to hold Shura's leg.

Now in this scene, she is an ordinary person, she can only stay here and wait for death.

Her mobile phone has long been dead, and this is the empire, a subordinate country of the kingdom of the gods, and there will be no support at all.

Despair enveloped her, and she clutched her mobile phone in one hand and the golden key in the other, not even daring to cry.

Although she knew that it was useless to cry at this time.

But she couldn't do anything but cry.

Listening to another scream from outside, her strength in holding her legs became a little greater, and her whole body was trembling.

Low-level pollutants passed by the side of the trash can, making heavy footsteps.

But the next moment, the sound disappeared.

Lin Rui began to get nervous.

Why did the sound disappear?

Could it be that it found itself and was staring at itself outside the trash can?

It's over.

To die, to die.

I, Lin Rui, just want to be a teacher, do good deeds and accumulate virtue all my life, but I died in the garbage can, too humiliated.

Thinking of this, Lin Rui made up his mind and decided to die with dignity.

She stood up, her head flew over the lid of the trash can, and shouted: "I fought with you!" "

But the imaginary scenario didn't come out.

A pollutant in the form of a tiger is flying in the sky.

Well? Why do tigers fly?

The pollutant seemed to be controlled by some force, fell from the sky, fell to the ground, and then turned into ashes.


Lin Rui raised his head in confusion and found that all the pollutants in this town had flown into the air, and then they were smashed down by some force.

"This is ... Gravitational elements?

Lin Rui was well-informed and immediately guessed what this force was.

Luo Ying floats in mid-air, wiping out all the pollutants in the town.

Her face showed an angry look.

The empire was treated like this by the kingdom of the gods?

The inhabitants of the border were better off alive than dead, but they retreated without a fight, allowing the elite forces of the empire to concentrate in the imperial capital.

Luo Ying returned to the ground, Zhuang Yan stood next to her, and said heavily: "Sakura, almost all the nearby cities are occupied by polluted bodies, but there are no pollutants above the third level, they are all some low-level insects. "

The number of dead and wounded ... Hard to estimate. Hearing

this, Luo Ying sighed helplessly.

This era is destined to be a war era, and the number of sacrifices is probably greater than the war of a thousand years ago.

But the immediate sacrifice is simply unnecessary.

In order to preserve its power, the kingdom of the gods retreated without a fight and surrendered the borders of the empire.

"It's been half a year since the fall of the empire."

Luo Ying shook his head and said: "Let's go, the SE organization has begun to prepare to start a new war, and the magic of space makes death, this is an opportunity for us." "


The two turned around and found that not far behind them, a dirty little girl was watching them.

Luo Ying walked over and asked, "Little friend?" Do you have something going on?

Then, she took out some money from her pocket, handed it to Lin Rui, and said: "The contaminated body here has been cleaned up, you go to other cities."

Lin Rui looked at her blankly.

Suddenly, she slapped her fist on her chest and suddenly said, "I know, you look like Luo Cheng."

Hearing this, Luo Ying was surprised: "You know oranges?

"Yes, she's a friend of my students."

"Your student?"

Luo Ying and Zhuang Yan looked at each other, revealing a strong look of doubt.

But since the other party knew Orange, Luo Ying also left with Lin Rui.

Needless to say, this little girl really stinks, did she get out of the trash?

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