The magic of space made the battle die.

News came out from the Kingdom of the Gods that Sky City and the First Ancestor were fighting fiercely in the sky above the God Capital, and the victory or defeat was unknown.

But the magic of space caused Merte to die at the hands of the First Ancestor.

The moment the news was announced, the world was shocked.

Because ordinary people simply don't know that among the twelve god generals, there is a spatial magician.

Space, this ability is too buggy, right?

However, why was such a bug ability killed by the First Ancestor?

For specific details, God has someone to shoot a video.

I saw that Merte was motionless, at the mercy of others, and the first ancestor killed him as soon as he appeared, just like killing an ordinary person.

If it weren't for the fact that there were many witnesses, others would have thought the video was p.

The twelve gods will not be able to defeat the first ancestor, this is understandable.

But to be defeated so easily is an exaggeration.

In the secret room on the highest floor of the Sky Tower.

The death of Meert dealt a heavy blow to the entire Sky Tower.

But the biggest headache is the five major families.

Their entry and exit completely rely on the teleportation nodes of space magic, and now Mert is only in his early thirties, at his peak, and there is no such thing as a successor.

He died too suddenly, and even if another magician with spatial qualifications appeared, there would be no time to cultivate.

Looking at the voice call on the screen in front of him, Jiang Haoxuan said: "The space is dead. "


The head of the Sikong family snorted coldly and said, "Why did Melte appear in the Divine Capital? Did you order him over?

"I don't know."

Jiang Haoxuan smiled.

Mert is a magic envoy cultivated by the five major families, and in the Tower of Heaven, he can also monitor Jiang Haoxuan's every move.

However, he is also a member of the pioneer organization, which can be regarded as a two-faced undercover agent.

But both sides were monitoring Jiang Haoxuan, and he, the Lord of the Heavenly Pagoda, was a puppet that could be controlled at will in the eyes of these people.

So Melte's death, for Jiang Haoxuan, Bai Li is harmless.

"Jiang Haoxuan."

Chi Family Master Chi Enci frowned and said, "If you continue to engage in small actions, we don't mind removing you, the Heavenly Tower Lord." "

Oh? Is it. Jiang

Haoxuan changed his normal attitude and treated the five major families at this time, without any fear.

Looking at Chi Enci's computer, he showed a smiling expression and said, "Without Meert, you have lost control of my intermediary, how can you remove me, the supreme power holder of the League of Nations?" Hearing

this, none of the four computers made a sound.

The head of the Mo family, like the Murong family, is a woman.

She said, "We're sure we can't do anything to you, but how much power can you control from the Tower of Heaven?"

"As soon as Merte dies, I will be born, and why the five major families can be above the five major powers, the world will soon know."

The five major families used to use Merte to make Jiang Haoxuan dare not resist.

But the loss of Merte also means that the connection between the Tower of Heaven and the five major families has been completely severed.

Unless the soldiers of the five major families come to the city and overthrow the Heavenly Tower, Jiang Haoxuan, the Lord of the Heavenly Tower, is the supreme power on the surface.

But they can't overthrow the Tower of Heaven, doing so will only make the five major families notorious, and now that the major forces in the world are watching, they are even less likely to start a world war.

Finally, Jiang Haoxuan looked in the direction of the Murong family and asked, "Mrs. Yueji, this may be our last call, why didn't you say a word?" Hearing

this, Murong Yueji said softly: "The world form has nothing to do with my Murong family.

"The Murong family will continue to hide from the world."

Murong Yueji hung up the phone.

The other three patriarchs and Jiang Haoxuan all showed strange expressions.

Continue to escape?

That is to say, after they lost the space teleportation point of Melte, they still refused to contact the outside world, and became a group of retreat natives.

Recently, something seems to have happened to the Murong family, Murong Yueji has changed a lot, and compared with before, she seems to have lost her once sharp personality.

The Murong family... Murong Yueji doesn't seem to be the family speaker anymore.


Murong family.

Looking at the girl in front of her, Murong Yueji said with some hesitation: "First generation, do we really want to do this?" "

In the position of the head of the family, Murong Xueyue's petite body sits on it.

From the level of figure, Murong Yueji was several levels higher than her, and sitting in this seat, she seemed to be like a child.

At this time, she glanced at Murong Yueji and said lightly: "Short-sighted, you don't know what the real crisis is for Lanxing.

Murong Yueji was speechless.

A lot of Blue Star's history has been faulted, and they really don't know anything.

Nan Nan was sitting next to Murong Yueji and drinking tea.

Murong Yueji glanced at the girl and said suspiciously: "First generation, who is this?"

"The witch of time."

Murong Xueyue did not hide it.

Although Murong Yueji was extremely conservative, she regarded the family as extremely important.

As long as family interests are involved, she can sacrifice anything.

Because of this, in the face of the ancestor, she would be extremely respectful, and no matter what excessive request Murong Xueyue made, she would unconditionally carry it out.

Therefore, although she is not worthy to be a family head, to some extent, she is the most trustworthy person in the entire Murong family.

Opposite Murong Yueji, there were two more terrifying existences sitting.

The fifth ancestor, the monk and demon.

The eighth ancestor, Qi Tian.

However, the posture of these two at this time is a little strange.

This monk and demon looked like a frog, and at this time he was very dignified in his seat, with a kind face, and looked harmless to humans and animals.

But Murong Yueji did not dare to approach him.

The fifth ancestor monk was a terrible executioner thousands of years ago, and in terms of the number of killings, he was second only to the three major disasters in the top ten ancestors.

And the other Qi Tian is even more outrageous.

At this point he sat cross-legged in his chair, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks, like a monkey.

This is one of the three real disasters.

If Qi Tian is in the Murong family, all the magic envoys of this family will probably not help.

Even if it is Xian'er, it is not necessarily this guy's opponent.

Why, these two guys came back with the original generation?

An ancestor, a tribulation, and a thousand years ago, have become legendary time witches.

Coupled with Murong Xueyue, who was known as the strongest magic envoy a thousand years ago...

Are these four thousand years ago the existence meeting here?

"Hey, you little girl, say yes to find a master for me, if you dare to break your word, I will eat you all one by one." Qi Tian scratched his nostrils and said.

Hearing this, Murong Xueyue did not speak, and the monk and demon next to him smiled and said: "Don't be impatient, the witch who has time is here, it's just a matter of time before you see that one." "

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